@Drakos on censoship. Stupidity or Disingenuity?

in #censorship6 years ago (edited)

Since most of Drakos post and comments about me are so dense with ignorance, lies and fallacies that no sane or informed person would read through them let along get to my response, I will respond to them one by one as separate posts.

From: https://steemit.com/abuse/@drakos/tyranny-strikes-again-grumpycat-is-back-with-a-new-tactic#@drakos/re-grumpycat-re-drakos-tyranny-strikes-again-grumpycat-is-back-with-a-new-tactic-20180420t185703272z

I'm not pretending, I'm actively and gladly flagging your self-upvotes because I don't think your dot is worth $20.

Why are you so proud of flagging $20 comments while we're talking about censorship?
You never even had the ability to censor anything of more than $5, actually without @wackou's airdrop delegation you could not censor stuff above $1.71, which is already way more influence than I think your IQ should be permitted to have here.

Do we have to assume you will censor anything (via bot) and having to upvote them just above what you could flag them not to be censored?
Do you realize how ridiculous that is when you also claim to fight self-voting?

The dozens you censored were all ~1$ and were providing important information to the people affected by non-compliant vote selling services.

Automated censorship of all my comments using a bot with the keys of a dozen brainwashed minions was the reason for my swift round of flagging.

The "dot" post was just a test for further evidence of automation.
But here's the problem, the problem is you should know that by now! or you know and ignore the facts as convenient.

Why should you know? Because automated censorship using your keys has been happening for more than a month and I often go contact you in @sneaky-ninja's minion's den #the-resistance to let you know of what's happening.

Now try censoring that one like my last post.

There are 2 pages

The dozens you censored were all ~1$ and were providing important information to the people affected by non-compliant services.

I'm laughing right now... You are a big liar. Most of your important information was self-upvoted to $20-$160, who are you trying to fool here? gtfo

I'm still not sure why you're still calling it censorship. We don't like that you're self-upvoting your comments and we're downvoting them. Stop making a big deal out of it. If you can flag, we can flag you back. Get over it and stop crying like a baby. Simple. As far as I know, you are the one censoring others with your stupid flagging.

Did you know that people on Steemit.com have to click extra steps to view content that is flagged below zero?

@Grumpycat like many others believes flagging bellow zero is a form of censorship worst than countering of rewards because it requires of the posters to constantly monitor even their $0.00 comments to protect them from the many low-skakes/ low-life like @drakos.

I'm laughing right now... You are a big liar. Most of your important information was self-upvoted to $20-$160, who are you trying to fool here? gtfo

Keep laughing, I'm responding to a post you made about me requesting @wackou to limit you from using his SP for sub zero flagging on me.

What's the problem? All you need to do is unvote and revote those comments with more VP %. Or is that too much work for you? You're rich, hire a programmer to write you a script for that.

I'm responding to a post you made about me requesting @wackou to limit you from using his SP for sub zero flagging on me.

Wrong, you spammed his delegatees with comments threatening to flag them if @wackou doesn't bend to your demands. One of them was freaked out and contacted me worried about your threats. You keep terrorizing people. Stop it.

What's the problem? All you need to do is unvote and revote those comments with more VP %. Or is that too much work for you? You're rich, hire a programmer to write you a script for that.

Wasting time and SP playing bot vs bot games is useless when I know I can count on the people who own the SP to do what make sense both logically and financially.

Wrong, you spammed his delegatees with comments threatening to flag them if @wackou doesn't bend to your demands. One of them was freaked out and contacted me worried about your threats.

So you're saying a $850k investor sending 6 messages to a $1.6M investor and his now concerned minions to resolve a conflict is spam?

You keep terrorizing people. Stop it.

Less people acting like idiots with more influence than they deserve means less drama. You stop it.

You started this whole drama, so you stop it first, then perhaps we can talk like adults. Until then, you got some growing up to do.

The source of the drama is the delay between you logic catching up to your egos.

The reason I'm contacting @wackou is that I'm not sure yours will ever catch up.

