Caturday Name Game...

in #caturday4 years ago

Sammi Jo - Samantha - SamSam...

A recent conversation about cat names with a fellow Hivian got me to thinking about some of the things we call our fur friends and the meanings that they may have.

I chuckle about something they said. Who calls a pet "Bob?"

I guess some do, but for the most part people are pretty creative with the names they give pets. They most of the time have a personal meaning to them.

Hello, this is my dog... "Tim."

Here is a list of the 9 names of our fur family with a short explanation about them.

Sammi Jo (Samantha) What I would have named a child.
A1 Sammi's First Photos 92010.jpg

A Sammi  Jax.jpg (Jax Teller) @pooky-jax named him after the character she was drooling over on Sons of Anarchy (I quit watching when they killed off Tara and Opie, my fave characters)

Hallie Blue (Hal-Halloween Kitty) Rescued near Halloween
Furkids  November 2013.jpg

Bassy (Sabastian) We both just liked the name. He was almost named Ewok as he reminded us of the forest bears of Star Wars.
Sebastian Bassy Boy 2 4232014.jpg
Am I right...?

Jessi & Stryper
Jessica Lil' One 20200509.jpg
Stryper... (Bassy Photo-bombing)
Photo Bomber 2 Bassy Stryper 20190817.jpg (Tuxedo Sibs) Jessica my 2nd fave girl name, @pooky-jax named her bro.

Astro (Strohs) Who Da Fuk would name a cat Astro? That's the dogs name from the cartoon "The Jetsons" She was a rescue that was already a year old and named by a neighbors child. A mystical looking little kitty she is.
Stro Kitty Ghostlike 422020.jpeg

Weezer (WeeOne) I was calling her "Wee One cuz she is very small, it morphed into "Weezer." A security guard at a shipper told me "they" were gonna kill this Lil' black kitten. I said who are "they?" She nodded towards the other guard. I snatched her up and took off outta there.
Weezer Clear Eyes 20190731.jpg

The Miracle Kitten (Lil' Guy - Anthony - Tony the Tiger)
Lil' Guy  Sammi Cuddles 20190702.jpg

But He answers to...

No Bite..!

Deck Post Multishots 5 20200505.jpg

I always wanted an orange kitty...
Lil' Guy Time Out Lovin' 5 20191103.jpg

Be careful what you wish for...

Miracle Kitten Rescue Vid SCreenshot.jpg

We have rescued over 30 kittens In the past 10+ years. These 9 we fell in love with. You can see why right?

Thanks For Looking and...

Keep on KrazzyTrukkin'

Sam Sam.jpg


I was just going through my feed and ran into your post! I am glad to see you are still around and Miracle Kitty is doing well. I remember the day you found him. Anyway, good to read your post. Take care and have a lovely night!😸

beautiful cats,thank you for sharing

Howdy sir krazzytrukker! |What a great selection of photos, names and cats! lol. Very creative indeed. I haven't heard of any pets named Bob but I think I'll name one that now that you mentioned it, it's so funny for a pet name!
Where you at, I assume you're home for the weekend?

#1 & 2 most common Red Neck dog names..



lol...that sounds legit. Where you at this weekend, at home?

I'm still partying.'ll take a couple of weeks for Trump to be confirmed as what we already know but it's actually good that all this massive cheating happened because they'll be forced to come up with a cheat-proof system now.

There is that optimism that I lack.

I hope you are correct. Your words give me hope.

Well they aren't really my words but the prophetic voices that I've been following for years have proven to be 100% accurate. There ARE alot of fake prophets out there but there are a handful that are always right-on and my favorite one is a lady who God takes to heaven(in the spirit) almost everyday...

unless it is something very important and then Jesus comes to her personally and visits her. But God the Father Himself came to visit her...walked through the walls of her house the day after the election.

She thought she was gonna die, felt like she was gonna burn up.....felt like melting away in His presence.

I think this is the first time He's ever done that with a personal visit but He had an important message of encouragement to give to the church about the election. I've already told about what He said to her in other comments.

That Trump would be in the White House for another 4 years and that He was very angry about all the cheating, trying to steal HIS country. And the massive cheating would be exposed and a heavy price paid.

Actually she isn't even a prophet, she's a Revelator...she reveals revelation knowledge to the Body which God, Jesus, or the Holy Spirit gives to her to say. She has a photographic memory and states exactly what they tell her to.

