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RE: Chess problem 29 / Schachaufgabe 29

in #chess8 years ago (edited)

N7c6# Ka4
Bxa6 Qxa6
Now the white King is trapped. Can't move anywhere and the white pawn is blocked by his own king. The queen can't check mate without any supply. Nobody wins the game. It's equal. Lucky black king…@jaki01 you called me via STEEM.CHAT. There could be one reason only and I saw the game. Thank you. What's going on with our check champions on the Steem? It is easy, isn't it?


Congratulations - that's exactly the point! :)
After the correct moves ...

  1. ... Nec6+
  2. Ka4 Bxa6!
  3. Qxa6

... the only chance for white to win would be to try lock blacks king in the corner (for example blacks king at a1 and white queen at c2), so that black has to move one of his knights because of zugzwang, and then whites king could escape. However unfortunately for white the squares to lock blacks king at a1 (c2 and b3) are protected from the knight at d4, so that the white queen can never step on on them.
Chess software fails to solve this one, but @afrog didn't fail. ;-)

Endposition after @afrogs moves: the white king cannot move anymore, and the queen alone doesn't win:

Yes man, my check notation is a little bit fuzzy. Over all, I'm glad that I've met the right squares today in my writing. Where are all the champs? Maybe the difficulty has been far under their level…