This is me. My name is Wang Sirui. I'm 4 years old.
Many parents due to the lack of medical knowledge, when the child has a fever, cough, and then sent to the hospital to play a bit! "Antibiotics will be bad bacteria bacteria all the articles, permanently alter immune function and nervous system. In particular, the child is in the growth and development period, a number of organs and tissues have not yet developed mature, more susceptible to the permanent damage to antibiotics." A proof of the long-term practice, as long as you lose a liquid to the child, the child most 1-1.5 months will again get sick.
Chinese Ministry of health stressed: in the next 5 years, the current use of antibiotics by the current 97% down to about 3%, so that the doctor recommended the patient to use the function of nutritional food, not just drug therapy.
This is my mother. She is a pediatric massage teacher, responsible for the children to do conditioning, including: cold, fever, cough, asthma, rhinitis, and anorexia.
I played in my mom's studio. i have a fever, cough, runny nose, and so do not have to go to the hospital for injections and take medicine, my mother's acupuncture point massage can cure my disease.
Mother in the children to do green treatment.
A little girl has a fever, and my mother is giving her a massage.
Mother is giving a massage to a boy who is coughing.
Mother in a little sister to do the spleen and stomach conditioning.
Mother in a little baby to do constipation massage.
The following is part of the presentation of the child massage technique (picture from the network collection).
Of course, there are a lot of people doubt whether the effect of massage. At first my father also don't believe, in my 2 year old had a fever 39 degrees, my mother with pediatric massage method, good conditioning, then my father began to slowly believe pediatric massage. Later my father to the mother invested the studio.
Now more and more people began to accept the green treatment of massage in children, to avoid too many injections to take medicine to cause unnecessary damage. Let us join hands with the Steemit community to work together to progress and benefit mankind.
I'm tired, thank you uncle and aunt read.
Note: Before massage, it is best to go to the hospital for blood testing. If it is a bacterial infection on the need to take medicine and massage; if it is a viral infection do not need to take medicine can be directly massage.
Note: the article was written by my father proxy .
New Chinese whale here, we need do something for steemit, not just talk, talk is cheap , we need action, i registerd just three days ago, and i am buying everyday, and i introduce it to my Chinese rich friends everyday, but, It's hard to sign up for Chinese because of the Chinese Firewall, i posted about it, and tried to reach dan and ned but failed, anyone can help to spread the word?
BTW, the firewall blocked facebook, and it's impossible to sign up with newly created reddit account, we need SMS verification or wechat QQ etc.
@dan @ned Can you do something ?
with VPN, it is easy to overcome Chinese Firewall and access Facebook.
VPN was blocked as well, not all of the place.
And the police will talk even arrest you if you provide VPN service.
One of my friend went to the police station today because of this.
That's a significant change in enforcement level :(.
As I know, it is legal to use VPN in China, and VPN could not be blocked.
Sorry? That's surely news to me. On my last trip to Guangdong province I was unable to use:@lianbing
Sorry for my poor word choice and phrase construction, since I'm not in China, I sometimes do things like this to keep my language skill going.
GFW is not the problem, the main problem is the tyrants behind the GFW.
Welcome whale. :) Nice words!
thank you.
I upvoted because I like to see international content. I guess I don't have to remind anyone here about placebo effects and that delaying necessary life saving medical treatment is a genuinely bad idea.
My upvote is to support what is clearly a hardworking family who believes what they are doing. But I implore you if you read chinese and english to please read and understand this information and spread the word so that more people don't die from placebo treatments...
Yes, you said the truth, I should add, thank you。
Note: Before massage, it is best to go to the hospital for blood testing. If it is a bacterial infection on the need to take medicine and massage; if it is a viral infection do not need to take medicine can be directly massage.@zjhzwgl
Nice and thank you for adding this. But I don't think this quite gets the spirit of what I was saying about placebo effects. Nevertheless you are now encouraging people to seek professional medical help first so it's a good try.
For those of you who don't understand what @zjhzwgl is trying to say here it boils down to this...
"Traditional remedies such as these have not been shown to be harmful and human touch techniques such as massage have long been demonstrated to have therapeutic healing properties and are an accepted part of traditional Chinese medicine.
Nevertheless do not delay seeking qualified medical care to rule out a more serious condition and use these techniques in conjunction with, not in replacement of any Dr recommended treatments".
