
I keep my circle very small D&A.

So you should feel honoured by my attention...

Juss Fuckin wit ya Man.!

But I really do keep it small. Getting fucked over by some ex friends and family several times kinda jades ya like that.

I would sooner trust people like You, @dandays and @galenkp @janton @tarazkp @scubahead and a few others I have met on Hive. Sooner than I would trust my own family. Sad but True... Holy Shit look at that...

Name Dropping..!

Weird how you can spot good people by what they write and share on here. Those are the ones I converse with on here.

Real People...

No Fake Bullshit

Cheers.. :-)

Selfie Monster Drink 20190922.jpg

Yeah I don't know how I got included with the rest of those bullshit artists but I'm nothing like them!

See of I ever say anything nice to you again!!!!!!!!!!!!