Islam vs. Christianity: Did Christians Deviate From The True Gospel?

in #christian-trail7 years ago (edited)

Islam vs. Christianity

I can't help but feel sorry for 1.2+ billion Muslims in the world every time I hear a Muslim say something like, "Christians deviated from the true gospel and so God/Allah sent Muhammad to guide them." I'm like when exactly did Christians deviate from the true gospel? What was the true gospel? Islam denies the core teachings of mere Christianity which can be found all over the NT documents which is known as the Gospel and is simply undeniable. These core teachings include the death and resurrection of Jesus of course.

The maniscripts of the NT go all the way back to the first century. That is more than 500 years before Muhammad was even born. So when exactly did Christians deviate from the true gospel and what was the true gospel? These are important questions that Muslims can't answer without appealing to the Quran which came 500+ years after Jesus and early Christians who believed that Jesus was the divine Son of God who died on the Cross for our sins and rose from the dead, according to the scriptures. "Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.” —1 John 4:1

Not only that, but there are thousands of denominations and sects of Christianity all around the world and the evidence is not just limited to the manuscripts that they all share, but also comes down to their traditions and history, some of which go all the way back to the first century again such as the Orthodox churches in Egypt and Rome. Are we supposed to believe that there was a global conspiracy at the first century where every single Christian in the world decided to conspire against the true gospel? Would that even be possible in the first century? Are we supposed to believe that God couldn't even find one faithful group of people to preserve the true gospel? And when Rome accepted the false gospel and established the Catholic Church in the 3rd century, God/Allah didn't do anything for another 300 years until the false gospel spreaded even further? It seems to me that Muslims don't seem to understand that their view of God turns Him into a completel loser.

Even the Quran seems to have no clue how problematic these charges are and as a result tends to contradict itself on so many levels that it becomes really ridiculous when one examines it. As we see in the following video, Quran affirms the inspiration, preservation, and authority of the Christian scriptures (including the Torah and the Gospel). Yet the Quran contradicts the Christian scriptures on fundamental doctrines(e.g., Jesus' death, resurrection, and deity). By affirming scriptures that contradict Islam, Quran self-destructs.






When did Christians deviate from the true Gospel? From the very beginning, while the Apostles were still alive, there were some Christians who were leading and being lead away. This is recorded in the Scriptures. This corruption was further spread by the Council of Nicaea and pushed upon the world by the Roman Catholic church through persecution and bloodshed.

Yes there are a group of preserved Christians who hold the truth and have been throughout history but it's not the mainstream Christianity that you see around you.

You also hold the same corrupt Christian beliefs that helped birth Islam.

fundamental doctrines(e.g., Jesus' death, resurrection, and deity)

This is the problem. You have taken the blasphemous view that Jesus is deity. This teaching is purely the tradition of men and is not only not found in the Scriptures but the Scriptures speak against it.

Jesus is a man, the perfect man. He was born of God and sent by God to our Savior. The Messiah is not God and to worship him as God is to give God's glory to another, breaking God's greatest commandment. Many are blind to this truth.

Islam is not the way, but if you don't understand where you yourself went astray then you cannot help them find the right way, for you are both lost.

True Christianity has one God who is the Father alone, Creator of all and God of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is the last Adam, a perfect man who was chosen and sent to reconcile the world back to God. We put our faith in Christ because through Christ we may know the true God, not because he is God.

Jesus answered: "Don't you know me, Philip, even after I have been among you such a long time? Anyone who has seen Me has seen the Father(God). How can you say, 'Show us the Father(God)'? ~John 14:9

Which means what? That Jesus is the Father? No. Jesus is the image of God and God's presence was indwelling within him.

An image is a representation of a person or thing, not the thing itself. This basic English negates Jesus from being God. If Jesus is the image of God then he cannot be God and worshiping him as God is to worship an image of God in His place, which is idolatry.

If they could not see the Father in Jesus, through his nature, works, and words, they weren't looking. That is the point of Jesus's words. It's very simple.

"Moreover, the Father judges no one, but has entrusted all judgment to the Son, that all may honor the Son just as they honor the Father. Whoever does not honor the Son does not honor the Father, who sent him." ~John 5:22-23

Yes, you can see that the Father is God alone. He alone has the power to give to His son. The Son does nothing of his own, but is entrusted with authority and is sent by God.

