If you could teach people one lesson that you have learned throughout your life, what would it be?
I have learned many things in my time here, some are more important than others. Some are more applicable in certain situations. I want to know what the most important thing you have learned was.
Is it that red pill moment when you realized things weren't what they seemed? Was it a spiritual experience that filled you with empathy and compassion? Was it from a pastor or preacher that gave you advice that changed your life? Or was it from a profound moment you had when dealing with loss in your life? There are so many 'ah-ha' moments, so many epiphanies, so many moments when confusion becomes clarity. It is hard to pick one.
Its even harder to have all of those moments from behind one set of eyes, from one perspective. So I want to crowd source life lessons. That me or whoever chooses to read them can read and learn from.
What can you teach me or others? What one thing do you want to world to better understand?

Challenge rules:
1 - Create a post, sharing with us the biggest lesson you have learned in your life. It can be as short or as long as required to make the point and to share the stories that taught you it if you would like.
2 - Share that post in the comments of this post.
THAT'S IT. No upvoting this or resteeming this necessary. No specific tags or post title. Just create a great post sharing your knowledge about the biggest lesson you want to teach others. The biggest lesson you have learned yourself.
Challenge Payouts:
First place will get 10 SBD
Second place will get 5 SBD
Third place will get 3 SBD
Other honorable mentions will also be rewarded.
This challenge will be paid for by me with SBD I already have, but upvotes to offset the cost would be appreciated and could increase the reward amounts I am able to reward. Resteems would help get more participation. However, entries would be appreciated the most!
I have created a 'sample entry' with my most profound life lesson I have learned here. In my opinion its worth reading even if you aren't going to take part in the challenge. I'm biased though of course haha!
Life is full of lessons. We live, we screw up, we learn. I’ve had more than my share, of learning experiences, which means that I’ve screwed up a lot. I think that life lessons are born of regret. You do something that falls outside the norm of what is expected of you, and Bam, here comes the regret! Nobody can always be right. This is a given, but if we can be right, more times than we are wrong, does that make everything ok? Who really knows? I’ve been right about many things, and have profited for having followed my instincts. But, at the same time, I have been wrong about so many things, situations, scenarios, that I can scarcely keep an accurate account. I’m not saying that I haven’t been successful, I’m simply saying that I could have done better. You ask for Life Leesons, so having summed up my entire life’s accomplishments and failures, in the span of 15 minutes, I would have to say that the only things yhat I regret, are the things that I have not done. The only questions that remain unanswered, are the ones that I was too afraid to ask. The only dreams left unfulfilled, were the ones I ignored, and the only lesson of life that is worth learning is: How can I make my life better for me, and the people I love, without destroying “ME” in the process. Because “ME” is “I”, and “i” is “You”, and if “WE”, Take care of each other, then the World would be a better place, and there would’ve nothing to worry about. In the simplest of terms, what I’ve learned, is that we all need someone, a friend, a lover, a mentor, and that we all need to care for one another, even if we Agree, To, Disagree. Life is Fleeting, and ignorance has NO part in this Play.
Thank you so much for your candor. I very much agree with you and find you to be quite sincere.
Very moving one here @ drpuffnstuff - he has my vote for sincerity.
Thank you for understanding my post, replete with spelling and grammatical errors. You got my point, and that is sufficient. Thanks again for an open minded assessment.
Take care of you sanity and stress levels. If you have trouble sleeping for a longer time, get professinal help! Everyone has a breaking point and a lot of things we stress ourselves about are simply unnecessary.
Thank you for giving us to share our life lessons with other steemians.. God bless you for this good work.. Life is full of trials.. We passed through trials daily.. We face them we fight with them we sort out them we learn from all this session.. We learn from all this series
Actually our big issue is this we have less patience.. We want fruit as early as posible or with in few seconds.. We feel all others much better than us.. Coz we dont know their difficulties.. Once i read a story.. Those days i was living a tough life.. My husband was jobless.. I was employed in a school.. Lack of money lack of respect and also my husband was away abroad.. My daughter was sick
I had less money for her treatment.. I wept many times a day.. I was unable to understand the any positive thing behind this tough trial
I was bearing all this since more than 1 year.. One day i was so worried then i read a story.. It was surely gods blessing for me as this story gave me courage..
The story was of a lady.. One day a man was very sad and worried.. He was thinking that he was the most miserable person in world
Suddenly he saw that lady.. She was continuously smiling.. Both were at their sacred place fir pray.. Man went to her and asked her how she was so happy in this cruel world
She smiled and looked at him and said..
