Masking the Sky with Chemtrails or Contrails?

in #chemtrails7 years ago (edited)

While I was peddling out of Montreal on my vacation, I took some pictures along the way. As I took a picture of the semi-frozen water of the St-Lawrence river, I noticed the sky was being masked white.



Argh, 'der be chemtrails in 'dem skies! Gotta cover up the sky from the sun it seems...

I know, some people don't accept the reality of the difference between regular contrails that form from condensation in the sky and then dissipate, and the persistent chemtrails that spread over and blanket the sky in a white veil. But those people need to do more research to see the reality that others recognize.

You can see the chemtrails start out as thin lines, then spread out over time, covering the sky in a white mask. In the distance, you can see how the masking of the sky is covered in white. This may be a form of cloud as many want to say, but you can't ignore how the thin lines spread out and create the same effect over time. The so-called "cloud" that forms later first came from chemtrail lines.



So those pictures are about 270 degrees of the sky at the time, near noon, April 23rd 2018.

A few minutes later I looked up above and saw the spreading of one chemtrail happening:



I could see how the chemtrails were spreading out and creating a so-called "cloud" cover of white that was masking the sky from the sun. No longer was there a pure blue sky as it started out earlier in the day. The sky was getting more and more covered withe a white veil...




For those who doubt chemtrails, please do research. You will see government employees and environment experts admit to spraying the sky. Back int he 90's when this was first being uncovered people were so easy to dismiss it. Even in the mid-2000's when I learned about it, there was still much denial about what was being done in reality. But now it's more-or-less an open secret being talked about here and there, you just have to be paying attention. A resource that can help you out is Geoengineering Watch.

*EDIT*: Note that I did see regular contrails at the same time, and the contrail lines dissipated behind the plane after a certain distance. Reputable people have spoken openly about certain spraying programs to block the sun for global warming reasons. I don't know what is going on, but there is something up with some planes and certain governmental programs up in our skies.

Thank you for your time and attention. I appreciate the knowledge reaching more people. Peace.

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This is the first time I will be seeing the word chemtrails

Maybe because I haven't really gaze at the sky and ponder on its formation.

If I had seen the photos you shared somewhere else, I would have said this is just a cloudlike smoke emitted by a moving rocket.

Thanks for sharing this, will make research on chemtrails

The ones that didn't grew before or in the 50's, do not see the difference if not pointed out, it's amazing what the human brain does when conditioned (that's all we know, sprayed skies). When we just have to look with different eyes.
And the techniques are not just planes.
#chemtrails #geoengineering #haarp #srm

I've done my research as well, and there is very little evidence to support chemtrails. That didn't stop me from being severely creeped out 5+ years ago, 10 minutes away from PDX airport.

contrail 1.jpg

contrail 2.jpg

contrail 3.jpg

contrail 4.jpg

contrail 5.jpgcontrail 6.jpgcontrail 7.jpgcontrail 8.jpgcontrail 9.jpg

There wasn't a cloud in the sky... then came the planes. Who's to say they don't just lace jet engine fuel with something? They can't kill two birds with one stone? Everyone runs around "proving" the conspiracy wrong. You can't prove it wrong. It doesn't even matter if the conspiracy is true or not. All that remains is a complete lack of trust in the establishment.

I'm in my mid 30's... doesn't anyone remember being a kid? This shit never happened. Am I taking crazy pills here? Who remembers contrails turning into persistent clouds?

Indeed, I don't know what's going on, but it seems there is something going on. I call them chemtrails because that's the term to differentiate from contrails that disappear behind the plane, which are in the above pictures and I saw on that day fade as the planes kept going.

Here are some pictures from contrail watch that claim there is nothing wrong, that it's all normal, which I have a hard time to accept.

None the less, I can go find experts int he field calling for spraying the skies, saying how the government has been doing it, and they are on TV shows talking about it. Not people who are "conspiracy" minded, but just talking openly about it as it being a good thing in some cases. Denial is so easy when it's harder to admit there is something going on in reality that you don't understand or don't want to accept.

When it really comes down to it the whole world should be working to abandon jet fuel and come up with something sustainable. I think airplanes cause 60% of all air pollution or something. During the September 11 attacks scientists saw clear skies almost instantly because planes were grounded... it really shows you that we have the ability to fix the world in a very short period of time if we were all "simply" working together. Instead we have Big Oil trying to make Big Money at the expense of every living thing on the planet.

"Please do your research." try this site/app.

Those youtube documentaries made by amateur tabloid journalists can be quite convincing and I believed this nonsense for a couple of years, until I did my own research.

