spoke er... meowed about this hysteria that has engulfed the human population of this world. I myself being a well traveled Cat, that will never be misled and is always skeptical about anything these humans tell us cats...I know we are just cats C.C. @curatorcat But YOU
Did you know C.C., that my Momma Cat abandoned Me under a car?
That would make any cat a little... "skeptical."
I am wild and Krazzy from the git go LoL err, I meant Purr Purr Purr...
I wish everyone could see this for what it is. Cases are up. What are "Cases?"
Elon Musk took 4 rapid Covid 19 tests one day last week. A test for what exactly. Numbers do not lie right.?
They are also mis-leading us with those dirty disgusting face diapers all those silly humans are wearing. I hope they do not go more insane and try to muzzle us Kits?
Lets throw down some Mask Facts for the kitties to scratch on.
Mask Facts...
Fact/ Masks have upwards of 90% pass thru.
Fact/ They are literally as filthy on a bacteria level as a soiled diaper after an hour, let alone all day.
Fact/ They dramatically raise the bacterial infection risk for pneumonia and other infections.
Fact/ https://medicalxpress.com/news/2015-04-masksdangerous-health.html
Fact/ Hospitals consider them Biohazardous Waste. They have to be disposed of in red biohazard trash bags and incinerated.
Fact/ Lowered Oxygen Levels (hypoxia)
Fact/ Raised CO2 levels (hypercapnia)
Fact/ OSHA has laws forcing employers to supply proper breathing respirators when oxygen levels drop by 19% (masks break those laws)
Fact/ Masked driving is impaired driving.
Fact/ CDC Data Coronavirus Survival Rate: 99%+ for all but older than 70 years. That means that for people 69 years old or younger, the survival rate is between 99.5 percent and 99.997 percent, while for those 70 or older, it is an estimated 94.6 percent.
Fact/ Johns Hopkins study claims more than 250,000+ people in the U.S. die per year from medical errors (malpractice)
Fact/ We need to file Lawsuits on those who "Mask Mandate." The Employers who force us to wear them by threats of loss of employment if we do not.
Fact/ The Fact is, if You are elderly, have medical issues. Like my 76 year old father with a pacemaker who is a colon cancer (Sigmoid Resection) survivor. A Very high risk category, By all means, these people should always protect themselves from a virus, If wearing a +90% viral pass thru mask, social distance, hand sanitize. do what you need to do. Protect yourselves from the common cold always. Common Colds that have numbers just like Covid 19.
Fact/ Or lies? Again the numbers do not lie. Every other death rate has fallen when the China Virus numbers began. Research it. The medical tyranny is out of control with the fraud on those numbers.
All this common sense and logic is making me hungry... But first I gotta find a place to PEE.!
Hey maybe this fire hydrant will work? My human @krazzytrukker told me I act like a dog sometimes anyways.
So lets call this exactly what it is please...
Caturday Confusion...
Humans are so easily misled. They should be more like us cats. We only believe in...
Eat, Play, & Sleep...
Secrets & Lies...
Now Curator Cat, What they do NOT want us to know is...
That "Gain of Function" testing and weaponization of a flu virus took place.
Let us research who was behind this. "Fauci and Gates." https://healthandmoneynews.wordpress.com/2020/04/20/wuhan-lab-funded-by-soros-gates/
Cases and Numbers...
Fact/Numbers do not lie, but numbers can be manipulated to show false results. (cough cough election fraud cough cough)
Lets look at the CDC numbers right now on this "Plandemic."
Fact/CDC Data Coronavirus Survival Rate: 99%+ for all but older than 70 years. That means for people 69 years old or younger, the survival rate is between 99.5 percent and 99.997 percent, while for those 70 or older, and also those with serious life threatening conditions, even then the survival rate is an estimated 94.6 percent.
Oh look... "Fauci & Gates" again.
"Anthony Fauci..."