You class yourself as an adult? WHERE is the proof of that (in content, alone, sir? x PS. In order to expect a certain response from anyone it needs to proven BEFOREHAND, sir! As human history proves..... risk equals reward, sir! x

Not that I'm gonna even mention what side I am or am not on here, but it was a joy reading this all to the tune of Green Hill Zone

What does RICHNESS have anything to do with ANYTHING, dude??? Have you only gone to self-explode you own cause????? x

WASS UP? Dude, concentrate your energies on your quality content, Sir! There is a very good reason (i presume/ I HOPE) why you are successful on STEEMIT!?! You are leaving the estranged, lonely, bitter, well-funded, gutted, alienated etc. etc. etc. in the dust (and without STEEM)! Focus on your goal and allow them to focus on their OWN SHITS! If they distract you..... they WILL bring you down, Sir! x

I don't understand your gibberish.

Hey @Grumpycat

Haejin has downvoted me and wrecked my account to try and punish me for speaking out against him.

If you took a quick look at my account you'll see how spiteful he is, even now he flags me.

Saludos tengo cinco... y créanme es difícil cuando estan asi...

WHO are you trolling?

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the war between whales is pointless, nobody wins, how about we work together to make steemit a better platform, there's so much problem in steemit right now, if we fight each other it will only create unnecessary problem, I hope you guys forgive each other and forget the past and move forward?

but is it a good environment and a good example to those new users reading a post that is suppose to be discussed privately rather than public? we shouldn't create hatred in steemit, because we are a whole family here. :)

If a person stands-up for HUMANITY and everything that it stands for, rather than taking the easiest and laziest route by just sticking a label upon everyone (without any sort of discussion) and calling them a bigot, a true-liberal, a conservative, a humanitarian, a racist, a white-supremacist, a nationalist etc. etc. etc. WHO pays these people to act like this? There is no way that they would act like this due to their own common-sense or education, is there?

WHO pays these people to act like this?

Oligarchies' PR.

These "war" are ways to communicate and usually result in mutually beneficial outcomes.

I hope you got to learn something from this.

I feel like everyone sees steemit in a different way and this causes chaos. Its good if whales can can get along but it seems many just are aggressive and don't want to here other small sp user's opinions.

Never think of small or big! That is just one step towards self-distruction! x

It depends upon how they approach it!

That's what we really need but it doesn't seem to be happening.

Bernie Sanders 2 21042018121034.jpg

@meman I am not a bootlicker like you.

The idiots in society need to be left to defend their petty differences! The rest of us need to focus on near future global food price rises due to the grand solar minimum. The fact that certain areas of the Northern U.S will be getting 2-4 Inches of MORE SNOW in the coming week (especially in the North-East)! Food-Crops should have been planted one (1) week ago but the ground is still snow covered, still frozen and still yet to thaw-out. Once it thawes-out the moisture needs to be evaporated-out by the sun to dry the soil enough for plantation of the seeds! Some would say that that is ok/ plenty of time..... but then we get towards the end of the season (which may also be shortened). Therefore we have the starts late and ends early situation for global food-crops (in the majority of the Northern Half of the Northern U.S). In 2017, the State of Texas it had floods and then drought which seriously impeded its crops of Wheat growth. This effected its harvest (2017) in quality/ yield. This not only meant that most of those crops only had a quality fit for ANIMAL consumption but it also..... PUSHED-UP global wheat prices by 8%! As of the 21st of April, 2018 we have already seen weather conditions (throughout the NORTHERN HEMISPHERE) where what happened in 2017 will be magnified. In 2019, that magnification will continue and will continue into 2020. WELCOME, to the current Grand Solar Minimum (the Eddy Minimum)! x


The big question is why is a post like this worth 774$?

Whine post that adds nothing to Steem or ideas for improvement...

I honestly don't know how to improve it but if I had a vote the I would not allow such posts to earn anything.

The post is very funny @grumpycat.

Hi @grumpycat, nice to know that you are a person with emotion too. You have flagged all my 3 posts that I promoted with bidbots. I can see that you are very powerful here. Your @grumpycat & @madpuppy account has a value of more than$800K combined. That's almost a million dolars. That is a lot of money - I could use that amount to send my daughter to study medicine at Cambridge University, in England. I hope you have a heart & please don't flag me again because your downvote carries a lot of negative values. Please @grumpycat. Don't be so grumpy. I am just a nobody here. Give us a little help. Don't look down on me. I know you use bidbots here too - that's how I noticed this fight of yours. Have a little heart for the little people like me. Thank you so much for not being so grumpy at me. Please @grumpycat ...........

