IS HONG KONG a test of REAL CHINESE geopoltical POWER? What if China can't be stopped?

in #china6 years ago (edited)




Dear readers, this is surely one of my shortest publications lately and I won't take much of your time. I reckon even a likely majority of you might not even pay much attention to this growing conflict between those two powers and may not even have an oppinion on this particular topic.

However I'm hoping that some of you may see the bigger picture related to the current tension between Hong Kong and mainland China. I can only hope that you will share your opinion with me, as I'm trying to make sense of the events unfolding in that part of the world.

For the past few days, a large number of Hong Kong citizens were protesting against the growing Chinese influence. At some point the crowd of protestors reached almost 2mln people, which would make this "event" the biggest I've ever heard about. For that reason alone it's worth paying some minor attention.

I'm not going to go deep into reasons behind those protests and goals that some parties might want to achieve. What's obviuos is that China encountered its first real resistance and if Hong Kong will fail then the message to the world should be clear: we are unstoppable right now.

The eyes of entire world should be directed towards this conflict.

Mainland China and G20


"China will not allow G20 to discuss Hong Kong, says foreign minister ".
And that's about it. I'm not sure if China ever had that much power and influence, to be capable of impacting G20 in such a way. And that surely is a scary thing.

I usually keep my distance from politics and I wouldn't dare to discuss the policies of the US or EU openly with others. However I'm not planning to visit China anytime soon in my lifetime and luckily I still feel safe discussing those topics from a "very safe distance".



The question I would like to ask today is: how long can we (western civilization) feel comfortable and safe, knowing that the political expansion of China is speeding up. We are already complaining about our current authorities and social media giants and we're pointing out growing an online censorship and control over western population ... just imagine how much worse could it be if China would "dictate standards". I found it terrifying.

I strongly believe that if Hong Kong fails and will be left alone by other countries in this struggle, then Hong Kong will be remembered as last real power that could stop or at least slow down this expansion.



Obviously I'm fully aware that access to any "real" information is very limited and I may have misjudged the entire conflict and potential results. Perhaps some of you have your own opinion on that particular issue and would like to share it with me?

I would also like to repeat my initial question: "What if China can't be stopped?". How do you guys imagine world with their values and way of ruling being forced upon us?

I read, upvote and reply to all comments.



I think that China is very very strong and still can do what ever she want

It's will take some time until it's will change

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Hello my dear friend @crypto.piotr I would like to apologize with because I couldn’t reply all your comments and memos that I received from you..

My mind is very crowded and news like this one is very difficult to talk. Also just the question sounds very sadness...!!!

What if China can't be stopped?".

It could be a very terrible problem for Hong Kong and China. And destroy another countries between them..

This is not about just political issues, this is about global economy, people right ... new laws destroy everything..!!

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Hi @edgarare1

please do not need for appology. I'm glad whenever you have moment to engage back. However I'm fully aware that we all have our own lives and responsibilities outside Steemit

Thx for sharing your thoughts.

It is an insult to call someone from Hong Kong Chinese same with people from Taiwan as I understood years ago.

For years products were made in Taiwan or.. Now it's made in China... what does that mean?

I doubt we, Western world, can and should interfere worldwide. It seems to be very hard to accept some countries have different lifestyles from ours. We like to point the finger at others and ignore our own issues.

No matter what happens each change will infect someone, some country or countries.

The influence of China isn't more annoying as the influence of the USA, Europe, the Arabic countries, etc.

Many agreed and planned already years ago what the world should look like.

I hope China gives a bit in. It's not worth another fight.


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Good point about China "not being more annoying." The US and the European powers are often very, very annoying!


Dear @creativesoul

Perhaps you're right. On the other hand I noticed that response rate is growing a lot when my memos starts with such an opening, comparing to those who do not.

Thank you for your feedback. I hope I didn't upset you with that memo.



China is definitely on the rise, in terms of both economy and political power. In fact, some people say that the US sees China as a bigger geo-political threat than Russia. And rightly so!

As of now, it seems as if China is still primarily focused on controlling its own population (including that of Hong Kong).

Nevertheless, as China's power continues to grow and as the US empire
continues to collapse, we can't be sure of what China will do. But we can be certain that it's not necessarily benign or benevolent!