That app tracks passenger jets. You can buy tickets to be on these crazy sky demons. You can call your friends after seeing one fly over your city and ask them what they see once the jet flies over their city. These jets do not deviate from their flight paths. They're not going in circles, spraying sections of the sky. Why would a jet travel from London to Los Angeles just so it can spray a little line above Montreal?

Just use that app the next time you see a contrail, I dare you. If you actually see something suspicious, like a massive contrail formed by something that wasn't being tracked on that app for instance, then maybe, just maybe, we're on to something.

When a boat travels across the surface of that lake, it too will leave a trail. Do you think those boaters are attempting to stop the sun from reaching the lake bottom so they can kill the fish?

Compare these lines in the sky to the size of the world.

I'm from Saskatchewan. Some days, the entire province is covered in thick clouds. Things still grow, life goes on. These clouds are natural and we actually need them. Now imagine how many jets it would take to cover an entire province with enough cloud to choke out the sun. Just, think about it, please.

A tiny rock smaller than your fist enters our atmosphere from space at 30 km/s. It leaves a massive cloud in it's wake, and that cloud stays there. Why? What would cause that? Spray nozzles?

Why would a jet travel from London to Los Angeles just so it can spray a little line above Montreal?

What? LOL... Yes, that's the only way things could be done, is if that's the argument from a ridiculous position were true...

These clouds are natural and we actually need them. Now imagine how many jets it would take to cover an entire province with enough cloud to choke out the sun. Just, think about it, please.

Yes, because clouds are bad when you talk about "chemtrails"? No... Why do you need to cover all the sky to spray anything in the atmosphere? Jeez what is up with these comments you are making... lol.

When a boat travels across the surface of that lake, it too will leave a trail. Do you think those boaters are attempting to stop the sun from reaching the lake bottom so they can kill the fish?

You make laughable analogies... have a good one...

Thanks for laughing at me. If you'd like some tinfoil, I think I can spare you some.

These flights pass overhead everyday here. Some days they leave contrails that stick around, other days those contrails vanish. When you know what's flying overhead, by using an app like I shared there, and see a contrail sticking around after, you'd have to be delusional to think a jet that you know is flying from London to LA is trying to kill you. The jets will continue to fly, every single day, but the weather conditions will change. You can then predict which days the contrails will stick around and which days they go away. You can do it all on your own if you actually did your own research.

Air is much like water, hence I mentioned the boating. The jets stir up the air just like a propeller on a boat and a similar phenomenon is left behind. What's so wrong with pointing that out?

Why do you think a contrail is "spray"? You heard it on the internet and refuse to look into it further. Art Bell was the first to bring up this idea of "chemtrails." His radio show was meant to be entertainment, much like those tabloids we see on the magazine rack about Elvis being an alien and still alive. Yes, I realize people take those "newspapers" seriously and I know the internet has the same effect.

I'll just end it by saying, I know weather experiments exist. The problem is, people now think every contrail that sticks around shouldn't be there when in fact, many should. The jet itself accelerates the natural formation of clouds. Is that good? Maybe, maybe not. Clouds don't hurt us though, and jets can't block out the sun.

Flight Radar does not track many of the Military Jets. We get them spraying on the West coast of Canada. The military jets come from the Base at Whidbey Island.

Contrails may disappear after some time or they may linger on and spread out. The exact behaviour depends on the weather conditions. Please learn a bit about meteorology, vapour pressure, saturation pressure and the phase diagram of water before making claims about something that you clearly don't understand. Once you can explain to me why the ice crystals always have to disappear, using the correct physical models I might start believing you.

I've been documenting them on Steemit too in Wisconsin the past month over the Mississippi River; I even managed to capture three jets, in convoy position, pouring debris into the atmosphere. It's amazing how much debris is in the sky.

Exactly! and WHAT can we do about them? It's a constant here over Denver, CO, USA. It seems like more over cities than in the country but the weather is certainly changing and we don't have the same kind of clouds we used to have. friends and I have speculated that they are changing the atmosphere so the Greys can come out from underground by 2020

Hope you are having a nice time. chemtrail, I think I have gotten a new word today, I use to think it was smoke emanating from a rocket, lol, I am not a science freak though. Thanks for the englightenment .

Uuuhhhm ...This

You will see government employees and environment experts admit to spraying the sky.

This is the first time Im hearing about this😲😲

I dont know if I agree with that, on my end of the world we view it as nature taking its course, I dont think our gvt would afford such mambo jambo too :D

Great pics Nonetheless.


