The idea 1.Txh5 has already been mentioned: 1...gxh5 2. Lh6, yes!, cuts the king off on the back rank 2...Sf1 3.b5 - now black can not take with 3...axb5 due to 4.cxb5 and white creates a passed pawn with a5-a6, hence 3...Sg3 4.e4 h4 (moving the knight back and forth does not help either) 5. c5! - now black has to take with 5....dxc5 otherwise white will play c5-c6 winning again by creating a passed pawn - 6.b6 cxb6 7.d6 Sh5 8.d7 Sf4+ (a last try) 9. Ke3 +-
I think that is the winning line isn't it? ; if Black does not take back the rook on h5 white should win as well (the knight on h2 seems to be lost), but the lines are not that forced I think.
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Rather good! I write it down as an overseeable 'move chain'. :)
This possibility to play 8. ... Nf4+ is the reason why neither 3. e4 nor 3. c5 nor 3. b5 is the fastest way to win.
What is the fastest way to win as white after
??? :-)
Okey, then 3. h4 in order to prevent black playing h4 himself; with that move the black knight cannot go to h5 any longer and is stuck in the corner. That should be the right idea, right?
Congrats, finally you got it! :)