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RE: Am I an addict? My history smoking.

in #cannabis9 years ago (edited)


my findings on this issue are as follows:
Once a week. Not more, possibly less.

Herb is freaking great, once a week.

Also, maybe you wrote this post feeling shitty? You describe these years as pissed away, yet from what I know of you you're one of the leaders in the internet's hottest up-and coming community, so there's that.

If you're bored, which no human ever should be, learn to code. :)


I agree with the once a week, when using recreational strains of cannabis. They can be quite debilitating.

I use functional cannabis, since I only smoke cannabis when I'm awake. I have mass medical needs. After 30+ years of being high all day, having the relief from cannabis, without the high, is awesome. :)

Maybe a bit, since I discovered cryptos things changed a bit, I have goals and such, funny that I cannot say I spent bad times stoned just that feels a bit exhausting to be high all time like keeping me down specially lately. Lol that thing about coming community made my day, thank you for your support.
Regarding coding, I tried few times but I get really skeptical about my capability so I quit pretty fast after starting to research and learn, I truly hope eventually I get to try myself on it.