Today you have to deal with a position which I just have created as a little brain teaser for you. Yes, black has a somewhat cramped position, but on the other hand he has a clear material advantage. Nevertheless it's white who will decide this exciting battle in his favor - do you find the moves which ensure the victory? :)
Heute habt ihr es mit einer Stellung zu tun, die ich mir gerade als kleine Kopfnuss für euch ausgedacht habe. Ja, die schwarze Stellung sieht etwas verkrampft aus, aber immerhin verfügt er über einen klaren materiellen Vorteil. Dennoch ist es Weiß, der aus dieser aufregenden Schlacht als Sieger hervorgehen wird - sehr ihr, welche Züge ihm den Sieg bescheren? :)

Fastest solution (found by @iceblue, but congrats also to @smartlegend for mentioning the winning move 1. Rh5! first):
Final position:
Wow, now that was really something for chess epicures, where strategical elements were combined with tactics and endgame play!
Yeah. Well-done guys! {3}. h4 eases a lot of stress and is sound. Good chess.
I disagree
And white wins (even if only after 1. ... gxh5 there follows a spectacular checkmate).
And white has a clear advantage.
Clear advantage isn't a win and it could take more than 13 moves.
It is a winning position, black will lose for sure.
The only critical move is 1. ... gxh5, because after every other move black simply has lost the knight, while his position is still bad. Therefore it is logical and most interesting to examine first what happens after 1. ... gxh5 which ends in a forced checkmate. Nobody wrote that white will always win within 13 moves.
is it a clear win for black?
Its a loss for black. Bishop performs better than Knight in open games like this. Besides, White also has better position and material advantage.
Right, especially as the knight is trapped anyway in his variation ... :)
I don't think anyone likes to lose a rook take a knight.
I even like to lose the queen if that is the only way to checkmate my opponent.
I still disagree
White is risking a stalemate.
Ok, let's play a game from the start position until the end. I have white, you black. The winner gets 1000 Steem from the loser. That should make things clear. :-)
I found an even better move.
1.Rxh5 gxh5
2.Bh6 h4!
Now I can move my Knight. f1 g3 h5 g7 ...
Check my solution above: I wrote myself that 2. ... h4 extends the number of moves until chekmate, but it doesn't help in the end ...
I wish I had 1000 Steem. And I'm no grandmaster.
I allow you the help of any chess software you wish. :)
No fun using software. Found another move though.
My friend, "Mr. disagree", the problem is solved, finished, "Ende Gelände". Try again next time and good luck! :-)
No black move helps here ... we cannot analyse every single possible black move ... if you decide for one variation I can show you how to refute it, but I have not the time to examine one hopeless move after the other. :)
It' that after e4xNf4 I'm forced to move a pawn so I studing if there' someway to get a stalemate.
The idea 1.Txh5 has already been mentioned: 1...gxh5 2. Lh6, yes!, cuts the king off on the back rank 2...Sf1 3.b5 - now black can not take with 3...axb5 due to 4.cxb5 and white creates a passed pawn with a5-a6, hence 3...Sg3 4.e4 h4 (moving the knight back and forth does not help either) 5. c5! - now black has to take with 5....dxc5 otherwise white will play c5-c6 winning again by creating a passed pawn - 6.b6 cxb6 7.d6 Sh5 8.d7 Sf4+ (a last try) 9. Ke3 +-
I think that is the winning line isn't it? ; if Black does not take back the rook on h5 white should win as well (the knight on h2 seems to be lost), but the lines are not that forced I think.
Rather good! I write it down as an overseeable 'move chain'. :)
This possibility to play 8. ... Nf4+ is the reason why neither 3. e4 nor 3. c5 nor 3. b5 is the fastest way to win.
What is the fastest way to win as white after
??? :-)
Okey, then 3. h4 in order to prevent black playing h4 himself; with that move the black knight cannot go to h5 any longer and is stuck in the corner. That should be the right idea, right?
