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RE: Photo Of my Cannabis plants plus some Flowers and Plants on the walk to Balboa Park, San Diego, CA + Steemit Optimism $4 by November + San Diego Steemit Club Part 1

in #cannabis8 years ago

I know, its fine, i will be keeping the numbr, i hve had this nuymber for many yers dont plan on changing it,

and u can install anti spam apps to stop any potential spam
ive had it open and public for a while, i can always get anumber number, the way i see it, if u are serious u should be open to everyone who migt wanna talk to u, even if there are 7 billiopn humans, im not popular enough to get that flooded by cals! and i have only met good people via steemit or crypto

Theres so much money for everyone that it tends to make peopel rpetty nice and generous in thsi world!

and I asee so much potential with a lot of young peopel who wanna make money but dont know how, peopel who are godo at ocial mida, peopl woith popular instagram accounts all need to be on steemit!