
Then what would he move then? I can't guess what the other guy is gonna move.
I don't really se any forced move here.

Rh8 -h7, Kg1 -h1
Rd8 - h8, h2 -h4
g2 x g4, Ng2 x g4
Rh7 x Nh4, g3 x Rh4
Rh8 x h4+, Kh1 - g1 (or g2)
Qc7 - h2+ mate

To make it short: there is a much faster win than 1. ... Rh7.

Rh8 x h2, Kg1 x Rh2
Rd8 - h8+, Kh2 - g1
Qc7 x g3, pretty much over

Wow, finally you got it!
Congrats to the winner of this round! :-)