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RE: Chess problem 64 / Schachaufgabe 64

in #chess7 years ago

... and mate next move with 8. Rxh7.

You mean with 8. Rxh5? :)

d)1....gxh6 2.Ne7+ Kh8 3.Kxf8! c5 4.Rg3 Qg2 5.Rxg2 and mate next move with Rg8.

  1. ... h5 4. Rg3 h6, and now?

.. and mate next move with 8. Rxh7.

You mean with 8. Rxh5? :)

Yes, I meant 8.Rxh5. Damned clerical errors :-)

d)1....gxh6 2.Ne7+ Kh8 3.Kxf8! c5 4.Rg3 Qg2 5.Rxg2 and mate next move with Rg8.

... h5 4. Rg3 h6, and now?

4.Kxf7 followed by 5.Ng6+, 6.Nf8+ and 7. Rg8 mate.

You mean 5. Kxf7. :-)

Right, or also 5. Rg8+ Kh7 6. Rg7+ Kh8 7. Kxf7 and then 8. Ng6#. :)

Yes, 5. Kf7 :-). I had it that way but corrected it is too hot :_)