You have used @sneaky-ninja 3 times about 14 days apart and received my explanation comment on all of them. Unless @drakos has hidden them, by reading it you would have understood that using non-compliant bot like @sneaky-ninja will result in the same outcome.

If my notice wasn't clear enough let me know how you think I could improve it.

Hi @madpuppy, so nice to know that you are a real person - coz you replied...Yay!! Hmmmm, it got me thinking, are you one person or many people working on shifts? So sorry , too many questions.

I only used @sneaky-ninja 2 times, not 3 times as you said. So , could you please unflag me for my last blog? I did not use @sneaky-ninja there. Please @madpuppy...Don't be so mad... !

Lick his boots too - and don't miss a spot. Next time he kicks me for doing what I have every right to do, upvote or pay for upvotes at any time before payout, or expressing my view here perhaps, the boot he wears will be nice and clean because of boot lickers doing a great job .. so please, don't miss a spot. I hate my pants to have dirty patches from being booted by bullies with dirty boots.

Non-bootlicking Steemian resisting tyrants of all kinds

Hi @oneazania, seriously this grumpycat/madpuppy couldn't care less....I tried. So ya, I edit my reply....

Ma'am, I may have sounded nasty toward you - but I was trying to make a point. I too, thought he was doing good when I saw the nonsense trending. I even left a comment supporting his action on a silly post which didn't deserve the high rewards. After a while, seeing the impact his/her sloppy actions are doing to good posts, and hearing the very strong arguments of visionary people like @drakos, @firedream and many other developers who understand a lot more than we do, I can no longer stay supportive of this type of thing.

If you examine this post, he insinuates that he will set out to counter all of the original post arguments made by @drakos - but he rather dis-ingenuously fails to even attempt to do it. Leaving me wondering if there is any comprehension at all about the word dis-ingenious or stupidity for that matter. Insults are not the same as arguments.

No explanation needed. Also no offence taken. All good.. But thanks for the explanation.. One is free to say & do whatever ones want - here or in the real world.

Good luck if he listens.

Hi @drakos, Thanks for noticing. You 're not too bad yourself. You've got a lot of steem power too. And your account is not too shabby as well. Give some upvotes to some poor soul like me sometimes. Thanks. :D

I wish I could use it fully for curation instead of wasting it partially on grumpycat.

Hi @drakos,

You are the best. You have a good heart. I saw your vote on my latest blog. Thank you so much..

I am following you. & I voted you for witness

Stop fighting @drakos.It really annoying.Thanks, overall you are the best and I wish am the witness for your victory.

This fight is for truth and not to harm. People are using their arms but that is the only option here.

Thats steemit for ya. A place where the well off can do whatever they want. Just like the real world.

As a gesture of good will (I can't believe I'm doing this), I removed my flags on the @madpuppy censored comments. They are visible again. Happy? But you better not play any tricks and use them as placeholders for future upvotes.

good gesture.png

Bravo @drakos, you have a good heart. Well done! I upvote

I was just talking with a friend last night about censorship of YouTube and Facebook. He was arguing a point that steem will be censored eventually the same way. I told him it’s not possible to be the same but the community could censor posts they don’t like, it works great for people cheating the reward pool, with tricks and spam, but I want to research what’s happening here. How do we protect people from bullies on steem and promote free speech. In some cases I have felt first hand the strength of people who have had more time here to build their accounts to have power enough to downvote. I personally like all bots and only downvote when I see questionable content is evil by my standards. I’m also fully aware that many cultures around the world feel differently about my views. But downvoting should be used with great understanding and empathy. I’m all for everyone being rewarded for efforts here. Small or big. Let’s all just get along and foster hope and encourage rich content creation for all.

The same way we protect people from evil. The good guys have to defeat the bad guys. I'd upvote you but it wouldn't count due to the .02 earnings threshold.

I'm not looking for an upvote here. I'm passionate about censorship on decentralized systems. We need to get it right or fight to make it right later.

It will hard to get things perfect on a public blockchain. I do really like upvotes and am glad I can make yours actually count and not get zeroed out. I think the .02 earnings threshold is more of a problem than censorship.