Congrats, finally you got it! :)
1.Rxh5, gxh5
2.Bh6, Nf1
3.e4, ......
(white plays with an active king on the queen side & wins the game)
Interesting ... but I need a clear win now, not a general evaluation! :)
1.Rxh5, gxh5
2.Bh6, Nf1
3.e4, ......
3.e4. Ng3 (Ng3 is a total waste of time by black. the black Night has no game left)
3.e4, b6
4.b5, bxa5
5.bxa6, a4
6.a7, ......
(white queens first and wins the game)
IF blacks responds {4}....., axb5. White proceeds to queen with {5} a6, ..
3.e4, c6
4.dxc6, bxc6
5.b5, cxb5
6.cxb5, axb5
7.a6, ...
(White goes on to win the game again)
Now, as you wrote, pawn moves like 3. ... b6 or 3. ... c6 are just suicide.
Therefore the only moves which don't lose immediately are knight moves or 3. ... h4 (3. e4 is only a transposition of moves: in case of 3. c5 black answers with 3. ... Ng3, then 4. e4 is necessary).
But want I want to know from you is how exactly white wins after:
How will you continue as white?
After black plays 4.Ng3
6.bxc5,Nh1 or Nf1
10.d7, black resigns.
(white queens with d8 and check mates black.)
How does white continue? (By the way neither 3. e4 nor 3. c5 are the fastest winning moves here, but I accept them as long as you win in the end. :) )
Maybe I should add why I am so persistent to play all moves until the bitter end: you should be aware that chess friends of many different levels are watching here. Not for all of them it is so obvious how white can win at all, if black just waits and just does nothing ... :)
I will have time to reply later ... but indeed you should consider how game will continue after your 3. ... Ng3.
Are these the first two moves?
No. :)
Oh :D
bishop from c1 to h6
if he takes the pawn at e5 from the pawn at g6
{ use the rook at h5 take the knight at h5
rook from h5 to f5 and take pawn
rook to f4
rook to e4
rook to e8
*note, even if we were to suppose he moved his pawns forward from f6&f7 as to allow his king an escape, you should be able to at least capture his rook. At such point, it is fairly simple to keep plucking out pawns.
else if he moves his knight from h5 to g7, {
rook to e4
rook to e7
rook to c7 taking pawn
rook to c8
{rook from h4 to e4 then
rook from e4 to e8
I suppose perhaps the first move could be Re4.
then Re7
And threaten or take out the pawns at b7 & c7. A pawn massacre should begin, with white at the advantage. Advance remaining left side pawn to a the 8th row-being able to slip the bishop to c6 at some point could help.
White bishop to H6. Black to move..
I prefer move orders instead of single moves ... :)
how long have you been playing chess?
you're so good at it.. keep it up! :)
Many years ... want to learn it, too? :)
Hello..how many moves???
Find it out. :)
I'm not too good at chess. My brother is though.
Ask him ... :)
well wished i knew chess ..would be in my college chess team !!!
Nice lessons! I love chess.
Eine total geniale Idee Schachaufgaben auf Steemit mit uns zu teilen ! Wie lange spielst du schon ? :)
Haha, ich hoffe, die Angabe "Schon viele Jahre." ist präzise genug?
Freut mich, dass dir die Aufgaben gefallen! :)
Klar das passt ! :D
Oh crap, I wanted to play Re4 but my damn bishop is the way. Back to the old drawing board.
Naja, habe schon seit Jahren kein Schach mehr gespielt, aber
C3->H6 würde ich anfangen
Du meinst c1-h6? Aber dann folgt:
ungefähr 1 Minute nach dem Kommentar habe ich meine Niederlage gesehen.. naaj seit Jahren kein Schach gespielt :D
Macht doch nichts ... vielleicht helfen meine Schachquiz ein wenig dabei, wieder in Übung zu kommen? ;)
Mal gucken, da ich jede Art von Quiz eigentlich mag ^_^
GREAT situation. tnx. it made me think
I am glad to see that you enjoyed it ... :)
Thank you for your kindness! ;)