Catkiller scams

in #cat6 months ago

Watched this video by penguinz0 today and like usual when I come across something on the internet I keep thinking how it could be better on Hive, so this'll be another post going through the video and talking about Hive. Let me know if that get's tiring. :D

Either way, something he brings up is that there's a lot of copycat (no pun intended) brands and products out there that offer things cheaper to costumers because that's probably their whole shtick. Re-create an idea, at times even leech off of it with similar naming and offer it at a cheaper cost to consumers because the economy sucks and most of us are poor so they'll bite.

In this case however, the cheapening of the product is resulting in the product literally killing cats of their lazy owners. Okay, I'm being a bit judgemental there, not too long ago I was cleaning up the cat litter and was wondering if there's an automated version of catlitters these days that'll clean it for you and maybe bag it up so all you gotta do is place the bag outside and be done with it. I didn't go as far as to check on this and watching the video above now I'm kind of glad I didn't pursue this longer in case I would've given these cheaper versions a try.

A few reviews had gone out to these products that are sold on amazon where customers were mentioning that the product had ended up killing their cats, someone by the name of 5cats1man had followed up to attempt to contact these people who had left these reviews to get some additional info on what had occurred. At the same time he had also purchased this product and as can be seen in the video above it had quickly proven what occurs when it goes wrong, even though he didn't get the product he ordered.

Apparently the scanners that are supposed to prevent the process of cleaning the litter when the cat is still nearby or in the way weren't working. The youtuber even gets his hand stuck quite badly in the process and has to pry it back out with force. What he found out is that there's a firmware update that may fix this but naturally that's not something on the mind of customers, especially not when it isn't mentioned anywhere upon purchase that they need to update the firmware. Of course it's quite bad to begin with if they had to include a message with every order stating they need to do an update or it'll kill your cat but what is more disgusting is that their solution to this is to stifle reviews and settle in court the owners who had their cats killed by the product.

Using legal ways to force them to remove any reviews and mentions of what occurred to their cats and on top of it all deleting comments they can under their own youtube videos and then just rebranding and selling the same products under different names rather than owning up to their mistakes is quite disgusting behaviour in my opinion. It might also be of course that now that they know there's an issue with the product there could be some lunatics out there purposely killing their cats just to get settlement money from this faulty product, but I'm not going to go out of my way to give them the benefit of the doubt that that's the reason they're not making it clear what has happened.

Anyway, this brings me to Hive. How could this process be different here?

Well, for starters, I know @blocktrades has been working on a proper reputation system to implement on top of Hive in some ways. While I don't know any details I assume that immutability will be a big factor behind it. While reviews potentially won't be the main reason to the project, it leaves room for other ones to use immutability and a different kind of reputation around that to make sure things that have been said aren't censored the way they're being censored in web2 now.

If a review has been left on a product that their cat has been killed by it, I'd wanna know about it before I decide to put my own cat in harms way. As you all know, when you place a post or comment onchain, no matter if you edit it out later people can always read the original post and comment. So if someone forced you to change your comment by using the law, sure you can edit it but it won't hide what it originally said. This is of course a double-edged sword, we're people after all and sometimes you may write things at the wrong time and change your mind about it but that's not something that's as important in the grand scheme of things. If I tell someone to fuck off but decide the next day with a cooler head that I could've worded it differently, people aren't going to care much about me changing the comment. If however I suddenly removed the mention that a product killed my cat because the brand forced me to do so in a settlement I can tell them that sure I'll edit it but the original mention of it having occurred won't be forgotten. The only way that happens on web2 now is if someone is there to observe it and record it before the edit occurs which someone happened to catch it in time in the case above but it begs the question how many more reviews have been hidden since.

Anyway, all in all, I guess not the best idea to automate some things like a cat litter but if you have to I'd say make sure you pay a little extra and test it properly before having your cat use it. With automation there's always a chance of errors, I know most of the time humans are the main reason errors occur but if there's sand involved, cat feces and pee and repetition and on top of it you bought the cheapest version that exists it's not surprising if something goes wrong eventually so I'd be very careful with such products and I'd consider if there's other solutions to this idea that don't risk the decapitation of cats.