China reached a pick in terms of economic potential that themselves and no other country could even imagine or dream a few years ago.

With that larger increase in profit and wealth in a communist regime that is based in a social dictatorship at their core foundations would be more than obvious that some things have to give at the end. Those consequences are now rising with the open war declared from the United States and now Hong Kong Manifestations.

In my opinion, this is small progress and can be a beacon of hope and change for many people in China, Hong Kong, and other countries that are afraid of consequences if they speak or demand changes to the system. China, like the entire world, has to make a lot of changes now and learn how to respect and care more about the people and be afraid of retaliation if they don't do so.

If on the rest of the worlds leaders and politics parties are more aware and more respectful of their actions and other peoples beliefs and opinions it's also due to the 'social media era of apps and platforms' growth we are currently living despite all the bad things associated to them.


China can be the closest country in terms of how they allow social media to spread, but in every rich countries, there will be always people that look even further than just their small square of land and want more. To them, I and everyone should be proud of that transformation and truly hope for the success this little achievements brings to us all.

Thank you for your amazing comment @kreesher

Appreciate it a lot.

Yours, Piotr

You're welcome crypto.piotr. Glad I could join and be a part of this important discussion topic. We have still to wait and see how it will unfold in the end since there are constant updates on this.

Keep the great work you are doing! Bringing these important subjects up to discussion and add a new point of view to them, so people can also share there thoughts and opinions.

I love how responsive you are @kreesher :)


China will not allow G20 to discuss Hong Kong, says foreign minister

China is trying to show the world as they are more powerful and can control things they want and thats why they are doing this. Not just Hongkong, China is also trying to have some short of influence or control over other countries like India too. But they are wrong and it will never happen as other countries will find the way to teach them lesson. thanks friend @crypto.piotr for the post. have a great weekend.

The Asian giant as they usually call it is not for nothing that earned that name, it is a giant, although you do not believe it if you can be defeated and a way is in China's own economy sounds difficult but you can.Friend @crypto.piotr brought a very important issue that we all should try to know a bit about it.

Currently the government of the United States is giving the battle, the Asians do not like that, it is one of the reasons why they are clinging and trying to impose themselves before other smaller countries, however the transfer of sovereignty From Hong Kong on the part of the United Kingdom to the People's Republic of China, known as "the return" or "the reunification" from that Chinese moment began its claim of economic interests for which they are affected by China, which brings clear consequences that brings them and are not encouraging for Hong Kong,

We must see the bulls from afar, looking for alternatives of protection, without the need to reach a confrontation.

lanz jose g

This conflict is magnified by several underlying subjects.

While it's apparently a conflict China / Hong Kong, it is mainly the result of a loss of soft-power by many other countries.

First off, the USA, one may or may not appreciate Trump / feel comfortable with him, but the results of his actions are that America lost tons of soft-power. Between the people who just can't make sense out of him, and all of the obvious flaws in his reign, USA is widely seen as having lost a lot of its influence. Many leaders worldwide who had a long-standing relationship with the USA are turning the other way now.

As a result, that place of diplomatic leader, usually held by the USA has been freed. There were several candidates who could have taken its place... but: France's Macron (My country) got undermined by the idiots "Gilets Jaune" and Great Britain has the Brexit, meanwhile, Merkel's recent health troubles have left her international political power weaker.

Result? China saw an opportunity. Since the USA is closing on itself and using hard power, Europe has not managed to make a true united political front, and its individual countries were undermined, there is a great space for China to take action.

With little to no power to stop it right now, China has to strike before things have settled down. It involves itself where the USA has abandoned & the others have not made progress, such as middle-orient. Getting back Hong Kong is only possible now that the other countries' leader doesn't have the power/backing from their citizens to achieve anything significant.

We citizens of the countries are the ones who allowed China to do that by not supporting our own government. When China will have a say in the UNESCO we'll ask our leader why they didn't do a thing about it, and odds are they'll throw it back at us, "did you give us the power to act at that time?" and the answer is no. We critic all forms of governments, but they are the ones who can act/oppose governments such as China, Rusia, etc.

