You seem to be confused. The amount of money listed under a post is not yours. It is an estimate of the payout given the votes up until that point in time. To regard that as your own paycheck is ridiculous.
It’s not yours until all the votes are counted, at payout time.
Just like an election, you don’t get to claim what you believe to be yours until everyone who cares to vote has done so.
Flagging can never take anything away from you.
I missed the part where you point to one of his "demonstrably false statements".
I notice that your downvotes also generate downvotes from @blacklist-a.
Two simple questions for you:
Where's that steemit judge jury and executioner photo when ya need it. :D
No you didn't, you're just being passive-aggressive.
You've got a really bad attitude, @sneak
Yeah it denies him nothing except the rewards bestowed to the author by others, which he can use to buy bandwith.
The people of steemit obviously agree with him. One might be wise not to anger the giant...
How about a comprimise? Remove the flag but don't apologize. Then toughen up a little. It's just words. From time to time we all fall on our faces. No biggie.
Write a retort. Engage him in debate. But don't flag needlessly. That's a garbage tactic.