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RE: @Drakos on censoship. Stupidity or Disingenuity?

in #censorship6 years ago (edited)

I was just talking with a friend last night about censorship of YouTube and Facebook. He was arguing a point that steem will be censored eventually the same way. I told him it’s not possible to be the same but the community could censor posts they don’t like, it works great for people cheating the reward pool, with tricks and spam, but I want to research what’s happening here. How do we protect people from bullies on steem and promote free speech. In some cases I have felt first hand the strength of people who have had more time here to build their accounts to have power enough to downvote. I personally like all bots and only downvote when I see questionable content is evil by my standards. I’m also fully aware that many cultures around the world feel differently about my views. But downvoting should be used with great understanding and empathy. I’m all for everyone being rewarded for efforts here. Small or big. Let’s all just get along and foster hope and encourage rich content creation for all.


The same way we protect people from evil. The good guys have to defeat the bad guys. I'd upvote you but it wouldn't count due to the .02 earnings threshold.

I'm not looking for an upvote here. I'm passionate about censorship on decentralized systems. We need to get it right or fight to make it right later.

It will hard to get things perfect on a public blockchain. I do really like upvotes and am glad I can make yours actually count and not get zeroed out. I think the .02 earnings threshold is more of a problem than censorship.

This is a great debate because it impacts each one of us. The online free speech debate can be compared to private property. I believe I can or should be allowed to do anything I want at my house. On my land. But maybe not in the public square. Social media, online, might be like a public square. If I have a website, maybe I own it. Maybe, I should have the right what is said on my website because it is part of my private property perhaps.

Is Facebook or Steemit like a public square or is each account like a private house with private property rights?

Steemit has free speech, which is one thing. The flagging (downvoting) does not remove posts & comments. Our posts & comments are stored in the blockchain of but may be taken off if there are copyright claims that are sent to the company which @Ned said in a video is a USA company that has to follow USA laws. So, things may be taken off Steemit but not Steem unless if I am mistaken by those details. But there are applications that may come from other countries that may not hide some things.

Flagging is more a free market thing as Steem is mostly like an auction thing that goes up and down in the bidding. The debate on free speech and on the free market is still there but Steemit is still better than Facebook by so much.

Thank you for taking the time to share this prospective. I think the current architecture it's awesome and took some foresight to plan. I'm not wrong to think this is new concept of communication is new to all of human kind and will take more effort to keep it useful and necessary.

Example as I talk to friends and people I want to equip for the future. They ask why they would give money to someone for posting. They are initially confused that upvoting means they give some of their STEEM to the author. As I explain in more detail, proclaiming that they need to pay attention as this platform/network is not like other websites they have known at all. Most are still skeptical. They will come around as soon as it's necessary.

Hi @sdavignon, I was just going through all the comments here with interest & I am compelled to comment here- not exactly related but somewhat, maybe. I read somewhere that 65000 Steems are created everyday from thin air of which 50000 is put into the reward pool. I don't know how this is related to your post but I post here anyway.

Thank you, our information is very relevant to my post. I'm going to follow you and hope to interact in the future. :)

The solution is as complex as finding an answer to the question, how does a nation get to have a good government.

  • People get what they deserve. If they are organized, majority are well informed and conscientious, and act with their conscience more often than not, then they will know and choose the right people instead of the wrong; support the right causes and downvote the bad.
  • We can no more protect people from bullies than keep up with the bullies that boot lickers acting without conscience, zero will to gain knowledge, acting with unfettered greed, help to flourish. Such people couldn't care less about censorship, freedom of speech or anything like that. All they care about is money. Hence we have success stories like Facebook and YouTube, and now - steemit - fast becoming dominated by and operated by a powerful group of tyrants.

At least here, we do have a means to resist. It will take time, but because I believe in the basic good nature in people, we will organize ourselves in the correct way and these types will be defeated eventually.

There are more of us than them - more people interested in truth and beauty and justice.
Profit without guidance and controlled by unfettered greed are not the only successful cornerstones to becoming an organized society.