Other than that, web2 sucks and is prone to manipulation so what else is new.


I'm confused if I should respond with a cat litter comment or Hive...LMFAO

For the cat litter, the fancier it looks, the more likely to be a gimick. Checking the laws of the country of production and the standards helps determine the safety. With the easy globalism concept, this is also not only to cat products but also children's products with elevated heavy metal content. As a pet owner, I have pondered the option of a much safer version with weight and time release features and no lid to trap the cat "in" to get got by the killer-litter. Didn't take the plunge but they have been around for a decade so I'm sure that says something to as far as reputation.

Now for the Hive part, an honest product review is an honest product review and if they don't want a bad review then they shouldn't create harmful products and sell to consumers under false safety guises and lies. Much of it is a lack of the population themselves using common sense and researching what they put in their households for their families and the law shouldn't be able to suppress a real honest review with these products genuinely warning other potential would be users for experiencing the same repercussions. This is where it's a double edge sword, some people use that to discredit honest people to create a bad reputation for their product/business to fail just out of pure spite. I suppose the hive translation we would all understand, like getting caught up in a whale downvote path for no reason but a beef and a means of intimidation and bullying. In which case, the law should be able to interfere with the wrongful slander.

everything we tinker with as repercussions pros and cons. What is the PROPER BALANCE between customer safety and warning of a faulty product that a company genuinely is trying to downplay vs an honest one at the mercy of an unfair lynch mob.

I suppose for further investigation as in the event of disappearances and murders, it's probably good that there is an accessible version of the original text at the very least upon request.

Yeah I guess that's why reputation is also important on the reviews, hive does save you with the immutability but if you're someone who just goes around and leaves bad reviews cause you're in a bad mood or have a vendetta against the brand/product/ or are being paid to do so by competitors/etc, then there should be a reputation factor in play as well that let's readers know this particular reviewer has had a history of false/fake reviews so their review shouldn't be trusted.

It wouldn't even necessary have to be tied to hive itself, the reputation here is very bad and most of the time doesn't mean much. If there's wars spawning due to these reviews with downvotes, etc, the community should then step in to counter the "bad" downvotes if the reviews are legit and the user has a good reputation history for reviews.

You bring many good points for sure with rep and other things, re-peat Karens just cause they got paid to do so or other incentive, that's deceptive. We get they exist and shouldn't be enabled either to incinerate some one's personal/online/business reputation and false law suites and all. It's such a complicated topic to explore to fully go into it.

In this specific litter case or others of the likes...well clear damages/harm/loss were experienced. Like you pointed out, some companies take great intimidation tactics, often underhanded on top of illegal to suppress the critic in question making the affected reviewer more squashed and made to look un-credible when they actually are. It's a slippery slope and hardly anyone can fully grasp a 360 perspective. This gets even deeper in the case of whistleblowers as well occupy that same dualistic concept and would often be faced with backlash and campaigns to discredit of some sort. Where do they fit in in all of this? Like I said, it's not really a black and white topic...there is bends all over. You affect one thing, you throw something else unforeseen completely off balance elsewhere.

That is horrible. It seems the cats died in a painful manner as well. I cheap out on a lot of stuff, but I never imagined there are risks of death. I feel so bad for the traumatized kid that saw their cat dead in a gruesome manner.

It's pretty wild what companies will do to prevent their reputation from being rightfully tarnished. It's the same old thing, just done again on the internet. Pay enough money to centralized entities and you get to do whatever you want. Gone are the days of the internet where information flowed, it seems! Funny thing too is I've heard plenty of things about Amazon "using algorithms and AI to detect if a review is fake or misleading" which is doublespeak on pay-to-play IMO.