This is a great debate because it impacts each one of us. The online free speech debate can be compared to private property. I believe I can or should be allowed to do anything I want at my house. On my land. But maybe not in the public square. Social media, online, might be like a public square. If I have a website, maybe I own it. Maybe, I should have the right what is said on my website because it is part of my private property perhaps.

Is Facebook or Steemit like a public square or is each account like a private house with private property rights?

Steemit has free speech, which is one thing. The flagging (downvoting) does not remove posts & comments. Our posts & comments are stored in the blockchain of http://Steem.io but may be taken off http://Steemit.com if there are copyright claims that are sent to the Steemit.com company which @Ned said in a video is a USA company that has to follow USA laws. So, things may be taken off Steemit but not Steem unless if I am mistaken by those details. But there are applications that may come from other countries that may not hide some things.

Flagging is more a free market thing as Steem is mostly like an auction thing that goes up and down in the bidding. The debate on free speech and on the free market is still there but Steemit is still better than Facebook by so much.

Thank you for taking the time to share this prospective. I think the current architecture it's awesome and took some foresight to plan. I'm not wrong to think this is new concept of communication is new to all of human kind and will take more effort to keep it useful and necessary.

Example as I talk to friends and people I want to equip for the future. They ask why they would give money to someone for posting. They are initially confused that upvoting means they give some of their STEEM to the author. As I explain in more detail, proclaiming that they need to pay attention as this platform/network is not like other websites they have known at all. Most are still skeptical. They will come around as soon as it's necessary.

Hi @sdavignon, I was just going through all the comments here with interest & I am compelled to comment here- not exactly related but somewhat, maybe. I read somewhere that 65000 Steems are created everyday from thin air of which 50000 is put into the reward pool. I don't know how this is related to your post but I post here anyway.

Thank you, our information is very relevant to my post. I'm going to follow you and hope to interact in the future. :)

The solution is as complex as finding an answer to the question, how does a nation get to have a good government.

  • People get what they deserve. If they are organized, majority are well informed and conscientious, and act with their conscience more often than not, then they will know and choose the right people instead of the wrong; support the right causes and downvote the bad.
  • We can no more protect people from bullies than keep up with the bullies that boot lickers acting without conscience, zero will to gain knowledge, acting with unfettered greed, help to flourish. Such people couldn't care less about censorship, freedom of speech or anything like that. All they care about is money. Hence we have success stories like Facebook and YouTube, and now - steemit - fast becoming dominated by and operated by a powerful group of tyrants.

At least here, we do have a means to resist. It will take time, but because I believe in the basic good nature in people, we will organize ourselves in the correct way and these types will be defeated eventually.

There are more of us than them - more people interested in truth and beauty and justice.
Profit without guidance and controlled by unfettered greed are not the only successful cornerstones to becoming an organized society.

I agree with you but every post on trending is self promoted and upvoted, almost 95% of the earnings collected from bot. Still there are many disadvantages on steemit, despite of fighting each-other we should suggest good ideas to improve steemit

@postpromoter payout in the amount of $343.33 (60%)
@buildawhale payout in the amount of $116.50 (31%)
@rocky1 payout in the amount of $107.29 (36%)
@therising payout in the amount of $68.78 (51%)
@appreciator payout in the amount of $60.03 (20%)
@promobot payout in the amount of $28.54 (19%)

For a total of $724.47 .

@blocktrades $0.00 (-100%)
@drakos $0.00 (-100%)
@geekpowered $0.00 (-100%)
@sayutimuhammad $0.00 (-100%)
@arevalorjm $0.00 (-100%)


Great blog ;)

When you copy/paste or repeatedly type the same comments you could be mistaken for a bot.

Tips to avoid being flagged

Thank You! ⚜

how about we work together to make steemit a better platform, there's so much problem in steemit right now, if we fight each other it will only create unnecessary problem,

Easy solution, pick your weapon of choice and battle to the death. The survivor is given the title of Steemian Lord and will rule over the 7 Steem Kingdoms. ALong with this title you will be given the hand of Daenerys Targaryen. Deal. @drakos, you in?

its all for money..... voted and unvoted LOL :D

The whole idea of fighting each through words isn't really nice guys. Do put an end to the abuse @drakos and @grumpycat

Have a boxing match! Thats how everyone is squashing their beef these days

You got a 60.19% upvote from @postpromoter courtesy of @madpuppy!