We're so assured that they should first think of our country and nothing else, that we forget that we're frogs in a well: we ignore what's going on elsewhere and we don't care. It's fine since it's not our role, that's the gvt's role. But it needs legitimacy to do so.

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Thank you for that amazing comment @djennyfloro

We critic all forms of governments, but they are the ones who can act/oppose governments such as China, Rusia, etc.

Very bloody wise words.

Yours, Piotr

I lived and worked in Hong Kong for 34 years. In those years, before the handover in 1997, the people in Hong Kong were very productive, they lived happily under the British Government. People can be heard by public consultation. In fact, The British Government and China have agreed to "One country two systems" policy. But as time goes by, obviously, it didn't work.

Dear @marifa

Thank you for dropping by and for your comment. 34 years is such a long time. you've surely seen huge transformation of this country within that time.

I just visited your account to see if you published anything new only to realize that you seem to give up on Steemit? :(

Hope you're not done with this platform yet.


This is a hard one to fully understand living in the US. We openly accept the one China idea. While in secret working with Hong Kong and their leadership. I know China doesn’t want a civil war. Outsiders would interfere and tip the scales. I see a lot of what China does and don’t like it. My sister went there recently and saw first hand some things that are crazy to me. They went on tours teaching the Tour guides history and at times the guides told them to stop with a fear of learning to much. For such a big powerful country the are so cut off. I interact will people all over the world here but never from China. Yet at the same time I think about ordering products in bulk from China to sell. I wondering sometimes if that would be wrong as I know they reason stuff is so cheap there is bad labor laws. Still that is a bit off topic. Hong Kong to me is hard to openly support because War with China is not something anyone really wants. Yet not confronting them could lead to a day we sit by and watch those 2 million people getting killed as they fight for freedoms. I worry the West is reaching a point they won’t be willing to stop it.

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Thank you for your amazing comment @stever82

Appreciate it a lot.

Would you perhaps consider using "enter" from time to time? To separate blocks of texts? It would make it much easier to read.

Yours, Piotr

I've followed this news two to three years ago and I've come to know the issue is far deeper both politically and nation wide.

It's true China wants full control of Hong Kong but I don't see them winning the battle because China has grown to be a Goliath in Asia and no David in sight to stop it. I think HK should look into other means of making there voice heard.

Don't forget that this issue is still far deep than what each one of us could think of.

Dear @botefarm

I absolutely agree with your opinion. And the fact that there is no David in sight to stop Goliath is a scary thing. I think it's very naive to believe that China will not reach out even futher and will eventually have an impact on our every-day life.

I wonder how things with Hong Kong will play our. After all HK is not another Tibet.


I honestly don't know a whole lot about the situation because I like to stay out of politics for the most part. But I do know that Hong Kong is a huge blockchain hub and any time there is geopolitical tension it helps out Bitcoin's price.

I just wrote a post about STEEM and Bitcoin. Stop by and check it out if you have time 🤓

At first thank you for this valuable post. Although China have had perfect performance for two decades, this country does not have a vision to become leader country in world. China has one of the most deep-rooted nation in world. But this nation have not migrate to another land till history. For example saxon nation migrated in Europe, or Turkish nation migrated from Asia to Europe, or new American nation is formed with migrations. But where is Chinese movement. So this country most probably will be very powerfull economically. But not in politic affairs. Thank you for this valuable post.Dear @crypto.piotr,

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I sincerely hope that China can be stopped what's happening in Hong Kong is setting a very bad precedent. The people are clearly signalling they do not want this new law to be passed the political class need to listen.

Hi @safetony

I just visited your account to see if you published anything new only to realize that you seem to give up on Steemit? :(

Hope you're not done with this platform yet.


They are two good powers, we will see what happens since I am not so steeped in this subject.

Greetings, thank you for your support

I think it's part of the programmed direction we are headed into the era of complete surveillance. I think of China as more of the testing ground for the mindset of Stockholm syndrome. People largely have been accepting their captors and fully engaging in the system that we find so abhorrent.

Dear @cmplxty

I think it's part of the programmed direction we are headed into the era of complete surveillance.

I'm afraid that soon only wealthy and rich will enjoy little bit of privacy left. It will be some sort of luxury only some can afford.

