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RE: Caturday Name Game...

in #caturday4 years ago

@pooky-jax , Sammi Jo and Me sat by the fire last night for a few hours. Had a few mixed drinks.



No party for us. We used to do New Years beside a campfire either here or at neighbors. But they got addicted to prescription pain killers (narcotics) and turned evil. Got forclosed on and moved away. That is why we have the "Black Cloud Feral Kitty Klan" they threw them out like trash and left them behind.

Feral Flyby Deck Visit 20200628.jpg

Black Cloud Ferals.png

Hey You never said how your doggy was doing, all healed up and happy i hope?

Get You a job delivering food or flowers or something where you are helping people and making them smile. My wifes father is retired (71yrs old) and for a couple years, He had been delivering something called edible arrangements. Fruit basket kinda artsy things. He seemed to enjoy it.

January 6th is coming. We will see if all Hell breaks loose...



Holy Smokes! Is that the way you do campfires in Florida? I think we could see that one from Texas! Thanks for asking about Jack sir krazzytrukker, he is doing fantastic. The vet told us he'd never heal and would have to have surgery on one of his back leg joints because the ligament was so torn and the joint was loose.

Well of course we rejected that report like we do almost all doctor's reports and he is fine now, God healed him all up like new and now he runs like the wind just like when he was 1 year old.

How you guys been? Tell me you ain't depressed. The word is still the same, God is getting ready to do a great work in this nation, HIS nation, and He won't let a bunch of scumbags take it from Him. Yes, he is still speaking through His prophets and the time of Trump's re-instatement is getting close.

God gives no dates to any of his prophets but most of them think April will be the month. In the exposure and all the dirt being uncovered is growing by the day and that has been a necessary part of God's plan.

He's also putting together a better Faith Advisory Board and that has been part of the holdup perhaps, I think. The original one, although many fine people, were not doing their job very well. None of them were correcting or counseling the President on how to treat others, etc.

The role of the prophet or advisor in the Bible has always been to correct and guide the King in ways of treating others but this group did none of that, I heard they were too timid and they never said anything that Trump didn't want to hear. So I'm sure he's putting in people with great boldness who fear God more than man.

Also, God is working on Trump himself during this "vacation." He needs to be humbled and needs to learn the fear of the Lord. (I've never even heard if he's actually a Christian yet but I know for a fact that Melania is and has become quite the prayer warrior)The prophetic word is that God is working on Trumps heart and also Melania's because she has suffered a great deal at the hands of the opposition and also Trump has not been the greatest husband. lol. We all know that. But God is changing his heart.

We may see someone who doesn't act quite as much as a bully and mocker when he comes back. At least 3 prophets have been shown visions of Air Force One going down, or wherever he is at the time, and picking him up and bringing him back to D.C. With TREMENDOUS joy and celebrations everywhere. It's going to be a very TRIUMPHANT return.

How you guys doin? How are the loads going? I'll keep my eyes open for a delivery job, that don't sound half bad. I'd probably get fired the first day for praying for people though! lol.

Yes, depression is a daily fight. Knowing these evil people now in power will find us and eventually end hopes of any kind of comfortable golden years is weighing heavily upon my mind.

See I do not suffer from that optimism disease so many other are so lucky to have. I dread what is coming next, as this pessimism is also a disease. And I hope to be proven wrong, but sooo many times I am not.

So I am keeping my head down, silent and will fly under the radar as long as I can. Living in fear and loathing really is no way to live...

Howdy sir krazzytrukker! I'm sorry to hear about the depression. Every single prophet that I listen to are putting their livelihoods, reputations, and ministries on the line because they know what God is saying to them and that gives me a great deal of confidence.

Also, what they are saying lines up with the military intel that I'm hearing also. The military guys are extremely excited and can't wait for this thing to go down, they know what's coming and they know we're taking the country back and taking down the treasonous actors. Trump is playing along and talking about running in 2024. lol...but he's just play acting.

So don't lose faith. In a few weeks we're going to see things that no one would believe! Keep that hope alive. Hey, your governor is quite awesome! Ours just announced today that next week the state will go back to life as normal with no restrictions and no masks.