Kill the Monsters - Steal the Treasure - Stab your Buddy
Muchkin is an RPG card game where everyone starts classless, raceless, and naked. Everyone chooses a color for their game token and puts the appropriate gender side face up, in this game I was purple. We all start at level one with one attack power and a player wins by reaching level 10.
Each player is also dealt two room cards (with the door picture on the back) and two treasure cards. Door cards can include things like monsters, class/race cards, spells and "Go Up a Level" cards. The treasure cards include more of the items like armor, footwear, headgear and weapons.
To start each turn the player "Kicks down the Door" (i.e. draws a room card) and if it's a monster, it must be fought. If it's not, the player chooses to either loot the room (taking another room card and putting it in their hand) or looks for trouble by laying down a monster from their hand to fight.
To defeat a monster, players must have one attack more than the monsters level (except for warriors who win on ties.) So for example for me to beat this level 11 Pterodactyl, I would need 12 attack power.
A players attack power is equal to their level plus all equipment bonuses (weapons/armor) but there are additional one time use cards that can modify it as well. Some pieces can only be worn by certain races or classes like this Slug Thrower.
Here's Why This Game Ends Friendships
When a player can't defeat a monster on their own, they can ask others for help getting the needed attack power together. Typically these players make a deal on how the treasure is divided up prior to the kill. BUT, players can also choose to buff the monster, causing the others to loose their fight, and causing "Bad Stuff" to happen.
Nothing could stop me this game though! I got off to a great start, defeating some early monsters and selling some equipment cards to go up a couple levels. This time it was a pretty nice game, considering we all had to help each other out in the early game, letting me get to level 9, with only one more level to win.
Even with my opponents using everything they could to buff up my final monster, they couldn't keep me from winning.
Final Thoughts
Munchkin is a TON of fun the $25 Cost is reasonable especially considering the mass replay value this game has, on top of the various expansions and variations like Munchkin Cthulu. It's really quite easy to pick up, with plenty of complexity to keep my interest. In a way, I liken this game to therapy via paintball wars.
Fair warning though...
This Game Really Does Test Friendships! BEWARE!
Image Sources:
All pics were taken with my phone.
I love this game... But not as much as my son. Soon I'll post about a new game you might like
Hehe, it definitely makes for a great family night! :P
Ooohh..I look forward to seeing what you've got @hanshotfirst! :D
excellent post great game congratulations thank you for sharing
Looks like fun.
Great stuff! I love these posts about table games @sykochica!
I've heard about this game before. Not sure if it was on the cover of a Scrye Magazine, on's forums or elsewhere. I remember telling myself: how can people be attracted to such a weirdly designed game!? Back in the days when I was into games such as Magic: The Gathering, Star Trek CCG, 7th Sea CCG, etc. I couldn't figure it out just by first impression and I didn't pursue to try and find what it was all about. Now I finally get it, seems like a lot of fun!! Plus it's a Steve Jackson Games and I always wanted to try and play the Illuminati card game!
Enjoayble post! I've heard of this game, but never had a chance to play it. A Game of Thrones: The Board Game has some backstabbing going too. You have to play with really good friends, who understand that it's just a game, or with really bad, that you're not afraid to lose. 😜
There's Munchkin in Hebrew. And I have been known to throw objects at people stealing my equipment or backstabbing me.
Awesome review! I thought I'd played Munchkin before, but this is quite different.
Just went digging through my drawers. The game I actually played was Chez Geek. I thought it was fairly so-so (a friend left it with me by accident). But this actually looks like a ton of fun. Another game on the list of games for me to buy...
Believe it or not, I haven't played this yet. But I used to attend a monthly board game meetup where people raved about it. This is inspiring to write about Dominion and Settlers of Catan - my two favorite game addictions!
Munchkin's definitely worth playing, tons of fun! I actually played the cthulu version of it last night, also a blast. I'd heard of Dominion and Settlers or Catan, but not played yet...I think @youngblood has one or both of those...hope to give them a try.
You definitely should post on them, I'd love to see more on them!
Good time to introduce a new game with people will stay in more.
Up voted.
I've never heard of this game! But now I want it...except no one plays board or card games with me :( I wonder if there's a solitaire version. LOL