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RE: IS HONG KONG a test of REAL CHINESE geopoltical POWER? What if China can't be stopped?

in #china6 years ago

Hi, I red this article, and all of the comments below - very interessting views - but I miss 1 point.

Yes - China vs. Hong Kong is a big issue, but mostely for the people of Hong Kong itself. The global sentiment isn't bothered that hard, since lack of information.

The point I miss in all opinions before, is, that the global sentiment is shifting towards China's methods. China is doing so well, in global economics PR, that more and more western leaders AND PEOPLE start to believe, that the chineese system of hardliner leadership is the only way to compete globally. Look at the elections in USA and EU in the last years ... more and more hardliners are growing there influence.
Therefore - in my opinion - we do not need to fear the chineese power, we build our own grave, when we let it happen that our fears upon China dictate our own politics.

Look at the latest EU-regulations on privacy, data-storage, censorship, etc. It's horrifying - because, they are all hidden in regulations, where you would not search for them.

Watch Trump - I do not like his opinions and actions - but I have to admit, he has to be a very intelligent fool. He fools many people and politicians to be a not predictable hardliner. But if you look at the past years in retrospective it looks like a well orchestrated plan, with much distracting tweets - not the work of a silly unpredictable fool. And only a view people seem to recognize this.

Yes - China's influence is a problem, but not so much directly than behind the scenes.


Dear @cryptomum

I just realized that I never actually thanked you for your amazing comment. I absolutely appreciate it.

Seriously great reply. THX!

In my view China didn't have to bother much about forign powers once they decided to pacify their own people + tibetians + millions of uyghurs. However Hong Kong is a very different thing.

I can hardly imagine how powerful and unstoppable they will start to feel if they will pacify HK as well, without any real support from outside. And that can have some serious consequences since China worlc expansion would probably only speed up greately.
