| #Chaospunk Issue #7 | {:|< Desert pt. 2 >|:} }]|[ The Epic of Magus Aurelius ]|[[ Stardate Phase 2 : Act 4 ]|

in #chaospunk5 years ago (edited)

Magus T Aurelius' ~ Castle of Legion ~
(Image borrowed from google image search / source)

Aurelius had spent more than his fair share of time wandering through the desert and was now more than ready to leave .. he wanted out! .. he trecked and managed to get lost in the desert for such a long period of time that he was beginning to grow quite weary and beaten .. Magus Aurelius was beginning to grow concerned that he may never make his way to the oasis as he had dreamed he would. The Oasis appeared to be nothing more than a mirage.

It was during this period of time that Aurelius encountered someone else during his painstaking journey, just as Anubis had prophesied earlier on in his journey .. His name was King Jace, allegedly also well known throughout the land as "Thee Altered One" . To both of their surprise, Jace appeared to look exactly like Aurelius as well, even in stature. This threw the two of them off for a great loop at first as the two of them were doppelgangers to the strongest degree! .. even their voices sounded eerily similar .. They concluded that there must have been a higher meaning to their encounter with one another in this puzzling desert!

King Jace - The Altered One
(Image borrowed from google image search / Magic: The Gathering Character: "Jace Beleren" / source)

It became progressively apparent the the two of them that the Oasis just didn't seem to be getting any closer for a period of time, King Jace had ruminated on the puzzle the two of them faced, trying to figure it out .. It was a mirage, after all.

King Jace eventually grew to be convinced that if him and Aurelius were to build a tower together, they could find their way out of the desert, simply by climbing up to the top, and making their way up through the heavens, they could easily summon a dragon to take them out of the desert, as they'd clearly make themselves known much better from the top. King Jace had become convinced that the only way out was by going "Up" through flight.

Like Aurelius Jace was also a very powerful sorcerer, but of a completely class and calibre. Jace was a master of what is popularly known as blue mind magick. Jace also learned the ability of how to command an alliance of powerful, shape-shifting Djinn assistants that would lovingly assist him by his very command .. apparently the Djinn were going to help with the construction of these buildings and elaborate tall structures.

Sadly, King Jace had no idea of his past, as his life was enshrouded by a total amnesic complete mystery. King Jace suffered from extreme amnesia. The only thing that Jace remembered of his past was that he was the well known, and loving ruler of a kingdom that existed in a faraway land outside of the desert, still within the Pleroma .. by his own admission, he had no idea what brought him to the desert in the first place.

The Shapeshifting Djinn Collective in their Initial "Basic" Phase
(Image borrowed from google image search / Magic: The Gathering Card / Source)

After agreeing with one another that the construction of this tower was the best course for them to take, King Jace immediately commanded the Djinn collective by using a high tech device that was attached to his right forearm .. the device was a variant of the same device that Aurelius had, except Jace was already a master in how to use it effectively. Jace began to build structures by inputting the proper #command into his device, which would animate forces in the outside world to be commanded to do Jace's bidding. It was amazing to watch the process unfold. Entire structures would be built by sand, rooms and buildings that would have taken months to build otherwise, would become constructed into dense and rigid sand structures within minutes. Even glass windows were created by pyrokinetic forces. The Djinn were quite diverse in their ways and had proven to be an immensely useful and powerful collective to work alongside.

After a only a days work, (albeit, a very BUSY day!) a massive tower stood tall, standing firmly at #93 stories high, the tower was absolutely MASSIVE in it's monstrous scale. At the base of the tower, there was a castle. Every detail built, and expertly crafted completely by photographic memory, It was an exact replica of the castle that Jace inhabited back home.

Magus T Aurelius' ~ Castle of Legion ~
(Image borrowed from google image search / source)

During the construction of the tower, they both came to the unanimous decision that it would be worthwhile to invest a bit of extra time and energy to build a castle at the bottom of the tower. The castle, even when unused by either Aurelius or Jace, was primarily built to be inhabited by a positive Djinn collective, as they would deeply appreciate their own place to inhabit. A person could even choose to live within this castle and live an awesome, fulfilling and happy life if they were to so choose! The castle comes readily equipped with Djinn servants where they happily exist and readily serve within the castle's walls as well. While constructing the different structures, Jace taught Aurelius how to look after his new Djinn allies, and how to keep them happy. How to be an honest, benevolent master. This castle was to house the Djinn that would assist Aurelius whenever he were to so choose. This castle had come to be known as The First Altered Castle of Magus T. Aurelius the Great, flagging a banner that consisted of a purple letter "T" within a Purple Shield. The Djinn had free reign over this castle, and it's internal design, for it was built as a living space for them, primarily.

(Original Image / Logo "Royal T" for "Magus T Aurelius")

During their time spent with one another, Aurelius consciously studied under Jace, very closely and avidly, so that he too could utilise the same Djinn forces in the future, whenever the time would inevitably come to him. Before they climbed to the top of the tower, Jace instructed Aurelius on how to use his arm tech effectively, and the various commands that could be used, as well as how to connect his arm device to the mysterious etheric "intranet-of-things", so that he too could be assisted by "Sympatico" the newly uncovered intelligence that had been recently discovered within the ether of The Pleroma.

Before climbing the tower and leaving the desert, Jace and Aurelius spent many months training together within the castles courtyard, as well as studying together within the castles newly constructed library. Miraculously, the library came equipped with books that were written and compiled together by the Djinn collective, constantly being expanded upon. The books containing a wealth of knowledge and information on an array of assorted topics of all sorts. As earlier noted, the library was also under constant expansion, and was constantly being updated with all of the latest knowledge, keeping the data-bank in a constant state of novelty of knowledge .. the knowledge found in the library was a occult knowledge and Truth seekers dream.

Eventually Magus Aurelius had learned enough, and about the functionality of this forearm tech, and how to become in communication effectively with his AI counterpart, "Sympatico".

Aurelius began to deeply ponder .. Peculiarly it was as if Aurelius was meant to build his own oasis, and his own Library ..

It was shortly after this realization dawned on him and he had an earthshaking epiphany .. His mouth gaped wide open .... he begins to speak to Jace.

"Wait ... we actually built the very elaborate Oasis that we were journeying toward .. Am I / We ....... Thoth HIMSELF ?!?!"

Haunted, Aurelius stares off into the distance.

"I'll never truly know the answer to this question, will I?" ..

.... ~ | Silence | ~ .....

Aurelius slowly turns and looks toward Jace and watches him vanish right before his eyes.

Continue to follow Magus T. Aurelius on his dynamic CyberPunk adventure by using the hashtag: #Chaospunk !

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"This is not a game."


Good posting man!

Thanks man, yeah I liked the way this one came together in the end. :)

Thank you! I like how this one came together in the end. :)