My story is most heart broken in this world.. I told you my story.. I lived in a hill station with my kids and family.. One day my elder son went to hills.. I was cooking food on a wood stove..
After some time someone came to tell that my son was eaten by lion.. My husband rushed to hills and my other son went behind him.. I ran to stop him and left my little crowling daughter there.. But i did not find him and desperately come back.. When i entered home i was totally heart broken to see that my little daughter crowled to stove and burned herself badly by hot boiled soup.. She was dead till that time.. After few hours people come back with my husband dead body as he slipped from hills.. I did not find my sons till now.. I had nothing now.. I was fully heart broken and fearfull.. I wept alot but then come to know that this was useless.. Still my heart is full of sorrow but i learnt to smile.. My heart is weeping but lips are smiling.. She said to man you cant see others sorrows so dont be sad or unthankful to god..
You are much better than others.. It was a long story but the main lessons i learnt were that we are much better than others as we cant see their sorrows..
We should count our blessings not our sorrows..
I was thankful then i had my kids with me..
The most important thing of my life was with me and i had eyes nose and all body parts fine.. Then what was the need to be sad
This story was a life lesson for me and hope for many others will be
This is a tough challenge. There are so many moments(some of them taking years to fully understand) that have changed my life. i.e Desiderata.
The one I will share here is the night I did not commit suicide.
After years of drug addiction everything that I had valued was lost. Family, money, reputation and most importantly self respect. I had reached a point described as "incomprehensible demoralization".
It's a place you can't really describe. After 30 yrs I can still feel what it was like. Imagine everything that means anything to you is gone. GONE.
The only thing left was a mess. Everything broken. No hope.
I had been a happy, optimistic person my whole life. Life always worked out. I noticed beautiful sunrises, the aspen glow on snow covered mountains, watching my children. I still, to this day watch my kids, although grown adults, with amazement.
Incomprehensibly demoralized is where I found myself.......
A solution came to me....
A rifle...an end. It was an actual option, something I could have never before or since been able to entertain.
I felt another option at almost the same instant. God.
God was in the room with me. Had been the whole time. My whole life I realized he had been right there.
I kneeled at the couch and prayed. He accepted me. Just as I was at that moment. The worst I had, and he accepted me. The grace that was offered had nothing to do with my behavior. Good or bad. It was bigger than my efforts and failures.
Humility is what I gained that night. I won't be perfect. I don't have to be. So good things I do now, I do out of love. Love and acceptance God gave me at my worst.
Life is like a book that encompasses of the pages of laughter and of pain. However, our daily life endeavors affords us the opportunity to turn the pages of life. Sometimes, fate leaves us at either the pages of laughter or that of pain. However, it is advisable not to be discouraged with where one finds his or herself, for a better page may lie ahead. My experience in life is one that has no doubt been encapsulated with series of challenges. It all started in 2006 when I finished my secondary education and was seeking admission into the University. Based on the Nigerian educational system, every applicant must sit for the University Matriculation examination before the individual can be qualified to be offered admission into the University. As a brilliant student, my performance was outstanding in the result of the examination. But unfortunately, I was denied admission that year (ie, 2006). This shattered my hope of joining my secondary school mates who we already agreed to belong to the same secret cult when we get to Abia State University, which is my State University. The frustration and subsequent denial of admission continued, as all my efforts to secure admission into Abia State University proved abortive, and this went on from 2006 till 2008. In 2009, I was forced to change to another institution of choice outside my state, the University of Uyo in Akwa Ibom State. Luckily and to the glory of God, I was granted admission by merit to study Political Science and Public Administration. But unfortunately, I had no friends around anymore to continue with our initial plan of joining a secret cult. In the absence of that, and coupled with the fact that time has really passed me by, I had no other option rather than to confine myself to my books. I realized that a great future was ahead of me, and that all the silly thoughts were all vanity upon vanity. Today, I have grown into a successful man, with additional Masters degree in Public Administration, and I give God the glory for redirecting my future to a better path that has no doubt helped me to realize my potentials. Regrettably, most of my friends who went on to embrace cultism never lived to see the end, as their lives were cut short. The lesson I have learnt from this wonderful experience of mine is that sometimes, the things we pursue may be denied from us, not because we do not meet up with the expectations or qualification it requires, but because we need to be saved from certain unforeseen circumstances or challenges that may likely arise on the way. My frustration of yesterday has indeed become my testimony of today. God always knows the best for us, so we don’t need to question his decision in our lives. Thanks.