One of the other reasons I stopped by.. not to be a pain :D

I have a post written for a suggestion of a technical change for Hive in something pretty fundamental. I was thinking of putting it in HiveDevs but didn't know if that was the appropriate community for it.. what are your thoughts? I wanted the brains people to take a look at it and figured they spend most of their time, if they are on the chain for posts, in there!

Depends how big of a change it is I suppose or what exactly you're referring to, not sure but you'll probably get some attention there from the people with the know-how.

Cool thanks! Not being cryptic :D I just don’t want to spoil the content! Appreciate the feedback.

An automated cat killer is unfortunate 😂😂😂

How much of a lawsuit would be gotten for a cat?

In the video they mentioned that the settlement was not big and the owners mainly accepted it cause they were under the impression the product would be discontinued. Instead it seems like they just rebranded and continued to sell the same products under a different name.

How is it even possible for the company to change the content of a review?

so they basically forced them to edit out the catkilling review in the settlement

I feel like it should be disclosed in some way. Like “this reviewer was involved in arbitration with the seller”

doubt amazon cares that far :D

In this case they settled with them in court and part of it was for the owners to change the review.

What an awful thing to cover up and allow to continue 😢 I hope they eventually get punished.

I've had problems with Web2 not being a great place to depend on information staying put too. Like over a decade ago there used to be some information about the benefits of using fresh garlic as an antibiotic for a short time for dogs, including a study indicating it works fine with vet prescribed antibiotics. Plus several sources of recommended dosages. As far as I can tell it's all gone, nothing in Google's cached content, wayback time machine, etc. One site I could understand being lost, but not everything

dang yeah, that happens quite a lot, some times people take screenshots of things before they're removed but even those tend to get erased with time.

A shame too, because the information actually worked to save a life. Why delete the useful stuff and keep the junk!

This is infuriating. Companies prioritizing profits over pet safety is absolutely unacceptable. They should be held accountable, not allowed to silence victims with legal threats and rebranding schemes. It's disgusting how they're exploiting consumer trust and putting innocent animals at risk.

We used to have one of those automated litter boxes. It never worked right and always got jammed up. Just easier to scoop it than deal with some damn machine smashin cat dook all over.

I would venture to guess 80% of the population doesn't even know what firmware is. Actually, if you walked down the street and started asking people, the answers might be kind of funny. Either that or you would get slapped by a lady thinking you were talking about your junk!

lol that's true, even if you know about it it's not something you often do as it's quite tedious compared to say a windows update or other software

For sure and I think a lot of people are afraid they are going to brick the device they are trying to update. It's a bit less forgiving than a Windows update.

In this case however, the cheapening of the product is resulting in the product literally killing cats of their lazy owners. Okay, I'm being a bit judgemental there, not too long ago I was cleaning up the cat litter and was wondering if there's an automated version of catlitters these days that'll clean it for you and maybe bag it up so all you gotta do is place the bag outside and be done with it.

Yeah, you are forgetting people with mobility issues or other handicaps. Automatic litter boxes are helpful to them.

That's true, I thought about it when I said this at the end.

I guess not the best idea to automate some things like a cat litter but if you have to

Yeah, I haven't read the last paragraph lol

I don't have much of an attention span these days

Ye no worries just meant that I wasn't completely oblivious to other use-cases for the automated litterbox than just people being lazy :D

Product owners can rename their products to save their capital but shouldn't. Is this also the case with HIVE? I don't think so. But there is room for thought

Why would we wanna change the name? There's no negative connotations to our blockchain name

Yes, the name should not be changed

Good day, Boss. Just to defer please 🙏
How do I get the link to register on the Holozing website?

you simply login on the website mate

Other than that, web2 sucks and is prone to manipulation so what else is new.

web3 for life

It's great how you compare one thing in daily life with #Hive. You have to always look for the positive side in everything and not wait for someone or something to fail to take personal advantage.

good analogy the only thing is that they have to kill their pets to obtain some economic benefit that is not fair we should never sacrifice anyone to obtain that benefit