
Ma'am, I may have sounded nasty toward you - but I was trying to make a point. I too, thought he was doing good when I saw the nonsense trending. I even left a comment supporting his action on a silly post which didn't deserve the high rewards. After a while, seeing the impact his/her sloppy actions are doing to good posts, and hearing the very strong arguments of visionary people like @drakos, @firedream and many other developers who understand a lot more than we do, I can no longer stay supportive of this type of thing.

If you examine this post, he insinuates that he will set out to counter all of the original post arguments made by @drakos - but he rather dis-ingenuously fails to even attempt to do it. Leaving me wondering if there is any comprehension at all about the word dis-ingenious or stupidity for that matter. Insults are not the same as arguments.

No explanation needed. Also no offence taken. All good.. But thanks for the explanation.. One is free to say & do whatever ones want - here or in the real world.