"Censorship - Wikipedia
Censorship is the suppression of speech, public communication, or other information..."
Note that flagging to invisibility is undeniably suppression, and thus is, by definition, censorship, @sneak.
"Censorship - Wikipedia
Censorship is the suppression of speech, public communication, or other information..."
Note that flagging to invisibility is undeniably suppression, and thus is, by definition, censorship, @sneak.
Congratulations you have been flagged to almost invisibility.
Thank god(insert any steemit whale name here) it is not completely invisible.
Do you know what it takes to get flagged into Oblivion?
Flagging, isn't it more like the school bully pushing you down on the floor? Doesn't really hurt you but shows everyone what an ass he is?
I follow @skeptic because he inspires me. He was flagged into negative rep multiple times by @berniesanders, and refused to just give up. His rep is now almost as high as mine.
@berniesanders, OTOH, is still at -17 IIRC, since @dan gave him a little taste of his own medicine.
I am sooooo gonna be flagged into the neg! I name names, and this invokes the flags.
But, I refuse to pussyfoot around. I reckon this conversation involves those particular individuals, regardless of whether they like it or not, so I don't shy away from the consequences of speaking plainly and forthrightly.
You are the kind of man that makes this world tolerable!
I will be your friend even when I disagree with you. But here I stand with you support you and agree!
There is way too much bullying on Steemit by people that should take the higher road.
Isn't it better to teach the rest of us how to act by example.
Time to do as I do not do as I say.
We must never stoop to their methods of name calling and character assassination. That is exactly why we are on Steemit to begin with to get away from that mainstream media BS.
I am pretty sure this is a CIA/NSA owned and controlled site. Everything is the same here and the SJW have the biggest voice.
BTW Berniesanders can just upvote himself right back to 68 in about one day. He has so many accounts. If you look at what happened it is still Haejin and his other accounts attacking Bernie. Dan only attacks @ned
Kinda like the Trump stripper /porn stories distracting us from the clinton and fbi crimes.
There must be some real crimes going on here and this BS is to keep us all distracted.
LOL The @haejin thing is relatively recent. the @dan thing was some months ago.
I'm pretty sure the CIA has it's tentacles in every orifice it can reach. Despite that, I note the Steem blockchain makes the data available to the public, and that is perhaps the greatest threat to the CIA that the world has ever devised.
Right now blackmail and brownstone ops, as well as the Steele dossier, are possible to use to control public policy because the data isn't available to the public. Secrets you keep that others know give them power over you, including lies like the Steele dossier.
When our 'public servants' are surveilled AND that data is available on the blockchain, there'll be no more Dennis Hasterts riding the blackmail train to 3rd in line to the presidency, because people wouldn't have elected him to powerful public office knowing he was a kiddy diddler, as the CIA certainly did.
Steemit and the blockchain is the greatest threat to blackmailers the world has ever known.
I like your style, good sir.
Number of accounts don't much matter, its all about that Steem Power.
Good thing then that it's impossible to make a post invisible by flagging.
Well, you just made my comment invisible. Dunno why. All it said was:
Too bad you're not better acquainted with veracity. You'd see just how well you proved my point.
Seriously? You sicced @blacklist-a on me for that?
Skin is a thing. It's really good to have on your butt, cuz it keeps it from getting hurt.
followed ;)
No but it certainly makes it LESS-visible, which is closer to 'invisible' than 'visible' on the color spectrum.
@sneak -- the more I read posts from you, the more convinced I am that you would have been one of the ones gleefully tossing books into a bonfire before digital text existed.
Perhaps you should get a job at Twitter or Facebook instead?
Good thing indeed.