Nice to see that someone get's entertained by the notion that the establishment has proven itself 100% untrustworthy time and time again... to the point where smart people will believe conspiracy theories backed by very little evidence... because that's how fucked up the government is that's supposed to protect us.

HaHa. Hilarious.

From the Dane Wigington ( Youtube channel:

I'm a firm believer in Dane Wigington. He backs up everything he says with solid science.

The trails are a very fine powder (nano-particulates), like baby powder, consisting of aluminum, strontium, barium, and few other materials. Modern high-bypass turbofan jet engines rarely produce contrails. Specially modified commercial jetliners and military tanker and cargo aircraft are being utilized.

The purpose of this worldwide program is to slow down global warming by producing an artificial cloud cover. The program started near the end of WWII and for a while, it seemed to be working. But in 2013-2014, average global temperatures started to increase rapidly, and the spraying went into overdrive.

The spraying is occurring worldwide, even parts of the oceans, but the governments of the world are not telling anyone. That alone should concern everyone.

And, the program is back-firing disastrously. The aircraft are laying out the trails at an altitude of around 35k-40k feet. That's as high as they can go. If they could lay the trails up around 60k-70k, the particulates would stay up for up to a year (my addition). But, at the lower altitudes, the particulates drift down within a few days, and need to be constantly reapplied, costing big bucks.

Now, here's the really bad part. When it looks hazy outside, it's probably because the particulates are coming down. The aluminum particulates are toxic and breathing them in over time may result in early alzheimers disease. The spraying is also damaging the ozone layer, which stops ultra-violet (UV) rays from reaching the earth's surface. The increased UV and the particulates are damaging trees, agriculture, and insect populations. The phyto-plankton in the oceans is also being destroyed and the oceans are warming catastrophically, leading to massive losses of sealife. Phyto-plankton produces over 50% off the oxygen in the atmoshpere and is also the bottom of the ocean's food chain. You get the picture.

I'm not joking folks. View the linked videos and look up at the sky. Those are not contrails! Try to avoid prolonged exposure to the sun, wear sunscreen, and cover up head-to-toe. If you are exercising outdoors, wear a mask if possible.

Now I understand. My question is, what kind of chemicals they are using and for what purpose they are doing this?

The white trails are a very fine powder consisting of mainly aluminum, barium, and strontium. The idea was to blanket the sky with a layer of this powder, blocking some of the sun's rays from reaching the earth's surface and thereby reduce global warming. But, like I mentioned, this covert program is causing catastrophic unintended side-effects and should be stopped immediately. Actually, it's probably too late. And the government is doing everything it can to conceal the program from the public.

But why are they doing this? For what purpose? This is intriguing me...

The average global temperature has been rising slowly over the past 100 years or so. This is very important because if the the temperature gets too high due to global warming, most of the life on earth, including humans, will end. There have been five mass extinctions in earth's history, the last one was when the dinosaurs got wiped out. This is not counting the Noah's Ark episode, which is still not widely accepted.

The sixth mass extinction is well underway right now. Somewhere between 200 and 300 species of plant and animal life are going extinct EVERY DAY! The oceans are warming and becoming acidified, resulting in massive losses of all sealife. There are many factors causing this die off, but three major causes are pollution, global warming, and the spraying of the particulate trails which is damaging the ozone layer as I mentioned.

There's strong evidence that the global warming is largely caused by the burning of fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and gasoline, which releases enormous amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2) into the atmosphere. CO2 absorbs heat and therefore causes the atmosphere to warm. The oceans are warmed by the atmosphere and sun and are becoming acidified by absorbing some of the increased CO2 in the atmosphere. The polar ice caps and glaciers are melting, resulting in sea level rise and changes in the ocean currents.

The governments of the world are desperately trying to keep the situation from getting out to the public. They are putting out propaganda (global warming is a hoax), misinformation (an ice age is coming), and distractions (Weinstein, ISIS, Syria, Iran, etc) to keep everyone confused.

But, as the saying goes, 'it's not nice to fool with mother nature.' Well, we humans have basically trashed mother nature and sealed our own fate.

Thanks, now I understand. Soon in the right time, the world will no longer overflow with water, it will be destroyed by fire.

Interesting... Even I already read this all, I have no idea what is this chemtrails is?

Wow, you have a nice sense of humour. 😀

Glad to see one of my favourite authors talk about it ! The ones that disappear are also chemicals and who knows what, they (or it) switches between short, long, non persistent, persistent and possibly invisible.. but hey.
Expect a low payout and co-intel drops.
;) Stay woke and steem on !

its very nice to look at..

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