Photo Of my Cannabis plants plus some Flowers and Plants on the walk to Balboa Park, San Diego, CA + Steemit Optimism $4 by November + San Diego Steemit Club Part 1

in #cannabis8 years ago

Here are a few photos of my Flowering Cannabis plants outdoor in the san diego, ca sun. Got these plants as rooted clones from Harbor Collective SD, so I also have to introduce my friend from Harbor Collective SD @jacobfarmos and I'll promote him more after he makes some long intro posts and maybe reps harbor Collective on the Page

Some of the 707 Headband flowering nicely (Wish I had larger pots and will have larger deeper planter boxes for sun flowering next time!)

more of the 707headband nugs

sorry for the blue but These two are the THC Bomb (very sativa like)

Here's a green crack Nug

Ahh and the Chemdawg 4 is looking good I need to give it some 5-1-1 organic fish juice fertilizer and I think it could use it! It's still doing well and will stretch out a lot now!

Now on my walk to balboa park a lot of tropical type plant are flowering! This one i think is from hawaioi maybe? or the pacific? maybe?

Maaan it's really cool to have such amazing biodiversity here like a botanical zoo! It's really cool that people like to collect pl;ants here in the desert! It's very anunnaki ENgineer level thinking, wanting to reshape the desert and make it a paradise! like we have this urge to create bio-domes of tropical plants in a Desert environment just using technology! like practicing for terraforming mars!

The Goldem Mean fibonaci (fib or no chi ) Phi 1.618 spiral is embedded withion allof these flowers! I hope we can find a way to have root based 1.414 spiral lif forms one day!

Walking to Balboa Park on 4th ave had to take photos of all the diversity of trees and plants

And here on the street they are measuring how many cars go by with some piece of road tech, that cable measures ho many cars go by, and see all the freakin markings? Its like an alien road engineer language! They definitely need a Blockchain for keeping track of all the work done on roads and knowing what is actually underneath! Off Chain road modifications will be suspect.

I like how right when I took the picture a porsche drove by! So much money here! I should be doing more to promote steemit and bitcoin and I should get a massive solar company to start mining bitcoins using all that extra electricity!!! So many people here could invest in Steemit and use it to organize all of their Bitcoin friends!

I had to get this shot of the sunset down the street, orange mode, Golden hour or Magic hour in film industry lingo

On the walk to Balboa Park, this tree was pretty big, youll see that I start taking photos of Big Trees and because people start watering them, Trees here can just get massive from the year round sun and lack of freezing temperatures!

Got some Prehistoric looking palm trees!

These plants looked very exotic ad were Pink and Purple, maybe bred for these qualities? Maybe just from some tropical environment? Amazing that this planet just produces natural pieces of Art like this, for what evolutionary reason is there for a flower to create such artistic amazing flowers like this???

Another crazy bright pink/purple flower,

I get used to these things here in Southern California but they deserve to be venerated, and we should protect them with rock gardens and constant water features, with a fie lantern, all gardens should have standards, people should be allowed to make the sidewalk like a japanese tea garden! I want all the public areas to just be amazing little gardens!

Another crazy plant that seems like its from the Jurassic Period! I swear some of these plants actually are a very ancient hundred million year old family of p;ants that looks exactly the same so they are like a very efficient form! The shrimp is also a very efficient type of form of life on this planet! We have to have respect for very efficient life forms, they are true zen robots of biology reaching balance of form and function in their physical bodies. The Human form however has the most potential on this planet as we can all see. So dont envy the Shrimp anytime soon.

Another shot of that Purple and pink plant, Im wondering how this happens in nature, its very mysterious, so much time has gone by on this planet, this flower is incredible its so crazy that this thing is alive! Amazing that a plant just creates this almost as if it knows that an impressive flower will ensure humans will keep it alive! just the THC allows cannabis to stay alive and grown by humans forever hah

And this one looks tropical with white flowers

more prehistoric Palm Trees

Ok I realize this is a lot of photos for one post so i will make a part 2 now to keep things concise!

Anyway just keep posting and dont give up on steemit, its SO small right now, you have no idea how popular steemit will become once a few more features are added...its going to be be sooo popular! a it becomes popular it becomes more useful! as everyone uses it it will become valuable! steempower is going to be so useful once steemit is more like Instagram and seen as just a great side hustle and many peoples Main hustles! It already is useful with only like 30k active users per day imagine when we have millions of active users and steemit is more like reddit with reddits 200+ million users, or instagram with 1 billion users, it wont be like how it is now! Steemit is SMALL so just take advantage of that! I can't believe people actually think it will stay like this wont be small for long! Steemit will be very different when we have more users, it will be easy to just sit on steemit all day the way people stay on reddit all day! Steemit WILL become entertaining for sure, may not be as entertaining right now but right now is more about building the technology! We have shown how we can sustain the price of steem with just our current quarter million i think $10 steem even $50 steem is not unthinkable! Sounds realistic to me! I see $4 by November at LEAST acording to a line of best fit on this chart! Steemprice looks good to me!