Adorable post though!
小儿推拿方法是以传统中医理论为指导,结合现代医学,根据小儿生理特点,在其体表特定的穴位和部位施以不同手法,以达到疏通经络、调和气血、平衡阴阳,增强肌体抗病能力,达到治疗的效果。按摩是由内而外自己恢复,而吃药打针是靠外界的力量改变他,本身的抵抗力没有增强。 这个看起来好像不科学(我以前也这样认为),但是实践证明是行之有效的,而且效果很好(针对感冒、发热、咳嗽、便秘、慢性扁桃体炎、腺样体肥大、慢性鼻炎、支气管哮喘、腹泻、厌食、遗尿、口疮、湿疹、病毒性咽峡炎等).推拿按摩他就是这么的神奇。建议你有机会带你的孩子去体验一下。 很多家长没有正确的观念,比如孩子一发烧就送医院去打点滴,吃药等 (并 不是反对西医,西医是按数据做事的,做个体检总是好的,必要的时候需要这样),正常情况下最少也要2天以上才好转,但是孩子处在发育的早期,副作用大太了(如果你有孩子的话就能体会到的)。 中国的医院现状我想大家都知道,排队1-2个小时,看病就是2分钟,服务态度也不好(这个说的有点远了,呵呵)。
Thank you for your recognition of Chinese medicine. Pediatric massage method is based on traditional Chinese medicine theory, combined with modern medicine, according to the physiological characteristics of children, in particular its surface points and position is subject to different practices in order to clear the meridians, qi and blood, yin and yang balance, enhance the body resistance to disease ability to achieve a therapeutic effect. Massage from the inside out their own recovery, and is medicine injections by outside forces to change him, not enhanced resistance itself. This looks like unscientific (I used to think so), but it proved to be effective, and it worked (for colds, fever, cough, constipation, chronic tonsillitis, adenoid hypertrophy, chronic rhinitis, bronchial asthma, diarrhea, anorexia, enuresis, mouth sores, eczema, viral angina go far). his massage is so amazing. I suggest you have the opportunity to take your child to experience. Many parents do not have the right idea, for example, send the child a fever hospital drips, medicine and so on (not opposed to Western medicine, Western medicine is based on data of doing things, always good to be a physical examination, when necessary, the need for such), under normal circumstances at least we have more than two days to improve, but the child is in the early development of the side effects too (if you have children, then to be able to appreciate). Situation of Chinese hospital I think we all know, queuing 1-2 hours to see a doctor is two minutes, the attitude is not good (a bit far to say this, huh, huh).
so we must pay tribute to the Chinese massage, 2 years practicing this technique and have already forgotten the way to the hospital and how many are currently medications, although a child was to the truth of SARS ancients knew that the body can to self 100%, my opinion is very important to medical surgery
thank you
you're welcome and much love!
You have my prayers and shares! Namaste~!

Thank you for your encouragement!
just upvoted
Wow ni hao . :)
Welcome to seteemit ,very nice infos will aplly tgis to my daughter if she got flu or whatsoever :)
very cute baby. which city are you from? good Chinese traditional medicine
Thank you for your support。We are in the beautiful Hangzhou。
I understand the government could block Vpn providers from having any service or servers in China. However they could do very little to prevent you from installing a clients software and using it if someone else made payment on your behalf and provided you with a login/password. I would assume such services exist in the grey/black markets for any reason noble or ignoble. In the United States Private Internet Access is a no log that runs about $25 usd for a year. Given the fact you possess and deal with crypto currency it would be a very small matter to request from someone you know and trust in the west open an account for you and then compensate them the fee privately. All the vpn providers pretty much accept crypto currency so skipping outside help its only a matter of accessing the site to make payment. I believe some of them even accept snail mail for some situations like this so it would be risky crypto patience.
There are many people who it would be a very easy gesture to make. They may make some enemies doing it but I'm hard pressed to imagine the service doesn't exist or that a trusted friend would refuse it to you.
Good luck.
beautiful pictures
马上就 200个赞了。钱钱的这个贴是今天 #cn 区的热门贴了 :)
Lets do it together for our next generation..avoid using unnecessary drugs for our children..lets pray for the children health...amen
How can i not upvote on this one!!! you little angle!

thank you