She was told in 2015 that Trump would serve two terms and God hasn't changed His mind. lol.

Hey I have optimistic news and encouraging things to say everyday so if you don't hear from me on here just give me a shout out to [email protected] if you want to hear something outrageously positive and encouraging. lol.

This year the good news has been making the bad news look like peanuts. I know it didn't look like that after the election but you'll see it change. If it doesn't then all the prophets got it wrong or misunderstood what God was saying to them or maybe they weren't hearing from Him at all. But we're already seeing it turn around.

2.jpg find the funniest stuff sir krazzytrukker! That's very clever of someone and a fine looking dog too, probably not from FL lol.

I need some more of your words of wisdom.

Words of hope. As I am finding it hard to roll out of bed and push on with a country so broken and corrupt.

Howdy sir krazzytrukker! Keep on truckin sir krazzytrukker because things are changing. One of the major areas of change that God is bringing to this country after the election is massive cleansing.

His patience is gone and He's tired of all the corruption. The Justice Dept is going to be cleansed as well as the Legislative branch.

Some major players will be removed from the earth that's for sure.

Hey did you see this report today?

This is exactly what the prophets said would happen, that a trap had been set and the landside of exposure would start with a phone call and sure enough someone working the Dominion program called the DOJ and the unstoppable exposure has probably started...although there are probably other big scams too.

When they sort all this out and do the computer forensics they'll find that Trump won in a landslide. So be of good cheer, help is on the way. There is still tons of work to do but the fractured, splintered, Body of Christ finally stopped squabbling with each other and came together as one and stood strong.

Because this was and IS a spiritual battle. God has His plan but He has to do most of it through His body.

But I'm still celebrating because God has so many great things He wants to do with the U.S. ...that includes reducing taxes, regulations, giving us more freedom back that has been stolen from us. He loves freedom and liberty and hates socialism. The economy is going to be strengthened and the country is not going to have a financial collapse.

In fact, a tremendous increase in prosperity in all areas will come when the demonic Roe v Wade law is overturned because that curse on the land will be lifted. God sees that law as a demonic covenant with the devil and is restricting many blessings that He wants to give us.

I'll leave you with this. The God of all creation is laughing at the democrats trying to take HIS country! He scoffs at their arrogance and there WILL be serious consequences to their attempts to destroy her.

How are you doin? Hopefully you feel better today than when you wrote this comment? lol.

I got very upbeat, snd was feeling positive. I planned on going to DC this weekend with the #StopTheStealCaravan

They even came right passed my homestead on route to this weekends #MillionMAGAMarch.

But they were 3 hours behind schedule. And I had a load to deliver. I have decided to not go, as I can not take the loss of income. And put myself and my driving career at risk.

But I am cheerleading them online and made a modest donation. I am following the caravans progress on Parler...

Your Faith is Strong "Obi Wan @janton kanobi"... I like that.



Howdy sir krazzytrukker and Merry Christmas! How are things going there? What did you do today? Is your faith still strong? lol...don't worry, Trump WILL serve another 4 years starting in 2021. Literally all the legitimate prophets I follow have all said the same thing...

God has told them that it will be a "Red Sea" type of scenario. In other words, it will look totally hopeless like all is lost and defeat is certain just like the children of Israel facing the Red Sea with the Egyptian army closing in on them with no means to escape. But God!

He loves to do that sort of thing so that everyone knows it was Him, He's a master showman! lol. His plans for this country hasn't changed and He isn't about to let HIS nation be taken over by communists.

The reason it has taken so long is because of all the massive exposure that has taken place and is needed, and all the evidence gathered, this is part of His plan. It is also a way to test the faith of His kids and to see who is standing in faith with Him.

I tried commenting hours ago but got no joy out of any of the interfaces.
I see your cats mostly have a certain "look". I have a weakness for the black cats but don't have any anymore. Not wishing for anything lol

Haaaa... You jinxed yourself.

A whole litter of black kittens will appear on your doorstep now.

Peanut Please. LoL

On the way :)

A litter of black kittens, or Peanut...? Lol

Peanuts haha

Adorable rescued kitties.. Thanks 4 the introduction you big hearted people...

Just You hang on there fella...

We will catch up to you. We just gotta find another litter...

@pooky-jax just said "Oh no we won't.!!" when I read this out loud to her... Lmao

Don't worry... She can not resist kittens either. (wink wink)
Sammi Jo  Kelly's First Photo close up.jpg


Bear's nude baby picture..