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RE: Masking the Sky with Chemtrails or Contrails?

in #chemtrails7 years ago (edited)

From the Dane Wigington ( Youtube channel:

I'm a firm believer in Dane Wigington. He backs up everything he says with solid science.

The trails are a very fine powder (nano-particulates), like baby powder, consisting of aluminum, strontium, barium, and few other materials. Modern high-bypass turbofan jet engines rarely produce contrails. Specially modified commercial jetliners and military tanker and cargo aircraft are being utilized.

The purpose of this worldwide program is to slow down global warming by producing an artificial cloud cover. The program started near the end of WWII and for a while, it seemed to be working. But in 2013-2014, average global temperatures started to increase rapidly, and the spraying went into overdrive.

The spraying is occurring worldwide, even parts of the oceans, but the governments of the world are not telling anyone. That alone should concern everyone.

And, the program is back-firing disastrously. The aircraft are laying out the trails at an altitude of around 35k-40k feet. That's as high as they can go. If they could lay the trails up around 60k-70k, the particulates would stay up for up to a year (my addition). But, at the lower altitudes, the particulates drift down within a few days, and need to be constantly reapplied, costing big bucks.

Now, here's the really bad part. When it looks hazy outside, it's probably because the particulates are coming down. The aluminum particulates are toxic and breathing them in over time may result in early alzheimers disease. The spraying is also damaging the ozone layer, which stops ultra-violet (UV) rays from reaching the earth's surface. The increased UV and the particulates are damaging trees, agriculture, and insect populations. The phyto-plankton in the oceans is also being destroyed and the oceans are warming catastrophically, leading to massive losses of sealife. Phyto-plankton produces over 50% off the oxygen in the atmoshpere and is also the bottom of the ocean's food chain. You get the picture.

I'm not joking folks. View the linked videos and look up at the sky. Those are not contrails! Try to avoid prolonged exposure to the sun, wear sunscreen, and cover up head-to-toe. If you are exercising outdoors, wear a mask if possible.


Now I understand. My question is, what kind of chemicals they are using and for what purpose they are doing this?

The white trails are a very fine powder consisting of mainly aluminum, barium, and strontium. The idea was to blanket the sky with a layer of this powder, blocking some of the sun's rays from reaching the earth's surface and thereby reduce global warming. But, like I mentioned, this covert program is causing catastrophic unintended side-effects and should be stopped immediately. Actually, it's probably too late. And the government is doing everything it can to conceal the program from the public.

But why are they doing this? For what purpose? This is intriguing me...

The average global temperature has been rising slowly over the past 100 years or so. This is very important because if the the temperature gets too high due to global warming, most of the life on earth, including humans, will end. There have been five mass extinctions in earth's history, the last one was when the dinosaurs got wiped out. This is not counting the Noah's Ark episode, which is still not widely accepted.

The sixth mass extinction is well underway right now. Somewhere between 200 and 300 species of plant and animal life are going extinct EVERY DAY! The oceans are warming and becoming acidified, resulting in massive losses of all sealife. There are many factors causing this die off, but three major causes are pollution, global warming, and the spraying of the particulate trails which is damaging the ozone layer as I mentioned.

There's strong evidence that the global warming is largely caused by the burning of fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and gasoline, which releases enormous amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2) into the atmosphere. CO2 absorbs heat and therefore causes the atmosphere to warm. The oceans are warmed by the atmosphere and sun and are becoming acidified by absorbing some of the increased CO2 in the atmosphere. The polar ice caps and glaciers are melting, resulting in sea level rise and changes in the ocean currents.

The governments of the world are desperately trying to keep the situation from getting out to the public. They are putting out propaganda (global warming is a hoax), misinformation (an ice age is coming), and distractions (Weinstein, ISIS, Syria, Iran, etc) to keep everyone confused.

But, as the saying goes, 'it's not nice to fool with mother nature.' Well, we humans have basically trashed mother nature and sealed our own fate.

Thanks, now I understand. Soon in the right time, the world will no longer overflow with water, it will be destroyed by fire.