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RE: Chess problem 48 (or how I played 'Boa constrictor' with Rybka). / Schachaufgabe 48 (oder wie ich 'Boa constrictor' mit Rybka spielte).

in #chess7 years ago (edited)

I think the best move is 39. Rxb7+ again because all move are forced.
38.- bxc6 Rxd4 39. Rxb7+ Ka8 40. Na4
If black plays 40... Rxa4 41. Qxc5 and the checkmate is unstoppable on a7.
If 40... Rd1+ 41. Rxd1 Bxf2+ 42. Kxf2 and black has to move the knight to d4 to stop the checkmate on b6


Completely correct! :)