
Yeah but you can’t spam a bunch of crap photos over an hour and then log out and forget about it for the rest of the day.

That’s what I see happen a lot.

I came across an account yesterday where a girl was photographing crap in her house and posting it with the title photrgph or something similar.

In the space of a couple of hours she had posted 6 or 7 crap photos.

That’s the sort of behaviour it would stop.

Was that poster making any money off if it? Just saying, I've got some crap around my house too to snap photos of, but I'm not sure I'd get any votes.

Nothing significant. It was one of those quantity over quality things.

In my view I’d prefer to have less crap to sift through. If the “new” feed was cleaned up I’m sure it would be much easier to interact with the undervalued but good quality content.