Am I an addict? My history smoking.

in #cannabis9 years ago (edited)

I like weed, I would lie if I'd say otherwise, but let's start from the beginning.
I was 14 years old with a couple of friends and ended up smoking hash I was surprised that it had a nice taste, my expectations were on a gross sensation.

That was the first time I smoked but it was very little since we had a half small sized paper for the three of us.

Not a day or two after we started raising money together to buy and smoke, after a while it started becoming more and more and I was spending half of the time I was high thinking about how bad it may be, also realized that I probably should change friends, they weren't trustworthy so I avoided them but... a year passed with them smoking weed and done nothing, pissed away a year I could of spent studying.

As I found friends that I feelt safe with I started smoking, a little, a little more and I was already most of the days on it. Was just waiting to finish school so I can get out and get to my bud smoke again , he eventually stopped smoking that year but we were a group by then and another few smoked too.(Note: Till the age of 19 when I started smoking over 3 a day by myself the high I had was way more magical and satisfactory than now.).

And I became 16 years old, been two years smoking, very supportive with the cause even if had since always my little paranoia about it, now I was one of the big guys, could get in/out of school whenever I wanted. Started to know a lot of people and at least 1/3 of the class were smoking too, I was doing what I like and it was my last chance to get my studies done which of course I failed because not being able to focus properly and getting high between classes and such (Just lazy for anything I could say).

And well another year pissed away but atleast now I had no school or real plan for the, my dreams were getting drunk as often as possible and do as many things as possible while being high I became 18 already, the last two years flied and well as I said, atleast now I can do hookers and buy alcohol legally.

About half year after my 18th birthday I moved into a different city I started searching for a job and such but it was hard because there is nothing that I know to do. Atleast I was willing to learn any kind of job and whatever I found I never said no.(Not only weed but the faith in crypto and projects motivates me to make money).

Passed the next two and a half years (By then 21) hopping from job to job doing whatever was need in order to get myself an income and high, luckily I rented from a familiar so the months I couldn't afford it I was able to just skip that month, rent was first thing to pay and what I had left always went on weed and food but a bunch of times I've choosen weed over food (Still had food to eat but privated myself of abundance in many aspects).

All I did achieve these years was smoking pot and become excesively lazy while home, atleast I discovered cryptocurrencies by then. I still like weed even now a days but I'm still skeptical about affirming it's going to heal you or that it does nothing to your brain atleast at short term I cannot blame it for my fails but I don't consider it helped either.
Also, I'm completly pro-marihuana but many joints a day won't be as enjoyable as less often and will probably slow your mind for a while, haven't really tested what is to stop for a year but I'm really pondering that possibility, it feels too much time being high, it's hard to explain, I'm high even now.

I also think that if stoners remembered their ideas they would be rich, it can be good, very good for creativity and to get that sparkle of different thinking for your idea or bussiness.
It was/is a lot of feelings percieved differently and it may have benefits but it's 1/3 of my life that I spent with thc in my organism and I'm not sure where it's leading and which is the purpose becoming.



I thought weed was not addictive

Here's the thing: strains matter. They matter a lot. Time of day matters too.
If I need to sleep, I take a very sedative Indica with a THC % higher than 20%. (This puts you into couch-lock really quick if you take it during the day and would not be something I would ingested if I had to get a lot of stuff done.)
If I need pain relief during the day or need to elevate my mood or energy level, I would take an energizing Sativa or a hybrid with Sativa dominance that has a very high CBD content. These strains generally produce no psychoactive effect. They are great for daytime or any time you may need a little help, but don't wish to have a "head high".
I think customization is the key.

I have read, (in many articles and papers on the topic of cannabis addiction), that 9% of all cannabis users develop an addiction.

The 9% you'll find have reasons they're using cannabis. They're not 'addicted' they're pursuing relief.

"Addiction" information is changing. There are no 'Addictive Personalities,' there are only people seeking relief for their issues. The problem is there are a variety of issues people are relieving with cannabis, when they're not aware of the issue themselves.

I completely agree. I have never met a cannabis user who isn't using it medically. Even the people who report using it for recreation are treating an endocannabinoid deficiency and will list all the direct positive effects they notice, when asked what the herb does for them. Statistically 9% is cited but I think that % is still not accurate and is higher than it should be, if it even exists at all.

You can have two types of addictions but eitherway I'm not sure I am an addict, I simply like to do it besides the consecuences, whichever they are.

Take time for self reflection. Broaden your awareness about yourself and you'll find issues cannabis is alleviating for you. When you have zero issues, your use drops to 'social' levels, rare occasions.

(Edit: I have autism and physical pain, so use it constantly)

Cannabis effects every cell in the body and there are strong arguments which point toward ALL cannabis use being medicinal. :)

I'm not saying cannabis doesn't make me feel better about stuff, I enjoy it a lot.

I think it depends mostly on the availability of it. Since I started growing it I smoke it everyday.

Look for functional strains of cannabis.
AC/DC, Sour Tsunami, Canna-Tsu and others. No memory issues, no fogged brain, just good cannabis and improved you.

Even if cannabis is being used recreationally, it is a super-food and a medicine. Most people who use it have some level of endocannabinoid system deficiency. When we ingest it, we are correcting the deficiency with the canabinoids contained within the buds of the plant. These can be smoked, vaped, eaten or applied topically in the form of a salve.


You Need to Get Educated

Cannabis information has come a long way and what rebeccaryan posted is correct. What she's talking about are not 'claims,' they're called facts.

Look them up, it's a whole new world out there. :)

Lol, look I like weed, I promote weed but your claims have no fundaments.

Great story@andu My answer is no in addition it is natures healer if its made in a plant dont eat it if it is a plant eat it. For some it is our savior through life's long and winding road. In conclusion as a long ago drinker & smoker two roads reach a point the one you are reaching as my time was about 15 years ago and completely stopped drinking the devils drink the rest is history up in smoke. All the best

You realize to be addicted to something when kicking the habit becomes a problem for you. If it's not a problem atm (you don't have to quit or something), why are you worring? Have you ever asked yourself if you should stop drinking beer for a whole year? Probably not. The guilt you are feeling is just, imo, because cannabis is not 100% socially accepted.

Well, let's just say that even even if I shouldn't be able to do it so often financially I still manage to do it, not lately but for a while used to smoke even at work and hide it with clear eyes.


my findings on this issue are as follows:
Once a week. Not more, possibly less.

Herb is freaking great, once a week.

Also, maybe you wrote this post feeling shitty? You describe these years as pissed away, yet from what I know of you you're one of the leaders in the internet's hottest up-and coming community, so there's that.

If you're bored, which no human ever should be, learn to code. :)

I agree with the once a week, when using recreational strains of cannabis. They can be quite debilitating.

I use functional cannabis, since I only smoke cannabis when I'm awake. I have mass medical needs. After 30+ years of being high all day, having the relief from cannabis, without the high, is awesome. :)

Maybe a bit, since I discovered cryptos things changed a bit, I have goals and such, funny that I cannot say I spent bad times stoned just that feels a bit exhausting to be high all time like keeping me down specially lately. Lol that thing about coming community made my day, thank you for your support.
Regarding coding, I tried few times but I get really skeptical about my capability so I quit pretty fast after starting to research and learn, I truly hope eventually I get to try myself on it.