Legalization is still somewhat of a grey area in the United States because it remains federally illegal, so in the states that do offer it for medical and recreational purposes, they are exercising a form of civil disobedience by not enforcing those federal laws. And it could only be a matter of time before the federal regulations on the plant are nullified because a growing number of people don't see the sense any more in wasting resources
over a plant and victimless crimes.

A growing number of states this year are going to be looking to make changes to their cannabis rules and looking to embrace legalization. States like:
California, Nevada, Massachusetts, Florida, Montana, Arkansas, Maine, and other areas.

Perhaps the time for common sense will be coming better late than never? Maybe when we stop wasting valuable resources on policing a plant then law enforces can get back to the more important things.... like prioritizing crimes with actual victims and real private property violations.

The Drug War is a tool to imprison black, brown and alternative priorities community members. It was a flawed policy at inception (the 70's and 80's) and has failed on all levels except the imprisonment of much of the male black and brown members of our society, destruction of civil rights and furthering the marginalization of our poverty entrenched rural and urban communities. If we really wanted to end drug addiction and the violence which comes from criminally run black market supply chains, we would treat drug addiction as the health and lack of opportunity crisis that it is. Instead of investing in incarceration we could be investing in our families and communities, creating vibrant opportunities for all members of our society. When people believe they have a chance for success in life they do not turn to drugs to numb their hopelessness. We are living in a society of over medicated, mentally unstable and resource depleted communities lashing out to blame 'Others' for their life experience. Instead of blaming our corrupt and privileged 'democratic leadership' for abusing our representative governance to further their own financial standing and preferred ideological belief system regardless of how much misery and lack of progress that results, they blame the victims of the current system, not those who created this corrupt and unequal system of economic duplicity.
We must learn to care and share with all members of our society with empathy, understanding and fairness if we want a society worth living in. Currently, our entire human society is on a collision course with extinction, if we don't change our selfish gluttonous ways the human experiment will go the way of the previous five mass extinctions on this planet. Back to the stone age, small pockets of life eeking out an existence and losing thousands of years of progress and possibility....... just my pov. oc