Now on to the Recap!
Welcome a new Steemian to the platform, @cannacannacanna! Come give some love from the cannabis community to his intro post. |
Looks like Santa's elves have been busy in the kitchen this season. An excellent gift received by @runridefly and @luvbnamome is the feature of this post. |
Some deep thoughts to help us gain some perspective with the impact we can make. Brought to you by @psyceratopsb. |
@borofreak is opening an online shop to sell some of his glass. Check it out and spread the good word about his glass for crypto program. |
This weeks Legalization news brought to you by @Jackdub, host of the Thursday Seshjuan on the Canna-Curate discord. Check it out Thursdays @ 7PM EST. |
@steemituplife dreams up some purple magic bud in this short and sweet post. |
@psyceratopsb has complied some information on the effectiveness of medicinal cannabis in cancer patients. All information has been gathered from medical trial. |
Just a quick pic here from @myke420 of their Lemon Cheese crossed with Larry OG's Citrus Paki. |
A few beauty nugs are the feature of this post by @burntmd. |
Two in a row for @burntmd, this post is a testimonial from a Veterinarian of the power of CBD oil. |
@Drutter is at it again protesting for the rights of cannabis users. This time its at the 420 Christmas/Solstice Midwinter Market in Vancouver, BC. |
@Sloe takes us on an adventure high up in the Mendo hills to check out this Notherrn California Cannabis farm. |
Part 1 in a series of post's by @phusionphil where he goes over why Marijuana should not be used when reeferring to the cannabis plant. |
A celebration bringing the end to shortening days and the new horizons we see in the future. Happy Solstice & New Year from @medikatie. |
A little bit of a Cannabis Milk recipe from the mind of @sieses. Make sure to wear a helmet if you go biking on this edible. =P |
A seasons greeting accompany this Christmas blessing @drutter has encountered. Check out the big news in this Steem OG update. |
The GHRO manager @fracasgrimm showing some cross community support to the Steem Music Association and @Movement19 for his awesome work in bringing Steem Music to the Masses. |
Nothing short of a masterpiece post as always from @rebeccaryan. Spread that extra cheer for the holidays with some Cannabis infused Eggnog! |
In this garden update from @cryptohustlin we get a look at some flowers close to harvest as well as some girlscout cookies, gorilla glue, papayaheusca clones in action. |
@jonyoudyer is bringing the Solon Cup Challenge over to Steemit. We've got one going on Smoke.Io already but this one will be the Steem version. Check the post for details. |
The newest edition to the GHRO line up is Full Metal Jacket hosted by @inthenow. Check it out at 8PM Est on the Canna-Curate discord server. Click the banner at the bottom of the page for access. |
Trail Makers: @jonyoudyer, @Bluntsmasha, @conradino23, @ELAmental, @netgodbeerus, @cannabiscurator, @realkiki85, @doctorspence, @darkprince66, @cannaqueen, @hiatus, @tilestar, @naturalfox, @canna-collective, @deary, @foodforestbot, @nikema, @Tafgongthe1st, @loryluvszombies, @spicedlife, @gjones15, @mrunderstood, @benzeta, @stoned2thebone, @cannafarms, @thegreenhouse, @cultivar, @liquid-mike, @brockmorris, @ganjagirl, @MadPotters, @chey, @growingassets, @the-haze, @skylinebuds, @gingy710, @growroom, @kootsmedtree, @cowboyblazerfan. @suheri, @imammudarifqi, @grow-pro, @winnerchris, @twirlspin, @pdxlove, @cannabis-news, @cannuration, @steem420, @socialmisfit, @heyimsnuffles, @ambiguity, @phoenixwren, @batman0916, @greenfooteCO, @ceattlestretch, @njweedman, @superwoman916, @movement19, @bengiles, @growroom, @elderson, @hemp-lord, @deadisdead, @coffeebuds, @gregorypatrick, @asonintrigue, @freedomtribe, @bembelmaniac, @mango-juice, @powpow420, @oh-high-mark, @stonerfeed, @kaz2305, @derangedvisions, @veteranforcrypto, @rebeccaryan, @bigriffsbongrips, @spicedlife, @a1-shroom-spores, @kiefpreston.com, @dilwhosaskin, @argenisapaz, @sapphic, @paradigmprospect, @vegangod, @qwoyn, @borofreak, @sunnydays-r-over, @kawa23, @caperf35, @yogajill, @dynamicsteemians, @khackett, @zuculuz, @soundwavesphoton, @cannajess, @theywenttojareds, @moniroy, @tecnosgirl, @offgridlife, @mjgeeks, @cannabisrawuncut, @cannacannacanna, @koh, @Vladivostok, @ghro, @kennyboobs, @charisma777, @forstellaford, @eatmeat, @ssdgm, @too-short, @turd-ferguson, @npcvegantifa, @sharkmonsters, @uptoker

Hit that banner and come network and chill with like minded people.

12.5SP - 25SP - 50SP - 100SP - 250SP - 500SP - 1000SP
Delegators: @alchemage, @amymya, @ArtisticScreech, @battleaxe, @billmega, @Bluntsmasha, @cannabiscurator, @conradino23, @cryptohustlin, @darkprince66, @davedickeyyall, @deanpiecka, @dynamicgreentk,@dynamicrypto, @d-vine, @ELAmental, @ericwilson, @fatkat, @foodforestbot, @fracasgrimm, @futuremind, @ganjafarmer, @goldendawne, @hotsauceislethal, @jonyoudyer, @kimmysomelove42, @k0wsk1, @krazypoet, @lyndsaybowes, @mandyfroelich, @marksheppard, @movingman,@msp-creativebot, @netgodbeerus, @olafurthor, @pataty69, @pharesim, @paradigmprospect, @phusionphil, @rakkasan84, @rawpride, @realkiki85, @runridefly, @SammoSK, @sgt-dan, @skylinebuds, @underGRound, @qwoyn, @dylanhobalart, @yogajill
This post was upvoted for being original and creative!
Keep up the excellent work! Thank you for being a supporter of the Creativebot.
Much love. <3
Thanks for the upvote! =)
Nice! The format actually came out really good on mobile this time.
It looks really good! Thanks to @bluntsmasha ;)
Hai @canna-curate im sorry, i don't comment on your writing, it's just that i want to say "Happy new year" hopefully in 2019 get the best for us.
Happy new year!
I love this post format? Who wrote this by the way?
I actually didn't change any of my format from other Recaps so it may have been a Steemit Update is why it looks a lot better in mobile versions now.