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RE: Two pieces of advice for growers

in #cannabis7 years ago (edited)

15 Years Cultivating Cannabis

and what you post are truths I live by. :) Less is definitely more. I see a lot of cannabis which has been loved to death, over cared for. :)


Ha, loved to death, great way to put it! I checked out your profile quick and liked what i saw so i followed u. Its always nice to have someone with lots of experience around for when i just cant figure out an issue.. i hope follow me too, take care.. :) happy growing.

Happy to help where I can. :)

You'll find your PTSD is lessened by CBD. The longer you use CBD rich cannabis, the fewer issues you'll have with PTSD. I know it also increases in effectiveness for pain and inflammation the longer you use it. :) My autism and pain are significantly reduced after only a couple years of CBD rich cannabis. :)

I see a white bump on the stem of my Canna-Tsu cut, in the cloner. Almost lost the cut, it's 20%+ CBD and only about 8-9% THC. Maximum relief, zero inebriation. ;) What's your favorite high CBD strain so far?

Ive honestly never tried anything to cbd heavy. Im usually a big fan of the inebriated feeling :) but i didnt know cbd heavy strands could have that good of an effect on my ptsd. Is that canna-Tsu your favorite strand? Do u have any other suggestions of cbd stands i should take a look at? Thanks for the info, ive heard alot about cbd but i thought it was more for seizures, MS and things of that nature.

CBD Has MANY, Many, Many, Many, Many Benefits lol

The information on CBD definitely needs to be spread further. Where THC is useful as a medicine, it's rather limited by itself. CBD has significantly more medicinal effects, yet it's still most effective when used with THC.

CBD lowers inflammation, helps regulate mood, blood pressure/sugar/cholesterol, assists with digestion, reduces the conscious awareness of pain while also decreasing physical pain. There are literally hundreds of medicinal benefits from CBD, they're too many to list. I basically listed the most in-your-face examples. :)

The strain Canna-Tsu has different phenotypes, there are high THC and high CBD versions. The cut I have actually improves my memory, focus, mood control, gross/fine motor skills, logic and more. Absolutely amazing. :) It's approximately 20%+ CBD and only 8%-9% THC. Very nice orange citrus flavor. :)

There are more and more higher CBD strains becoming available all the time. Cannatonic and Sour Tsunami should be available in a lot of places. Seeds are available from quite a few seed banks now, in Canada and in Europe.

When I first started using high CBD cannabis, I ended up using significantly more than I needed. I kept waiting for the high to kick in and then reach that point where I'm "Good." Realized after a while the high would never kick in and I'm "Good" with just a few tokes. lol

Very strange experience. ;)

Wow, that is some really good information! Thank you. And i bet your right, that is a really odd feeling at first, especially of you are use to getting high evertime u medicate. Lol.
I will definitely be looking into cbd's more and will probably get some seeds and give it a try.. hopefully you will see a post about 6 months from now about my new cbd strain! If you catch it make sure to comment! ;) Thanks again! Take care.

Looking Forward to Seeing

you post about the CBD strains you're enjoying. ;)

Be Awesome!