Weed: Why (not):

in #cannabis7 years ago

My first post of hopefully many:

As you know, cannabis, in recent years, has become a hot topic amongst people from all ages and cultures. Is it bad for you? Does it cure cancer? Questions like these has been some of the most asked questions concerning the use of cannabis, or weed as most people call it. Whether the use of weed should be legalised has been of the most hotly debated topics among people my age for nearly four years now.

I will not pretend that I am an expert on weed. In fact, I know next to nothing about it. I’ve seen it, handled it but never smoked it, so this opinion should be taken for what it is: an opinion.

A few weeks ago I found a post on a certain Facebook page stating that women who smoke weed are “wiser, smarter, more open minded, more chill, have a deeper/true understanding of life…” The person further goes on to say that “This definetely aint no generalization [sic]. This is from years of experience.”Screenshot_2018-05-04-09-42-10.png

I am not going to dispute this person’s years of experience, nor am I going to call out the person on what they may have said in a state of drug-induced bliss. I would simply like to ask a question, and with that question explain why I do not think the use of weed (outside of medicinal use, but that is another matter ENTIRELY) is the best choice you can make.
It is common knowledge that weed generally induces a state of bliss, during which the person influenced is much less worried about any circumstances, it allows them to keep a cool and calm head during stressful situations and brings about a feeling of immense pleasure. This might all sound like very positive effects, and it certainly feels great, I don’t doubt. However, if we take that sentence and replace it with a different drug, with its effects, such as steroids, my point begins to materialise:

“Increased muscle growth, resulting in above average strength,” essentially. Now I want to ask: If it is considered “unfair” and bad for your health to use steroids to increase performance, then, from a personal point of view, it is also not the best idea to make use of a drug to feel calm in stressful situations. This does not only go for weed, but also many other drugs that people use. To break it down to its most basic concept: Using a drug to enhance your performance, which is exactly what both drugs does: The one enhances your physical performance, and the other arguably enhances your performance under stress.

My point being this: Rather exercise harder to be stronger; rather actively try to be cool and calm in stressful situations; train your body, train your mind.

The use of weed to be calm, the use of steroids to be strong. Why don’t you try and replace that with “Training to be strong, training to be calm.” By doing that, not only are you becoming more healthy, but you are also becoming a more accommodating person that will be able to keep their cool in almost all situations. Overcome your hardships through sheer force of will, and not through drugs. In doing so you will inevitably become someone you can be proud of.
Disclaimer: I know there are many technicalities concerning the use of both steroids and weed, eg. You still need to exercise to be strong when using steroids, but that is technicalities that I neither have the expertise nor the experience to write about. This article was meant to convey my personal feeling about weed, yet I do not feel I have exactly described my point.