Chess problem 48 (or how I played 'Boa constrictor' with Rybka). / Schachaufgabe 48 (oder wie ich 'Boa constrictor' mit Rybka spielte).

in #chess7 years ago (edited)


As we all know, nowadays the best chess programs are unbelievable hard to beat for human chess players (including the best grandmasters). Computers are advancing so fast and deep into the search tree that the probability to outsmart them tactically is very low. The only chance to beat them is to try to keep the game as 'calm' as possible and outplay them step by step positionally. Humans are still superior when it comes to following strategical long-term goals.
Unfortunately most of the time the computer will find a way to destroy the best strategic human plan by creating tactical skirmishes from which it will emerge victorious. :)

Fortunately "most of the time" doesn't mean "always", though. Today I would like to present you a game which I played against the chess program "Rybka" which for quite some time was considered to be the best chess program available worldwide. With the white pieces I played very carefully and increased my positional advantage little by little. Here are the moves until the critical position below was reached:

1. e4 Nc6 2. d4 d5 3. e5 Bf5 4. Nf3 e6 5. Bd3 Nge7 6. Bg5 Be4 7. c3 h6 8. Bxe7 Bxe7 9. Bxe4 dxe4 10. Nfd2 Qd7 11. Nxe4 O-O-O 12. Qe2 f6 13. f4 f5 14. Nf2 g5 15. O-O Rhg8 16. Kh1 g4 17. Nd1 h5 18. Nd2 h4 19. Ne3 h3 20. g3 Kb8 21. Kg1 Qe8 22. a4 Qf7 23. a5 a6 24. b4 Na7 25. Nb3 c6 26. Nc5 Nb5 27. Qb2 Rh8 28. Rfd1 Nc7 29. c4 Bf8 30. Rd3 Be7 31. Qf2 Rh7 32. Nd1 Rh6 33. Rb3 Bf8 34. Nc3 Be7 35. Rab1 Rhh8 36. b5 axb5 37. cxb5 Bxc5 ...

After a lot of manoeuvring the time was finally ripe to open the position with 36. b5 axb5 37. cxb5 Bxc5.
What was the fastest way now to finish the attack successfully and celebrate one of my rare victories against the machine?


Wie wir alle wissen, sind heutzutage die besten Schachprogramme nur noch unglaublich schwer von menschlichen Schachspielern (inklusive den spielstärksten Großmeistern) zu besiegen. Computer dringen so schnell und tief in den Suchbaum ein, dass die Wahrscheinlichkeit, sie taktisch überlisten zu können, äußerst gering ist. Die einzige Chance, sie zu schlagen, besteht darin, das Spiel so 'ruhig' wie möglich zu halten und sie Schritt für Schritt positionell zu überspielen. Menschen sind immer noch überlegen darin, langfristige strategische Ziele zu verfolgen.
Unglücklicherweise gelingt es dem Computer meistens, einen Weg zu finden, jedes noch so gute menschliche Strategem dadurch zu kontern, irgendein taktisches Scharmützel auszulösen, um als Sieger daraus hervorzugehen. :)

Glücklicherweise bedeutet "meistens" nicht "immer". Heute möchte ich euch eine Schachpartie präsentieren, die ich gegen das lange Zeit weltweit führende Schachprogramm "Rybka" spielte. Mit den weißen Figuren spielte ich sehr vorsichtig und vergrößerte meinen positionellen Vorteil nach und nach immer mehr. Hier sind die Züge bis die kritische Stellung unten erreicht wurde:

1. e4 Sc6 2. d4 d5 3. e5 Lf5 4. Sf3 e6 5. Ld3 Sge7 6. Lg5 Le4 7. c3 h6 8. Lxe7 Lxe7 9. Lxe4 dxe4 10. Sfd2 Dd7 11. Sxe4 O-O-O 12. De2 f6 13. f4 f5 14. Sf2 g5 15. O-O Thg8 16. Kh1 g4 17. Sd1 h5 18. Sd2 h4 19. Se3 h3 20. g3 Kb8 21. Kg1 De8 22. a4 Df7 23. a5 a6 24. b4 Sa7 25. Sb3 c6 26. Sc5 Sb5 27. Db2 Th8 28. Tfd1 Sc7 29. c4 Lf8 30. Td3 Le7 31. Df2 Th7 32. Sd1 Th6 33. Tb3 Lf8 34. Sc3 Le7 35. Tab1 Thh8 36. b5 axb5 37. cxb5 Lxc5 ...