Stockholm syndrome - what is that?


Thanks for your input!

Stockholm syndrome is when a captive bonds with their captors. Instead of staying resilient and resisting they accept their fate as a way to cope.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thanks @cmplxty for this explanation.

I think I've heard about this syndome before. I wonder why is is called "Stockholm syndrome". Why stockholm? :)

I also wanted to make some suggestion.

My impression is, that the hardest part of attracting attention on STEEMIT is the fact, that our audience have very little chance to actually find our publications. Lack of solid notification system is an obvious issue. And regardless how hard I would try - there is very little chance I would find out about your new interesting publications (my feed is just flooded with to many posts).

Please allow me to share some suggestion with you. If you would ever publish content related to blockchain, crypto, artificial intelligence, psychology etc. then perhaps you could simply send me memo with link to that post.

This way not only I would have a chance to read your publication, but I will also upvote it right away with 20k SP voting power. If I would consider it interesting then I may also share it with wider audience.

Please let me know what do you think.

Cheers, Piotr

That sounds good my friend! I will defer this to @swayzilla, he posts often about crypto lately which is great. I'm in the process of learning some new computer skills so I'm on a slight hiatus while I catch up. I think you've noticed him a bit recently but he's been coming up with some really excellent comparisons of crypto versus mainstream life, I think it helps break the information down for people who don't know or understand the crypto space! (I've also learned from his posts as well, so even those with some familiarity do well from them)

If it comes to this the western world, Europe (EU countries) are not different. Fake news for years, government raises via school and laws...

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Greetings @crypto.piotr

The political situation affects us, in one way or another, so we must begin to take into consideration aspects related to political issues, as well as the social repercussions of the actions taken.

Policies are taken and applied to enforce objectives, whether social or political, and any political action has an impact on the social, so that, as a society, we must know about the subject matter and, as far as possible, give our opinion about it, since after materializing the consequences it will be too late to expose our point of view.

The problem in general comes from the difference of ideals, what is regulated in each country by its internal laws, and in a more globalized world, creates conflicts for non-compliance or infractions according to these internal laws, resulting in control actions. This situation is being seen in many countries.

While patriotism and ideologies are a priority, globalization and standardization will have a steeper path to travel

Thank you for this valuable comment @tramelibre

Appreciate it a lot.

Thanks for the steem sent yesterday

I really appreciate

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I have been following the news @crypto.piotr.

My understanding was that the British government handed Hong Kong back to China in 1997, so effectively Chine owns Hong Kong.

China is expanding its influence in countries as far as the continent of Africa and even South America, how it can't stretch that influence into a state it owns is what are talking about.

When the British reached an agreement of One country but two systems, they should have known there was no way that would last forever. You can't tell a country as big and powerful as China that you own this but this is how you'll use it.

China has been increasing its' influence even since the word go, but the world seem not to have noticed it.

China has the same infleunce in many African and South American countries too, they control where you import some certain items, they provide development on loan which the know you'll default and the condition of default is that they run the business for lengthy number years.

So don't be surprised to find out the airport you just landed in an African country is been run by a Chinese company.

Dear @ketcom

My understanding was that the British government handed Hong Kong back to China in 1997, so effectively Chine owns Hong Kong.

Indeed. But this agreement specified that for next 50 years China+HK will be considered one country, with 2 different systems. ("one country, two systems").

And China completely seem to ignore those agreements, showing how little they care about resistance coming from Hong Kong and UK. China didn't even bother to wait half of those 50 years :)

So don't be surprised to find out the airport you just landed in an African country is been run by a Chinese company.

Hahaha good one! :) Thx for commenting buddy. Appreciate.


Pattern Of Domination. And most importantly control issues are rising and its not healthy because everyone have the right to express because we are not in the Slave System. Let's hope that collectively we can spread the essence of peace because these are the times when we need more peace and togetherness. Stay blessed brother.@crypto.piotr, Instead of commenting about this specific event, in my opinion recently we are seeing a pattern in overall world and that pattern is,

Absolutely! There is a global Pattern of Dominion.

Sometimes I like to think of it as the bullies in school growing up and becoming frustrated with technology so they form packs. Now, joined together in great numbers and sharing a mutual fear of innovation, they seek to exert dominion over the world. So this power then is not just about greed, but also driven by fear.