That ALL may honor the Son JUST AS they honor the Father...

I don't see anything wrong with that. Though in your view it makes little sense that one God had to entrust the other God with judgement so that men would honor him. Wouldn't he be worthy of honor regardless? You are missing the simplicity of the Bible to cling to a lie, even a strong delusion perhaps?

Knowledge of basic English negates Jesus from being God. The trinity is a mystery because it's not in the Scriptures and it doesn't make sense. At best you worship falsely and at worst you worship a false god and I am trying to wake you up and every other person reading.

Why is it so difficult to accept the truth as Jesus, the Apostles, and the prophets of old taught it?

(John 17:4-5 NIV) I have brought you glory on earth by completing the work you gave me to do. {5} And now, Father, glorify me in your presence with the glory I had with you before the world began.

(John 8:56-58 NIV) Your father Abraham rejoiced at the thought of seeing my day; he saw it and was glad." {57} "You are not yet fifty years old," the Jews said to him, "and you have seen Abraham!" {58} "I tell you the truth," Jesus answered, "before Abraham was born, I am!"

You can read yet you cannot understand. There are many faithful non-trinitarian Christians who believe that Jesus pre-existed and still was not God and there are many who believe that he did not pre-exist and still these verses cause no trouble for either. The Father of all things knows the end from the beginning. He chose and glorified Jesus from before the foundation of the world for his appointed position as Messiah. Abraham saw Christ's coming and rejoiced, because he had faith that it would be.

Isn't 325 AD when Christianity deviated from the truth?

Muhammad lived in 610 AD
"Islam was historically called Muhammadanism in Anglophone societies. This term has fallen out of use and is sometimes said to be offensive because it suggests that a human being rather than God is central to Muslims' religion, parallel to Jesus Christ in Christianity. Some authors, however, continue to use the term Muhammadanism as a technical term for the religious system as opposed to the theological concept of Islam that exists within that system"

325 AD? So before 325 AD, Christians agreed with Muslims that Jesus didn't die on the cross?

Muslims didn't exist before 610 AD... so, No.

That's irrelevant. Muslims claim that Jesus was Muslim and so were the true followers of Jesus. So if you wanna defend the Islamic conspiracy theory, I suggest you provide some evidence that before 325 AD, followers of Jesus believed the same thing Muslims believe today.

Oh, I see. Good point. There is an interesting book I read, called "Ceasar's Messiah" by Joseph Atwill, that has some of the more detailed descriptions of the roots of Muhammad and Islam. He does draw some connections to the early coptic Christian community. Also, the book "Alphabet vs The Goddess", mentions something interesting, "No popular religious figure was ever literate. Jesus, Buddha, Muhammad, Socrates, never wrote anything down themselves."

So you wanna defend the Islamic conspiracy theory by referring to a pagan book? You call that book evidence before 325 AD that followers of Jesus believed the same thing Muslims believe today? REALLY??? The New Testament documents go all the way back to the first century which means mainstream Christians have always beleieved the same thing, more or less. Referring to a pagan book which draws some connections to early coptic Christian community isn't evidence. The Egyptian coptic Christian community goes all the way back to the first century and is still alive and well, and they too share the same gospel with mainstream Christianity. Not only does the Islamic conspiracy theory ignores the evidence, but also renders God and Jesus powerless... In other words, it would have been better if Jesus had never come ... IF the silly Islamic conspiracy theory was true... One must wonder why on earth God sent Jesus then... Even given Islam, Jesus was the most miraculous prophet of all which means his message must have been pretty important. Yet according to Muslims, his message is completely corrupted within the first century among mainstream Christians... and Allah has waited for 600 years to send someone to correct them... and even today after 1400+ years has failed to correct them... Give me a break!

I didn't realize I was defending islamic conspiracy theory. Even if you re-read my original post, I doubt that you will understand my intent. My point is that Jesus is make believe and Christianity isn't monotheistic, it was made into Christianity by Rome. Your original post was pretending to care about historical fact, but I guess you are just another bible humper that thinks that your God given right is think your religion is the only correct one.