Thanks for reading and Thanks to @tytran for the Steemit T shirt and Steemit Hat with custom @ackza lettering across the front! And if you are in San Diego comment below to join my San Diego Steemit Club. Even if you're not in San Diego feel free to reach out, I have a growing network of people and Steemit is where I like to organize everyone so we can at least make money off of networking! i should start making specific San Diego Steemit posts HOWEVER we will SOOn have customizable Sub Communities soon, a huge steemit front end upgrade, steemit app coming too, and soon we will have a sub communities feature just like subreddit! That feature is coming, it will all about making your own communities no! So if you have a favorite TV show or a favorite video game now you can get specific with your memes and get PAID to make memes and hangout wage meme wars etc and I know about this steemit news by hanging out . This is @fyrstikken 's steemspeak Discord Voice Chat server, the largest Steemit community outside of steemit! its 24/7 voicechat via Discord but eventually of course it will be more like what the new MangoSteem is trying to become, which is made by @mynameisbrian where you can actually upvote chat messages and get paid to chat

If you have questions about bitcoin steemit crypto or making money mining or marketing, feel free to email me [email protected] or text/call me (619) 302 0398 and....

Follow @Ackza


Whats up bud, local San Diegan from north county, definitely down for a San Diego steem meetup

hell yeah man! heres 25 cents! now u can say u made a quarter for commentig on my posts! yeah man talk to @tytran @silverbit @higomex and we will have a great steemit san diego guild curation club where we curate each others high quality san diego relatd pots!

text me if you want advice on steemit (619) 302 0398
we can get a LOT of san diegans on steemit since Bitcoin seems to be very popular here because all money making hustles are popular here!

But yeah we have a great niche to fill! San Diego and crypto are made for each other and social media + san diego = profit! we have all these amazing beaches to make videos from! And there has always been a huge gap between online and local stuf, we do have things like Tinder and the Nextdoor app that KIND of fill that gap, but having some sort of steemit local community would be very helpful. I imagine we will get our chance when steemit has its new feature with the next hardfork, we will have this new "communities" feature that wil be like reddit and its subreddit features so just like how i created a subreddit fior Santacruz at then we willbe able to make sub steemits for san diego as well just like thre is a we will get to make one for steemit and it will be awesome
right now we do have #sandiego or and i will try to sstart recruiting san diego steemit users this way!

 8 years ago  Reveal Comment

When we lived in Orlando we had those flowers in our backyard - frangipani plumeria. Really cool seed pods, too. Didn't know they featured the fibonacci spiral, tho! Cool!

Nice to know they are in florida too i wonder where they are native to, maybe they are natuve to north america?

But yeah all life here on earth has fibonacci golden mean spirals encoded within it! Literally everything!

Beautiful photos !

Upvoted by Cannabis Curation Team, the transientflowers cannabis curation project!

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Helping to build a strong cannabis community on Steemit!

Last Update: Cannabis Curation Project

thats awesome! good job curating u can amke a lot of money curating! if u foudn a way to curate ALL the good #cannabis posts could make a lot of money!

i should create or help a cannabis curation guild!

yes I agree about the guild, I m working on that =]Thanks for comment @ackza you are welcome

youre doing great job wow

This post has been blessed with a 5.08 % upvote from @cannabiscurator Plugged in by @netgodbeerus I can Help You Pay It Forward and Steem your fellow Steemian back. Simply Transfer 0.420 to @cannabiscurator and the 420 Steemit Link you want Blessed with a Upvote in the Memo.

PS. Steemian Stoner Squad Please Upvote This Comment To Help Me Grow our Cannabis community on Steemit.


Peace in Blunts Fam

I sure woul like some of them buds. If I give u my address would you ship me some please

enjoyed your post. You probably already know after 7 days you cannot edit your post.... better keep that phone number Lol..someone else will be getting your calls..

I know, its fine, i will be keeping the numbr, i hve had this nuymber for many yers dont plan on changing it,

and u can install anti spam apps to stop any potential spam
ive had it open and public for a while, i can always get anumber number, the way i see it, if u are serious u should be open to everyone who migt wanna talk to u, even if there are 7 billiopn humans, im not popular enough to get that flooded by cals! and i have only met good people via steemit or crypto

Theres so much money for everyone that it tends to make peopel rpetty nice and generous in thsi world!

and I asee so much potential with a lot of young peopel who wanna make money but dont know how, peopel who are godo at ocial mida, peopl woith popular instagram accounts all need to be on steemit!