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RE: Report: Hostility To Religion Spiked Under Obama Admin

in #chainbb-general8 years ago (edited)

I think we can agree that the 2 main issues that has people "mad at christians" (and other faiths) over are homosexuality and abortion. People of faith cannot simply cannot accept either as ok on any level, and rightly will fight when they are tried to be forced upon them (bake gay marriage cakes, their money given to abortion providers). Again, it is standing up for THEIR rights rather than try to come others'. Prob is that than there us an inevitable clash, whose rights supercede.. and no nobody will be thrown in jail for a gay marriage, just won't be recognized as legal, same as previous, abortion, if it's defined as murder (which it is )than it should have legal consequences if performed, no apologies made.

The disagreements u mentioned are mainly among much smaller groups, the overwhelming christian majority doesn't classify those things as sin. Homosexuality is an unarguable sin according to the scriptures, the small number who try to say otherwise are simply twisting scripture in order to justify the lifestyle that many of them are in.