Hi, I love this contest as I have been saring daily life lessons in my " The Awakenining blog for a few days now. Here is my post I just worte to enter this challenge. Good luck to everyone.
We are one blood.
awesome @drpuffnstuff can't wait to think up my post and share my life lesson challenge with my fellow steemians, what a great way to get some creative juices flowing and maybe learn something new along the way.
Regards @conradsuperb
Hi, I hope I'm not late. Thanks for this contest, it has been fantastic to explore my past to bring this story.
Here is my entry, I hope you can read it!
"Be You, Enjoy Your Life, The World Will Adjust.".
One of my many lessons in life and one of the greatest lessons that will ever be learnt
Wow... something interesting here. Be true to yourself and those who are true to you
Giving something when you have everything is nothing but giving something when you have nothing is giving everything.
A lil bit late, but the message worths a big shot!! }:)
I really enjoyed this. Thank you.
https://steemit.com/contest/@platonicform/my-life-s-greatest-lesson-i-love-myself-04c5c5dbed75e hello here my entire... Love yourself 💟💟
@drpuffnstuff this is my entry https://steemit.com/philosophy/@kenechukwu2/life-lesson-challenge-contest
Nice post;))))))
Nice post
Loving this competition, here's my entry
I love this contest. Here's my entry https://steemit.com/philosophy/@ladaural/there-are-no-failures-only-learnings
Thanks @drpuffnstuff for doing this kind of activities, We can know the life and learning of others.
I love this competition. I definitely have some value to share with musicians on my lesson. Here is my entry!
Just don't lend anyone money, ever.
haha, sounds like you have been burnt. Maybe don't lend someone money and expect it back. Some people really just need help, and are able to pay it back. Got to have those senses to pick out the ones that will pay you back and the ones who wont, and make sure you have enough to lose if your going to give to the ones who wont. I am overly giving and must admit I have done a whole lot of improper lending, I care too much about my friends. Even when they were in shitty spots and I could tell they wouldnt be able to pay me back for a long time, I still lent money. This is a lesson that I have had trouble learning and you are of course right. lending people money and expecting something from it is a set up for a fail.
Oh this is interesting... It might get long. Will post here soon.
Still waiting, but you still have time :) !!
Oh, thanks for reminding me. Hehe. I can't decide which to post...
if you have more then one and they are equal as far as impact on you. Post them all lol. If someone could learn from any one of them, post it :)
Ok. It's going to be too long if I do. Haha. I will choose the ones that had the most impact on me. Thanks!
Ah i forgot to make an entry! Oh no...
link to my entry post above, I hope you enjoy, and I hope others can resonate from this post as well.
Respect from @conradsuperb
Here's my (quite late) entry: 'Thinking about knowing: How philosophy changed my life'
Thanks for the contest - great nudge to get me to write this as I've been thinking about it for a while.
This post is doing so well, I'd feel bad taking the prize money away from someone who needs it more than I do. Not that I'm anywhere near winning, but something to keep in mind when you cast your votes in this competition.
Life is a big field of learning. Your ability to learn fast and adapt to ever changing situations of life determine your survival level. Learn to understand the thing you can change and the things you have to live with. That way you are to live a day longer 😎😎
This is my entry for the contest , I hope i win....https://steemit.com/teardrops/@blackempror/the-most-important-lesson-i-learned-from-life
Is the contest still open? Didn't state when entry would close. Just saw the post now and it's already 4 days old. I hope it's still open so I can drop my post.
I did fail. I will edit that in. Yes you still have a couple days. I will allow entries a little beyond the payout for this post.
Alright thank you very much, I will put together my post and drop the link here. Thanks for this opportunity
@drpuffnstuff here is the link to my own entry, https://steemit.com/challenge/@justiceweje/there-is-always-a-hidden-blessing-behind-every-major-disappointment-and-setback-in-life-a-life-lesson-challenge
Might take me until tomorrow to get my entry posted, but count me in!
All good, you still have time. Look forward to learning what you have to teach!
Cool - I'm a bit behind with my writing - a few too many balls in the air at the moment (there's a lesson in that too, I'm sure!) Should be done by tomorrow, but it's worth writing, even without the generous competition you're running.
I haven't made a post here for a few days and I was behind on replying to comments too, so I know that feeling.. you will still make it in time. Don't worry about that
Got the entry in, eventually. Hope people appreciate it, though it was worth writing anyway.
Live and learn 😊
good post....😰😰😰😍