Though again, I must admit, this is probably an oversimplification. As a global society, our capability use technology has probably exceeded our wisdom. This is a concept I was introduced to back in college in the 90s.

God bless.

Technology brought great changes but over the period of time people started to know that these great changes are arrived with a sacrifice and the aspect which was sacrificed is Global Peace.

Thank you so much and stay blessed.

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Interesting topic. Any wonder why millennial act so tentatively at times and seem to over-care at others. Maybe millennial are aware of nuances which older folks are not.

Millennial knows the deepest subjects of Spirituality and they were able to understand what is good and what is not and they prefer to field work, like Agriculture because in my opinion we all made for the field work where we would do the cropping and feed our families and live close to the nature. But if we see, now Natural Agriculture is so much suppressed and we are heavily feeded with Factory Food Products.

In my opinion Humanity got deceived long time ago. Stay blessed.

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Oh yes. Even the Bible refers to mass deception.

Regards, dear friend and brother, Piotr.

I think we are addressing an issue that encompasses an old internal conflict. These are territorial claims, in my opinion very similar to many we can find around the globe. Venezuela has a territory in claim for 100 years, I mean some extensions of territory that represent 70% of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana.
On the continental shelf of South America we can find the case of the Malvinas Islands.

Now, we are talking about China, the Oriental Giant. This approach that you propose allows us to think that a conquest of this magnitude would give China more power in terms of its "desire" for expansion. This makes perfect sense.

The conquest of China over the western world is not at the territorial level, initially. They act like aliens, attacking first the economies of weak countries. Offering capital, making investments. After this is the fact of sending many of its citizens (sometimes illegally) to these countries to develop economic activity.
Taking over the main companies and then moving on to their natural resources would be like the final blow.
I think that's how China acts.

Aqui mi visita,estuvimos tiempo alejados por muchos motivos @cripto.piotr,pero ya de regreso,saludos,pasela bien


Woo my dear @crypto.piotr, you really surprise me with this topic, but I think it is just your reasoning if we emphasize the fact that the great powers rule the world standards, or the great powers believe they own the world.

If China were to follow the world standards, I'm not sure what to think, but surely, like other powers, their policies would be aimed at dominating the world.

Dear @fucho80

I just had a chance to read you comment (somehow i didn't notice your reply earlier on) and I wanted to thank you for sharing your thoughts. Appreciate it.


Your concern seems to be the same as the residence from Hongkong who are protesting.
China may be deemed to be already flexing its muscles to its neighbors.
Since why are they trying to impose something which is not in their jurisdiction, or amend the rule that is quite sovereign in nature to a given country? (i.e. extradition)
China is very powerful and they are also very rich.
Considering most of our daily wears are already made of China.
It is really very hard for rules to be forced upon us, especially from outside our considered home.
Hopefully, this should be settled peacefully.
RegardsGreetings @crypto.piotr and to everybody,

Dear @jackramsey

I just had a chance to read you comment (somehow i didn't notice your reply earlier on) and I wanted to thank you for sharing your thoughts. Appreciate it.


I have absolutely no idea about this topic since I do not pay attention to any news. Until this post I have heard nothing recent about Hong Kong and China for any reason.

Living in SE Asia has given me a new view of the Chinese though. As far as I can tell, the Chinese are regarded favorably in most places. They surely bring a lot of tourism dollars, and I eat a lot of imported Chinese food now. From STEEM and other social media, I know people who live there and like it. That's about all I can think of for this issue.

When I was living in the states, I had no impression of the Chinese whatsoever. I left in 2016 though, so who knows what people think now.

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Dear Piotr, China is control us with economics right now, do you know how many companies in Italy closed due to coming of chinese products?
Of course being goegraphically near to China is not easy and their power can be more because they are big and powerful.
Hong Kong have a write agreement that will keep its indipendency for 50 years from the time british left, but we are not so far right now from this moment, so they are just training Hong Kong people that soon party will end...

Dear @intellihandling

do you know how many companies in Italy closed due to coming of chinese products?

Actually I don't know. Many?

