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RE: Caturday Name Game...

in #caturday4 years ago

I got very upbeat, snd was feeling positive. I planned on going to DC this weekend with the #StopTheStealCaravan

They even came right passed my homestead on route to this weekends #MillionMAGAMarch.

But they were 3 hours behind schedule. And I had a load to deliver. I have decided to not go, as I can not take the loss of income. And put myself and my driving career at risk.

But I am cheerleading them online and made a modest donation. I am following the caravans progress on Parler...

Your Faith is Strong "Obi Wan @janton kanobi"... I like that.




Howdy sir krazzytrukker and Merry Christmas! How are things going there? What did you do today? Is your faith still strong? lol...don't worry, Trump WILL serve another 4 years starting in 2021. Literally all the legitimate prophets I follow have all said the same thing...

God has told them that it will be a "Red Sea" type of scenario. In other words, it will look totally hopeless like all is lost and defeat is certain just like the children of Israel facing the Red Sea with the Egyptian army closing in on them with no means to escape. But God!

He loves to do that sort of thing so that everyone knows it was Him, He's a master showman! lol. His plans for this country hasn't changed and He isn't about to let HIS nation be taken over by communists.

The reason it has taken so long is because of all the massive exposure that has taken place and is needed, and all the evidence gathered, this is part of His plan. It is also a way to test the faith of His kids and to see who is standing in faith with Him.

Miss Ya my Friend.!

Hope this Holiday season has You and the Miss Janton in good health and spirits.

I just hope your correct with the optimism and good thoughts.

I am a glass half empty guy, so I struggle to keep the positive attitude. And it is starting to feel like my half empty glass has been kicked over by an Antifa/BLM scumbag and it is time for payback.

If the violence starts and we have to fight to stop them I am all in. I am trying to figure out a way to be in or near DC on Jan 6th in case I am needed.


lol..Ben Garrison is so good! Well, it isn't my opinion it is what God has told His prophets and He doesn't lie. And if they all got it wrong, what God told them, it would be the first time in history.

Even if it comes down do it, millions of patriots will not let the nation be taken by the communists but it won't come to that, God's got this. He is taking this assault on HIS nation very seriously and He laughs at their attempts to overthrow it.

Did you take this week off?

Off Thurs-Sat. Back out for a Sunday Drive. Load of Frito Lay from near Macon GA. To Ocala FLA.

Howdy sir krazzytrukker! So I got on Hive yesterday to reply to you and the dang internet was down! It was out for 24 hours, that sucked. I finally got back on here now. So business is steady? How long did you say it was gonna be before you retired from driving and start a second career?

Long rough day. Holiday week Traffic was brutal. My brain is jello. I will reply after I sleep for a day and a half.

Well that's what you get for working during the holidays sir krazzytrukker! That's just krazzy. lol.