Chess problem 29 / Schachaufgabe 29

in #chess8 years ago (edited)


Obviously in the position below black is fighting to survive. He has three minor pieces (one bishop + two knights), but the white queen and the advanced passed pawn are looking really dangerous. Is there still any hope for black?

Your task of today is to save black from being defeated! :)


Offensichtlich kämpft Schwarz gerade ums Überleben. Er hat drei Leichtfiguren (ein Läufer + zwei Springer), aber die weiße Dame und der weit vorgerückte Freibauer sehen sehr gefährlich aus. Gibt es noch Hoffnung für Schwarz?

Eure heutige Aufgabe ist es, Schwarz vor der Niederlage zu bewahren! :)

Black to move: / Schwarz am Zug:

FEN: 8/1b2n3/PQ6/K7/3n4/P7/8/k7 b - - 0 1


Too complicated for me, but I believe the solution is to perpetuale check the white King.

It's not about belief, my friend, it's about facts! Try harder! :-)

Well one thing is for sure, black can't move the bishop because of Qb2+mate.

Look at the coordinates ...
Edit: I wanted to give you a hint, in which direction the white pawns are going ... Qb2+ is not checkmate ...

oh, ok, so I'm supposed to determine which way they are going looking at the numbers and the letters at the side.
But you could of have posted the chessboard in the right direction in the first place. Are you trying to making me think out of the box?

As it is blacks move, you look at the board from blacks perspective ...

Yeah ok, so I was looking at the board the right way after all.
You're saying that if I move Bb7- anywhere, then Qb6-b2 isn't checkmate? Dude, what are you smoking?

Yeah. That seems like a complex situation.

Well said ... but come on: there are only eight pieces left ... that should be solvable! ;-)

N7c6# Ka4
Bxa6 Qxa6
Now the white King is trapped. Can't move anywhere and the white pawn is blocked by his own king. The queen can't check mate without any supply. Nobody wins the game. It's equal. Lucky black king…@jaki01 you called me via STEEM.CHAT. There could be one reason only and I saw the game. Thank you. What's going on with our check champions on the Steem? It is easy, isn't it?

Congratulations - that's exactly the point! :)
After the correct moves ...

  1. ... Nec6+
  2. Ka4 Bxa6!
  3. Qxa6

... the only chance for white to win would be to try lock blacks king in the corner (for example blacks king at a1 and white queen at c2), so that black has to move one of his knights because of zugzwang, and then whites king could escape. However unfortunately for white the squares to lock blacks king at a1 (c2 and b3) are protected from the knight at d4, so that the white queen can never step on on them.
Chess software fails to solve this one, but @afrog didn't fail. ;-)

Endposition after @afrogs moves: the white king cannot move anymore, and the queen alone doesn't win:

Yes man, my check notation is a little bit fuzzy. Over all, I'm glad that I've met the right squares today in my writing. Where are all the champs? Maybe the difficulty has been far under their level…

Habe leider nur wenig Zeit, aber es sieht ein bisschen danach aus, als könnte Schwarz ein Patt anstreben, indem alle drei Leichtfiguren geopfert werden.
Tolle Aufgabe!

Patt wäre durchaus eine interessante Idee ... aber in diesem Fall läuft es nicht darauf hinaus ...

Du meinst Schwarz gewinnt, Jan? Ich habe ein Patt heraus gespielt. Allerdings muss ich dafür nur den Läufer opfern, @freiheit50. Wenn Schwarz gewinnen soll ist meine Lösung nur zweite Wahl. Da muss ich nochmal ran…

Nein, Schwarz gewinnt nicht - @afrog gewann bereits. :)

Hello my friend

Thanks for this post and the wonderful post
I really liked what I wrote in this post
The selection of the post is so lovely
Happy day to you and always

Thanks - do you play chess? :)

No, it's a spammer.

Ich habe mars9 schon mehrfach ermahnt, seinen spam einzustellen. Ich flagge ihn jetzt immer, wenn ich seine Kommentare ohne inhaltlichen Bezug entdecke.

Ungünstig, wenn @jaki01 ihm dafür noch votes gibt :/

why are you doing that@freiheit50 / @felixxx Thank you I'm writing a comment because I'm just here I saw this post

Because you are spamming.

What's Spam:

You have been warned before.
Stop it, please.

I already told you that several times:
Your comments are nothing but spam, if they don't have any relation to the content of the referring post.
Be a little more creative with your comments.

Anyway thanks for the advice
I currently apologize to some of the difficult moods for me@freiheit50 This is the first time I talk to you

@jaki01 Unfortunately my friend currently has a problem not playing chess