Fauci pushed to pass the laws that exempt big pharma and vaccine makers from being legally liable for the harm they cause... "Yet this fraud has shaped the career of Tony Fauci for more than 35 years. Fauci as head of NIAID has taken millions from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation as well as the Clinton Foundation along with tens of billions from US taxpayers"
"Bill Gates..."
His horrible bloatware "Windblows Microsloth" is not the only thing He would like to make You suffer with. How Ironic that spyware system cannot even protect itself from a computer virus?
Read this to see who He really is... https://2020conservative.com/bill-gates-vaccines-are-best-way-to-depopulate/
"Fauci and Gates." The 2 little demonic elitists who will profit the most from this planned-demic. Not "PLANNED" you say? √ this out.
Was "Event 201," A pandemic exercise to illustrate preparedness?
Or was it a domination & population control exercise?
Ironic that this is by the same "Fauci & Gates" who funded Gain of Function research in 2011. When the former president, whatever his name was...
Real Name: Barry Soetoro, aka: (full name) Barack Hussein Obama Soetoro Sobarkah, aka: (fake name) Barrack Hussien Obama.
When "Barry O Insane Hussien's" administration PR people said the bio labs in NC. were unsafe and illegal. He and the Gates Foundation along with Fauci "Hot Potato" moved the research to Wuhan. To protect Oblahblahma and the illegal gain of function research.
I am not a "Kitty Einstein" like this little fella...
But connecting the dots, and following the money trail these evil humans leave behind is easy for cats & humans.
How could this be a planned, A "plandemic hoax" you ask?? Please read, please do some research, do not believe Google search results or what these silly little humans like "Fauci & Gates" say on the big pharma controlled news media.!
We cats have an obligation to wake and rescue our humans from this kind of tyranny and hoax.
This "Fauci & Gates" are horrible people. Any Cat can Meow that to You.
Please do not Confuse the fact that this Cat believes the Covid19 China Virus is real. Oh it is REAL. Untill last January people died from complications of the flu and the pneumonia brought on from it. Covid is a re-branding of the Flu Virus, Weaponized, Demonized, to push a very evil agenda. The numbers again do not lie. They have just been moved and manipulated to push an agenda. Much like the election numbers currently being litigated for fraud. This is Medical Fraud at a level no one wants to believe. Again... Follow the money, connect the dots. It's so easy, even a cat can do it. =^,,^=
The real Pandemic that is spreading around this planet is not a virus at all. It is a mental illness.
Arrested Development...
The mental retardation is real.
Masses of people blindly following what those in positions of power for profit tell them, what pharma funded for profit news media tell them. what for profit medical people tell them, what for profit lawyers tell them, what con man for profit politicians tell them... $$$ profit $$$
Then acting out illogically like young children throwing a temper tantrum, when they do not get what they want.
The Mental illness is Real...
No mask is gonna save you from that.
I am just a CAT...
And me and my human are just gonna...
Keep on KrazzyTrukkin...
Till the wheels fall off...
Random Message Of Kindness
I've never done this before, you're not my first but this is my first time. I've only known you a short time and you've supported me and encouraged me the distance.
Thank you
I keep my circle very small D&A.
So you should feel honoured by my attention...
Juss Fuckin wit ya Man.!
But I really do keep it small. Getting fucked over by some ex friends and family several times kinda jades ya like that.
I would sooner trust people like You, @dandays and @galenkp @janton @tarazkp @scubahead and a few others I have met on Hive. Sooner than I would trust my own family. Sad but True... Holy Shit look at that...
Name Dropping..!
Weird how you can spot good people by what they write and share on here. Those are the ones I converse with on here.
Real People...
No Fake Bullshit
Cheers.. :-)
Yeah I don't know how I got included with the rest of those bullshit artists but I'm nothing like them!
See of I ever say anything nice to you again!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes. Exactly! Great info with facts to back it up!
A very nice re-cap of the events.
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