
Vegan? You mean those people that hate plants? What kinda person attacks a poor plant. Plants have feelings too.

I love plants they are tasty and don't feel pain.. also you know what to end rape murder pain exploitation of animal's as animal's are here with us not for us in an way shape or form.

Plus my body is now a garden not a grave yard lol...
What some movies like what the health earthlings dominion.. i can give ypu or any one dominion as a mp4 i think is the format... we don't have any reason to love a cat or dog and eat a pig or cow right?
My bad anyway vegan is the future

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Lol sure! Plants feel pain. I see my plants talk to me and show me that they are loved or having issues. And to say otherwise is ignorance. By all means be vegan or whatever if you are doing it and supporting a permaculture farm... But are you sourcing that diet from sustainable means? And head about people going vegan is contributing to the death of more plants...

I like plants... When my flowers are finished I say a prayer for them. And honor their memory by sharing it with friends and loved ones.

Funny thing I don't see the same respect given to plants by vegans.

plants are very much living but they are not sentient beings as they have no brain or nevous system. So they can not feel pain or at least not to any knowledge we have as of now.

i can tell you that them cows pigs and chicken can very much feel being punched kicked hit sadness and then feel them being gassed or have there neck cut open to bleed out. As well as the mother cow and goat can very much feel when they have there 1 min old baby stolen and killed or left to die for what some HUMAN to steal her milk when we are the only species that drinks milk from another animal or from anything past leaving out mother. o and the amount of plant based milks is insane.

So i don't say you don't respect any plants i am saying end speciesism end animal exploitation and we can have world peace and the way for this is to go vegan so we can all live on this mother earth and not to be raped and murdered

You are the most ignorant person ever. To grow all that food then we have to mine phosphates. To do commercial farming you need fertilizers. That comes with major issues.

And honestly you are causing more harm then the good and soapbox you are on.

And what you are going to make all animals be buried? Instead of being used and honored?

All this murder and violence seems to me in you.

I seen the respect and prayers given to the salmon when we harvest them. The good energy to prepare it. Same prayers for the berries. We live in harmony. And honor the plant and animal. All food sources.

And for you to throw a infant temper tantrum? Are you just drunk or a hypocrite?

Way uncool. You are that is.

Well for being such a disrespectful and disgusting minded person I'm going to make this famous.

Welcome to my roast vegan rant... Hang on.


Wow. OK! Lol hang on I gotta screenshot this garbage. Dare you to stop eating and see how far you get.

But don't respect your food? But you don't respect water either.

And I've had my people live in balance and you just said our traditions are akin to rape?

Wow ignorance and you can't even type. You show how insensitive you are. And I'm sure you have that racism and cultural insensitivity towards an indigenous people and religion.

You are an offensive and depressed close minded person.

Keep your threats. And the pitiful hypocrite ways. You dishonor yourself and your ancestors.

You ate nothing more than a dogmatic brainwashed elitist. And I bid you good day and totally slipped you meat products in your dinner. Oh yeah I'm sure waiters have fun with you.!

Dude you were fucking hilarious until this comment and I agree with you on a lot of these points! I personally think meat that you raise or buy from a farm you are connected with is ok. But dont call people names like this. I saw your humor here. Your right about vegans maybe taking the issue a little too seriously but calling names and slinging insults wont solve anything... Lets vent more on discord.

You are the most ignorant person ever. To grow all that food then we have to mine phosphates. To do commercial farming you need fertilizers. That comes with major issues.

I just realised my comment wasnt listed after the one I intened lmao!!! Abba zabba your my best friend...

Ok. This was over a picture of a loaf of bread? Or was this a spill over of something else? But ganja was just chilling posting bread that by the way expired or was a best by september 11th bread. Now can we all agree that was a ominous pic? 9/11 bread! I think moderation is key. Being connected to your food source is key. I cant even eat food properly because of money so as it is i need to take Iron supplements and minerals etc. But some meat because of my blood type really helps especially bison, venison and in general wild game is recommended for B blood types. But that is a whole wacky science in itself. I say lets not support corporate commercialism and support local farms and get more connected with our food source before attacking people on if they are vegan or not or if they eat meat or not. Lets learn about each other first and be open to judgement after understanding one another happens.

Look i made a comment and i stand by by it.
1 local farms atill rape and murder animals for your taste buds
2 we can thrive off plants no need to harm any beings.
3 animal's are jot here for ypur taste buds or for you at all they are on this planet to live with us.

0leae educate your self on vegans and why we do what we do we are the only ones that stand up for the voiceless.
Do i care about yours ,his, or anyone's for that fact when your eating an innocent animal no i don't.

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As for supplements i don't take any and all the animals you eat do like b12 and shit load antibiotics.

I think tou should watch movies like what the heath. fat sick and nearly dead earthlings dominion.

It is also very funny how one stupid person is getting under the skin so.many steemians.

O and i dont need to see any sides besides the fact no animal's deserve to die

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have a read over this.
also b12 is linked to it so maybe the "flesh" you eat is not giving you enough from the supplements it is getting..
Everything people say about us "needing" animal's for any food is not right. they never asked to be raped and had their baby's taken from them or kicked punched left in a 1 by 1 cage.

they never asked to have a hook out in it's mouth or netted and taken from it's home to not be able to take a breath.

so i can keep going on but how about i just work on a post to prove why vegan is the way to live in peace and harmony and stop teaching kids to kill and murder and rape then we can have peace.

Dude your being way out of control here. Sounds like your the one who has violent tendencies. Im sorry man i cant afford to eat like you. Sorry man if I was vegan and found my body couldnt process things as simple as lentils or even with eating large amounts of dark leafy greens i was still having troubles asorbing iron(blood test). You need to respect other peoples choices and postw so as to not encourge more aggresive behavior by others. Respect others dude. Respect other people and their choices. Dont FORCE your choices on people. There is something called liberty or was in America. Stop the violence against others mister vegan. Stop forcing your choices on people. Get connected to your food source. Get connected to your food. Understand your fellow brother before forcing stuff on them. Your a scary dude or dudette who seems to be capable of things worse than a person who eats meat that is humanly rasied. If your such a plant advocate why not spend your time forcing your opinions on people posioning water supplies, spraying chemicals and using liquid fertilizers on plants causing run off and food contamination. Your brother is not the enemy. The corporation is.. Dont fall for their propogana.