There are some great documentaries about Genesis and the world pre flood and post flood with some very compelling archeological evidence. Carbon dating is the only "stick in the spokes" so to speak. If Genesis can be disproven as history, then the rest of the book will not stand. The popular modern view discredits the bible mostly by "disproving" Genesis (although arguments proving genesis seem to be more complete). There is much to gain by discrediting the Bible (which I need not get into as it is obvious).
Here is the link:
There is no way to prove God exists to someone who does not believe.. There is no way to disprove God's existence to one who does believe. Those that seek the truth, are unsure, and will believe what they find, will find the truth.
Even miracles to a non-believer (take the fact that we exist as an example) do not make them believe. I see life as an unmistakable miracle and an obvious work of God... proof of God.
I appreciated your article.