Hong Kong have a write agreement that will keep its indipendency for 50 years from the time british left, but we are not so far right now from this moment, so they are just training Hong Kong people that soon party will end..

We're only half way and things are already heating up real quick.

I just had a chance to read you comment (somehow i didn't notice your reply earlier on) and I wanted to thank you for sharing your thoughts. Appreciate it.



I think it is a very obvious response to the economic Bullying being used against it by the US. China is using what it has to fight back. Europe and many western countries have invested heavily in Hongkong.
Remember democracy is merely an illusion.
One system of government is no different from a other. Try demonstrating against Trumps arms sales to the Saudi Regime and see how far you get.
When money is involved they all work together.
I point you to the international space station. The US is reliant at the moment on the Russians. That may change but will they stop them from using it in the future?

Dear @andyjem

Remember democracy is merely an illusion.

It is an illusion to some degree. But at the same time democracy is the only reason why some politicians (especially those who aren't yet in power and are just "climbing up") will care about some groups of people (supporters).

I just had a chance to read you comment (somehow i didn't notice your reply earlier on) and I wanted to thank you for sharing your thoughts. Appreciate it.


Yes @crypto.piotr I like to believe all politicians start out with good ideals. But the system is so strong and well intrenched that most just fall in line. Power and money soon start to influence their decisions.

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I think I'ts a matter of China deciding to take their seat at the table of powerful nations with dignity and grace. That being said, I am much more concerned with developments in Tibet and the South China Sea. I believe the next major war will be between the US and China in that area. There will be great loss of life due to the Asian culture of not "losing face." I hope it doesn't come to that and we learn to live in peace and celebrate China's rise.

Dear @evernoticethat

I'm sorry for such a late reply. Would you really believe that US would support Tibet in any way?


We should have done it in the 50's when we had the chance.

It's me again @evernoticethat

I also wanted to make some suggestion.

My impression is, that the hardest part of attracting attention on STEEMIT is the fact, that our audience have very little chance to actually find our publications. Lack of solid notification system is an obvious issue. And regardless how hard I would try - there is very little chance I would find out about your new interesting publications (my feed is just flooded with to many posts).

Please allow me to share some suggestion with you. If you would ever publish content related to blockchain, crypto, artificial intelligence, psychology etc. then perhaps you could simply send me memo with link to that post.

This way not only I would have a chance to read your publication, but I will also upvote it right away with 20k SP voting power. If I would consider it interesting then I may also share it with wider audience.

Please let me know what do you think. This surely should sound like a interesting offer :))

ps. I also have some decent stake of PALnet tokens, so my upvotes may bring you some extra reward. Assuming that you have account on PALnet. do you?

Cheers, Piotr

I have limited time to write posts and would wonder that using memos that way might be seen as intrusive. Manually sending memos out would be time-consuming, thus not something I'd likely do.

Hi @evernoticethat

Based on my own experience, those who follow you would pretty much not mind to receive memos from you. So sending them to your own followers doesn't bring risk.

Great example to follow: @ originalworks.

Manually sending memos out would be time-consuming, thus not something I'd likely do.

If you share your email with me, then I will share link to site we're using to send mass memos. I will be very happy to help. I can even "scan" your followers and provide you with list of all of those that are still active (including their current level of SP and reputation).




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Sorry @crypto.piotr I don't consider you a bot, but I consider you to be my loyal friend, and very much helps me in the world of steemit, once again I apologize to you, thank you.

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Hi @f21steem

Why did you apologize to me? Did you do anything wrong? I'm not in any way upset or angry at you my friend :)

ps. I noticed that you stopped sending me memos with links to your publications. That will reduce chance of me seeing your post and upvoting them with my 20k SP :(


I'm not sure how to share my opinion in this discussion. I'm not sure if I'll hit the main idea of this.

Most countries have citizens that protesting the their government. Other's are being manipulated by politics. But even so, why we should let ourselves be manipulated on it. There's no chance that those people who were protesting has a chance to be heard by their government. We will just hope that if our rights being human will also be manipulated.

If China can't be stopped? I hope this won't happen, if this will happen lot of countries will be affected also especially in social meda. We already know that we're being connected even if we're far because of social media. Let's just hope that this won't get too far that we can't even imagine. But if this happens maybe we should all be united to protect our rights.

