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RE: Catkiller scams

in #cat • 5 months ago

What an awful thing to cover up and allow to continue 😢 I hope they eventually get punished.

I've had problems with Web2 not being a great place to depend on information staying put too. Like over a decade ago there used to be some information about the benefits of using fresh garlic as an antibiotic for a short time for dogs, including a study indicating it works fine with vet prescribed antibiotics. Plus several sources of recommended dosages. As far as I can tell it's all gone, nothing in Google's cached content, wayback time machine, etc. One site I could understand being lost, but not everything


dang yeah, that happens quite a lot, some times people take screenshots of things before they're removed but even those tend to get erased with time.

A shame too, because the information actually worked to save a life. Why delete the useful stuff and keep the junk!