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RE: Chess problem 38 / Schachaufgabe 38

in #chess8 years ago
  1. ... Bh3
  2. Bf3 Rc3! (Indeed, here we go! By the way you made a little typo: Bf2 ...)
  3. Bxg2? Rg3 and black wins.

If white doesn't take g2, his position is worse, too:

  1. ... Bh3
  2. Bg6 Kd7
  3. Bf5+ Bxf5
  4. exf5 Rf8
  5. Rxg2 Rxf5
  6. Rd2 g4
    And black has a clear endgame advantage, because finally white must play Rg2 (or other rook maneuvers) to stop the black g-pawn, but then black will play Kxd6 and wins.