Nach langwierigen Manövern war schließlich die Zeit gekommen, um das Spiel mit 36. b5 axb5 37. cxb5 Lxc5 zu öffnen.
Auf welche Weise konnte ich den Angriff nun schnellstmöglich erfolgreich vollenden und einen meiner wenigen Siege gegen die Maschine verbuchen?

White to move: / Weiß am Zug:

FEN: 1k1r3r/1pn2q2/2p1p3/PPb1Pp2/3P1Pp1/1RN3Pp/5Q1P/1R4K1 w - - 0 38


38.- bxc6 Bxd4 39. Rxb7+ Ka8 (If Kc8, white plays Rb8++) 40. Na4 Bxf2+ 41. Kxf2 Rd2+ 42. Ke1 (If black wants to stop the checkmate on b6, he needs to move his knight to d4 and lose his Queen)

Excelent post :)

Great - I declare you the winner of this round!

By the way what is the best white move after 38. bxc6 Rxd4 (instead of 38 ... Bxd4)?

I think the best move is 39. Rxb7+ again because all move are forced.
38.- bxc6 Rxd4 39. Rxb7+ Ka8 40. Na4
If black plays 40... Rxa4 41. Qxc5 and the checkmate is unstoppable on a7.
If 40... Rd1+ 41. Rxd1 Bxf2+ 42. Kxf2 and black has to move the knight to d4 to stop the checkmate on b6

Completely correct! :)

Very nice game and very nice long-term preparation of the final break-through with b4-b5!

A few years ago I bought a brainwave device that allows a person to measure various brain wave functions, and has games that teach one to concentrate, and to relax.

After trying all their games, I decided to play computer chess and see how it compared. The result was surprising, and since then I try to play some chess every day.

According to my "machine," while playing chess I was highly concentrated, but at the same time highly relaxed. Thus I consider chess like going to a "mental" fitness club, and it is also like meditation for me. I am totally in the moment, it's like meditating.

I'm a complete chess amateur, but I love it!

:-) @roused

Interesting observation! :)

b5 to c6

I prefer whole variations not only single moves. :)
How do you think the game will continue after 1. bxc6 ?


  1. a5-a6 Bxd4 and black wins.

I am not a good chess player but I love to play it. Mostly with human opponents. with super computer chess opponent? not a chance for me.
Congratulation on your success.

What an idea!!!So cool.

Thanks! :)

great idea ,i agree with you.

great idea ,i agree with you.

Calling @originalworks :)
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Wow amazing playing for chess . thanks for article useful.

For your post propagation.

Exultant Article of Chess Game . this is good post.

Upvote Resteem @jaki01

What an idea!!!So cool.
Excellent post thanks for sharing

I followed and upvoted.

have a great day.Thanks for your chess article. It is a good . @jaki01

This is chess play is not idea and great post.
thanks for sharing
100% like and resteem

Chess is for mastermind people! So, I will not going to suggest you should draw like this! Coz I know you can solve this in few secs :D@jaki01,


B5 to C6.

Thanks for the information of chess problem. this is great post thanks for sharing.
Upvote Resteem

@jaki01 - Sir you love chess? I also do... but it's hard to write how to win this match Sir :(.... Nice problem Sir... Therefore, I wish to ReSteem your post.

+W+ [UpVoted & ReSteemed]

its a very helpful post, thanks for this information....

It's not easy game ....have to waste your brain
cool game.....
thank's for sharing

i am trying this many tims. bt computer still stronger then me. its very hard to win. @jaki01

My prediction is B6 to D4

White to move as stated under the board!

b5 to c6...!

I have try to play lot of times. But my bad. Will try to do more.
Tough task.
However great post..

c6 to d4

White to move as stated under the board!

great game

Ya it's true friend, good luck

good game

its a very helpful post........... thanks

It is a good quiz. I liked it and I also like the moves that @juanmi96 wrote

Oh, thanks, if the quiz was "good" you may consider to upvote the article. :)

i like chess..Excellent post thanks for sharing

In case the post was "excellent" what is preventing you from upvoting it? :)