Want to promote your posts too? Check out the Steem Bot Tracker website for more info. If you would like to support the development of @postpromoter and the bot tracker please vote for @yabapmatt for witness!

I just made a post about upvoting your own post. It seems it is a good source of income for the biggies. I always upvote my own posts. https://steemit.com/steemit/@stranded/upvote-your-own-post-to-vote-or-not-to-vote

It works great if you pretend to be doing something good.. this allows you to leave spammy comments, which you then upvote as late as possible. That way, your poor ability to create content is not as visible. Take for instance this post - it is probably the worst content I have read all week (I never read trending, but stay in my feed). The only reason I came across this was @the-resistance mentioned this in a server so i took a look.

My point is, it is very poorly written, so this user has created a perfect scam. He downvotes others using a big fear tactic - he's controlling spam. Then he leaves a spacer comment (actual spam) and upvotes it later on.

Brilliant way around making money without too much effort, isn't it ;-)

wow good post

Why are you looking all proud in front of the American flag like you're doing something noble? You don't stand for freedom! What kind of bs propaganda is this @grumpycat?

you are right.. great information...you helped me through this post

I like your post, vote me.

Can’t believe it 😂

Haters gon' hate.

Nice detective work; I just followed you upvoted this post and resteemed it. When I get a little more SP I plan on delegating you some.

Don't worry about people like that, your shedding of light upon them will only serve to have those of us who will now (or continue) to support you in a clearly harmless activity.

The platform works this way and it's healthy this way. CEOs are rewarded ludicrous bonuses by their boards or even by themselves. The system is how it is and even if you were upvoting in your own self-interest (not saying you necessarily were)...who gives a $h1t? The people who do such things will only help the community get stronger as 'exploits' end up getting patched. Even if they don't get patched, like i said...that makes this a truly free market economic platform...which is a great part of the platform.

Politicians are elected with money. People are stupid enough to vote for their leader based on Facebook ads apparently (hogwash...just political dialectic to polarize people's views of Pres. Trump). Before the internet, TV ads or even before that, radio commercials were never mentioned as being targeted to demographics...despite the fact that they are,

Ranted a bit there...but you get my point. If anyone has an issue with it, get off the platform.

Editan tu broe

Interesting job. The pssy is looking funny.

Nice post

Totally agree with this post...Help and support each other and the world as a whole--a better place...
creative job @grumpycat, thank you for sharing.

noob here.
Would anyone be kind enough to explain to me what this post is about.
I have no context.

click the first link, that should help

Hi I'm Rimon and my user name is @rimon7. i just see your post and i like your post very much. Brother place help me. how to i'm gropup frist in steemit. plz any tips give me brother. 'm also following you.😍

Hi I'm Rimon and my user name is @rimon7. i just see your post and i like your post very much. Brother place help me. how to i'm gropup frist in steemit. plz any tips give me brother. 'm also following you.😍

you managed to make people amazed with your posts ,, nice work friends .. regards from @ wendi12

Whales on fire....

🎶 I wish I were a rich whale, yubby dibby dibby dibby dibby dibby dibby dum 🎶

I really wish...... hahaha

No....., what happened @grumpycat

You got a 29.07% upvote from @slimwhale courtesy of @prometheus21!

Did you know you can make a passive income by simply delegating steem power?
@slimwhale offers the best return on your investment, sharing 100% of the bidding pool rewards, daily, proportional to your investment.
Let's grow together, start earning now by clicking the following links: 10SP, | 50SP | 500SP, | any amount |
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How good it is to have problems making a post and generating money, in the end there is a benefit for both, greetings

Hi @grumpycat, your post, post title, post description and content management is very good.you are really a well-organized person at all.Thanks

until now there have many problem in this stemit platform . to overcome the situation we need to work together , fight together , run together to achieve goal , and win together .

its really nice post

Can you share here for join this group @grumpycat? 😊

whaling between whales is useless, nobody wins, how about we work together to make steemit a better platform, there are so many problems in steemit now, if we fight each other it will only create unnecessary problems, I hope you guys forgive each other and forget the past and move forward? Thank you for your input @cortexx

There are 2 pages