I'm not sure if I'm correct, anyway thanks for this information.

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Dear @mrnightmare89

I just had a chance to read you comment (somehow i didn't notice your reply earlier on) and I wanted to thank you for sharing your thoughts. Appreciate it.

especially in social meda. We already know that we're being connected even if we're far because of social media

Very true. We're all part of one "global village", right?


It's me again @mrnightmare89

I also wanted to make some suggestion.

My impression is, that the hardest part of attracting attention on STEEMIT is the fact, that our audience have very little chance to actually find our publications. Lack of solid notification system is an obvious issue. And regardless how hard I would try - there is very little chance I would find out about your new interesting publications (my feed is just flooded with to many posts).

Please allow me to share some suggestion with you. If you would ever publish content related to blockchain, crypto, artificial intelligence, psychology etc. then perhaps you could simply send me memo with link to that post.

This way not only I would have a chance to read your publication, but I will also upvote it right away with 20k SP voting power. If I would consider it interesting then I may also share it with wider audience.

Please let me know what do you think. This surely should sound like a interesting offer :))

ps. I also have some decent stake of PALnet tokens, so my upvotes may bring you some extra reward. Assuming that you have account on PALnet. do you?

Cheers, Piotr

I received your message, and this sportshub thing sounds interesting for an ol' CBD gal.🤝 Thank you for sharing the plaform with me! I am not very knowledgeable about this sort of social network, but enjoy the atmosphere and hope to quickly learn.

Posted using Partiko Messaging

Dear @brutledge

I just had a chance to read you comment (somehow i didn't notice your reply earlier on) and I wanted to thank you for sharing your thoughts. Appreciate it.


Hello! I agree with you on your concerns and opinions. Well, I think it is a matter of time for substantial geo-political change will take place. As many of us know, real politics happens under the table of powerful groups. I believe in the coexistence of ideological and economic models from a philosophical point of view, perhaps there are no linear-temporal advances. Maybe things to come will have to break with the way we see power relations. I think this world of crypto currencies describes quite well what future relations in politics and economics will be like.

Dear @filosbonus

I just had a chance to read you comment (somehow i didn't notice your reply earlier on) and I wanted to thank you for sharing your thoughts. Appreciate it.


Thank you, I will keep reading your posts!

As I myself and coming from an ex-communist country, Romania, I can say for sure that a world in which one authority tries to impose its view and rules upon the rest of the population is by no means one in which a western person would like to live.

Hi, I red this article, and all of the comments below - very interessting views - but I miss 1 point.

Yes - China vs. Hong Kong is a big issue, but mostely for the people of Hong Kong itself. The global sentiment isn't bothered that hard, since lack of information.

The point I miss in all opinions before, is, that the global sentiment is shifting towards China's methods. China is doing so well, in global economics PR, that more and more western leaders AND PEOPLE start to believe, that the chineese system of hardliner leadership is the only way to compete globally. Look at the elections in USA and EU in the last years ... more and more hardliners are growing there influence.
Therefore - in my opinion - we do not need to fear the chineese power, we build our own grave, when we let it happen that our fears upon China dictate our own politics.

Look at the latest EU-regulations on privacy, data-storage, censorship, etc. It's horrifying - because, they are all hidden in regulations, where you would not search for them.

Watch Trump - I do not like his opinions and actions - but I have to admit, he has to be a very intelligent fool. He fools many people and politicians to be a not predictable hardliner. But if you look at the past years in retrospective it looks like a well orchestrated plan, with much distracting tweets - not the work of a silly unpredictable fool. And only a view people seem to recognize this.

Yes - China's influence is a problem, but not so much directly than behind the scenes.

Dear @cryptomum

I just realized that I never actually thanked you for your amazing comment. I absolutely appreciate it.

Seriously great reply. THX!

In my view China didn't have to bother much about forign powers once they decided to pacify their own people + tibetians + millions of uyghurs. However Hong Kong is a very different thing.

I can hardly imagine how powerful and unstoppable they will start to feel if they will pacify HK as well, without any real support from outside. And that can have some serious consequences since China worlc expansion would probably only speed up greately.
