I love what you are doing for this platform.
I appreciate what you do.
I would like for hive to work. If however we allow the same people run riot on hive as they were on Steem we will see the same results:
Initial growth and excitement
increasing awareness of the self serving corruption by the largest stake holders.
A steady decline in the number of real users.
Account numbers being bolstered by hundrends of new accounts only ever used to flag people. I am wondering how many accounts baah/bloom are creating for that very purpose here now. I have an incomplete list of his steem accounts if you are interested.Copy paste of comment made to @asgarth:
One of the biggest issues is the normalization of flags especially for disagreement of rewards. This counter productive thinking is alive and well on Hive.
If Hive wants to claim the moral high ground we need to live it.
I appreciate you keeping me in the loop. Except as necessary for security and to prevent economic harm to the community, as through scams and spam that affects the network, flags are generally inadvisable, IMHO.
I have had to mute @baah, unfortunately, despite my interest in his unconventional views and raging criticisms, his incessant and repetitious comments were just overwhelming my ability to track other, no less important, communications.
I am utterly flabbergasted by your assertion that @bloom and @baah are somehow connected. Do you have some evidence to support this? I would be very interested in a network of @baah accounts.
I am also aware of the many new accounts being used to nuisance flag, and have simply come to expect multiple flags without consequence on posts. Seems like I am left unharassed more often than not, but this is not true for some.
I note that @lucylin is pretty upset at @baah/@bloom flags of late. Is he aware of your belief regarding the association?
I have been seeking to put pressure on Marty and his ilk to get you off the total censorship list. I am confident that there is substantive discussion of the situation behind the scenes, but have no confidence mere words from me are nominal to effect that goal. Not much else I can do, sadly.
I have sought to stress that allowing covert application of censorship direly threatens security of Hive, and cannot fail to create a slippery slope leading straight to the cesspool of censorship Steem has become. Marty may not twitch at the comparison, but if you had that power he exercises presently, he'd be apoplectic, and most people realize that censorship must be extremely restricted to utter necessity, rather than casually and commonly how to deal with - and this is key in your example - folks whose opinions differ.
Thanks for revealing the stuff of which you're made by continuing to undertake to maintain speech despite the draconian censorship you've faced. I honestly find your persistence inspirational.
I'm fine matey - I'm seeing this as more of a game to be played. I like games. The monetary value for me personally, is irrelevant. (drawing up my own rules for the counter attack...)
I was upset at needle dick down voting me - simply because of my trading and then returning profits to you guys - It's money hes taking off you guys, as its the upvote values that contributes to the trading amounts, and hence profits.
Good. I hadn't heard that association before, and wanted you to be aware of it if you hadn't.
Some had mentioned the sheep/wither connection before - Kinda makes sense, but I have no proof.
...back to my planning of strategies..lol
...can you post the linked accounts connected to sheep and wither?
(drawing up my counter strategy, so any info would be good!)