Chess problem 32 / Schachaufgabe 32

in #chess8 years ago (edited)


I just was playing some Internet blitz chess games (one of my preferred methods to relax a little bit). In one of the games I had sacrificed two pawns already to get quite some activity of my pieces as compensation, and finally reached the position you can see below. As it was a blitz game I had not much time to calculate very thoroughly ... but thoroughly enough to find the decisive attack. :-) Do you also see how black could win?


Gerade eben spielte ich ein paar Internet-Blitzschachpartien (eine meiner bevorzugten Methoden, mich zu entspannen). In einer der Partien hatte ich bereits zwei Bauern geopfert, um dafür aktives Figurenspiel als Kompensation zu erhalten, und schließlich kam die Stellung aufs Brett, die ihr unten seht. Da es sich um eine Blitzpartie handelte, blieb mir nicht viel Zeit zum exakten Berechnen der Varianten ... aber immer noch genug, um den entscheidenden Gewinnzug zu entdecken. :-) Seht ihr auch, wie Schwarz gewinnen konnte?

Black to move: / Schwarz am Zug:

FEN: 2kr3r/1pq2p2/p1n1bn2/2b3p1/2P5/P1N3P1/3PBPNP/R1BQ1RK1 b - - 0 1


Let's try it this way then:
Rh8 -h7, h2 -h4
Qc7 x g3, h4 x g5
Qg3 - h2 + mate

h2-h4 would be a terrible move, and is not forced ...

Then what would he move then? I can't guess what the other guy is gonna move.
I don't really se any forced move here.

Rh8 -h7, Kg1 -h1
Rd8 - h8, h2 -h4
g2 x g4, Ng2 x g4
Rh7 x Nh4, g3 x Rh4
Rh8 x h4+, Kh1 - g1 (or g2)
Qc7 - h2+ mate

To make it short: there is a much faster win than 1. ... Rh7.

Rh8 x h2, Kg1 x Rh2
Rd8 - h8+, Kh2 - g1
Qc7 x g3, pretty much over

Wow, finally you got it!
Congrats to the winner of this round! :-)

Rook captures h2 as a sacrifice? King captures Rook then black moves Rd8+?

  1. ... Rxh2
  2. Kxh2. Then Rd8+ is not possible ... Do you mean Rh8+?

Yes! My apologies I was looking at the Rook on d8 rather than where I wanted to move him

OK, then your variation is:

  1. ... Rxh2
  2. Kxh2 Rh8+
  3. Kg1. Enough for you to win? :)

Yes actually then the black Queen captures g3 and the pawn is pinned by black's Bishop

However @pompe72 was faster this time - check above. :)

wait this was wrong

The critical continuation is:

  1. ... Rxh2
  2. Kxh2. Can you win then?

My white player doesn't want the rook.

I would do it like this:

1.... - Rxh2
2Nh4 -- Rxh4
3gxh4 - Bh3
4Rg4+!- Nxg4
5Qxg4!- Bxg4
6Ne4 -- Rh8
8Kg2 -- Qh2

with f3 covered by the white bishop on g4

Black is convinced white doesn't just need to lose, the position merits punishment while white has a sense of humor about it.

I like H8 to H3. Seems like a hard mess to deal with.

Black does have a better position after 1. ... Rh3, but a much faster win is possible ... :)

It's a winning position. That King is trapped so hard. I'm trying to think fast like a speed game. Not some sacrifice masterpiece haha.

Most beautiful game ever invented.

I don't know what to do... maybe just move a pawn? lol

Try harder ... :-)

I dunno :D I would just move a random piece.

I am sure someone will solve it ... so you can see the solution later. :)

Very funny Chess problem


Not winning fast enough. :)

Well, if I'm not fast at least I'm winning.

... but if you win fast there is less risk to make a mistake before you really have won. :)

Or Bc5-d4

Not winning fast enough. :)

Nc6 - d4

No, no, no: not single moves please: I want to see move orders until the (winning) end. :)

Ok Great, but how do I know what the other guy is gonna move?

... by not letting him too many options ...

Well 2 options are already too many.