Grapthar's Daily Cat Photos! Another Day of Successful Feline Fotos to Present to the Interwebz!

in #cats7 years ago

I am always surprised at how good some of the photos are when using "portrait mode"... it's pretty unbelievable that 10 years ago, I spent $500 on a digital camera that couldn't take a photo if your hands were shaking, and now you can get super cool looking photos from a mini-computer you carry in your pocket... Technology, indeed. So let's celebrate techmology, and enjoy today's photos!

Ol' One Eye, with the sun at his back.

Photo May 03, 17 47 04.jpg

Cleo hiding her face from the camera.

Photo May 03, 13 37 57.jpg

Tiger, on top of the stairs.

Photo May 03, 13 38 10.jpg

Blaze and Tiger, cleaning each other (not portrait mode).

Photo May 03, 17 55 57.jpg

Tiger, half-asleep, and grabbing my hand... Looks cute, but seconds later he began scratching my arm with his rear legs lol.

Photo May 03, 17 47 53.jpg

||| EP 1 - Bandcamp | EP 2 - Bandcamp | EP 3 - Bandcamp |||
||| EP 4 - Bandcamp | EP 5 - Bandcamp | EP 6- Bandcamp |||

Grapthar logo!.png


good looking
