Atheism is Dead, Long Live our Creator!

in #christianity2 years ago


Almost 7 years ago, I wrote a post about "Why I gave up Christianity" and a follow-up on "How to Choose your Faith". Today, with 7 more years of experience under my belt, I would like to amend my public opinion on this matter. I now believe a ton of truth, knowledge, and wisdom can be gleaned from the Bible, and Yeshua is exactly who he claimed to be.

The root of my prior abandonment of Christianity is that 99% of pastors have been deceived by propaganda and teach things that contradict their professed Scripture. They worship the government and teach the traditions of men. How can all of these pastors be led by the Holy Spirit (aka the Spirit of Truth) and yet be so blind to obvious truth and contradiction?

I knew enough about human history to know that the powers that be will rewrite history to fit their preferred narrative and frequently kill those who disagree. How, then, is someone to trust a book passed down through 4000 years of history? Even worse, how is one to trust a translation of a translation? Given the history of lies, deception, and censorship by the "elite" combined with the gullibility of the masses, I became determined to not trust anything anyone claimed without testing it against logical consistency and personal observations.

In this post, I will show that the English bible is not infallible and any translation is prone to errors; however, these errors are no different than the fallibility of a measuring tape or any other scientific instrument. We don’t conclude science and scientific instruments are worthless pursuits simply because the tools we use to search for the truth are imperfect. Likewise, in searching for the truth regarding the existence of God, Heaven, Hell, and His Word, we can utilize the same imperfect tools and imperfect translations and still draw meaningful and useful conclusions.

Provably Wrong Translations

Least you think that I have lowered my standards for the pursuit of truth; I will first strengthen my argument against trusting the Bible as infallible. What most of us can easily "know" about Christianity comes from the Bible, but what if we cannot trust our translations to be infallible? How would we know we have the "word of God" vs. the “imagination of man"?

This claim of infallibility actually undermines the legitimate arguments for the trustworthiness of the Bible and the trustworthiness of those who claim it. If I can find even one provable “flaw,” then I can undermine the entire basis of anyone’s blind faith in the Bible and demonstrate that the person holding this view lacks discernment.

Here is a single verse that I know to be false in every English translation of the Bible I checked because the translators were apparently ignorant about the context. Matthew 26:17 is typically translated "On the first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread, the disciples came to Jesus, saying unto him, "Where shall we prepare for You to eat the Passover?”

That statement cannot be true because the first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread is a High Sabbath (meaning no work may be done) and starts after the Passover lamb has been slaughtered (too late to prepare). A better translation of the Hebrew would have been "Before the Feast of Unleavened Bread…”, but after looking through dozens of translations on BibleGateway, I only found one that attempted to resolve this in a dubious manner by adding a phrase to imply that the Feast started in days before Passover while they were removing leaven from their house. I have to give credit to for their relentless testing and searching for logical consistency and providing a better interpretation of this passage.

If every common English translation can get something so obviously, and factually wrong, then we English speakers have a major problem. We cannot claim that what we are reading is the infallible Word of God. At best, we must now rely upon experts who study Hebrew and Greek enough to provide better translations and interpretations than our English Bibles provide. This is a major problem when you consider that 99% of pastors can't even be logically consistent in their application of the English translations in the first place. This almost takes us back to the days when the common man had to “trust” the Catholic priests to tell them what was in the Bible and what it meant. We clearly don’t want to rely upon any single person or ministry to define “God’s Word” for us.

So if we cannot rely upon the Bible being 100% infallible in our native language, then we must apply the scientific method to understand the meaning of God's Word. We would make a hypothesis and test that hypothesis against other Scriptures, histories, and physical evidence. Only the logically consistent interpretations that factor in all of the information we can gather can be "trusted," and they are always subject to being disproven. In other words, knowing God's Word is not as easy as reading a book at the surface level. God did not super-naturally facilitate perfect translation and its preservation through the ages. More importantly, the Bible doesn’t claim this.

What we do know is that there have been relatively few changes in the Old Testament text in the past 2000+ years. The Dead Sea Scrolls show us that the text was largely preserved. However, these scrolls also show us, without any doubt, that some of the modern text was changed by the Jews to discredit Yeshua. In other words, my theory that you cannot trust people in power not to “rewrite history” is proven yet again. That said, The Dead Sea Scrolls add credence to the prophecy of Yeshua’s first coming. A skeptic could claim that 1st-century writers, having access to this text and prophecy could have easily adapted their stories to be consistent. To know what is more likely to be true would require more evidence.

Note that pursuing the question of God’s existence or non-existence means having an equally open mind to both outcomes. Why should one side have a greater burden of proof or the presumption of truth?

God's Works

The next way that we can study God is by studying His works, His creation. We call this science, and science can help us "prove" things that must be in alignment with God's word. Creation and physical evidence provide the second witness to the written Word. The challenge we face is how to resolve any apparent conflicts between science and the written Scriptures.

When we engage in science, we always interpret things from a certain set of assumptions. Atheists will assume there is no God and therefore only consider facts and circumstances that fit their narrative. Christians are often guilty of the exact same thing. Given a crime scene, there are many ways of interpreting the "facts," but none of them are able to actually prove what happened in the past.

Evidence against Naturalism (Evolution)

I recently started doing my own thought experiments with the evolution of information contained in DNA. If you start with 100% perfectly optimized and perfectly fit DNA, then the random mutations that cause things to "evolve" would have to result in loss of information and devolution. Unless this perfectly fit organism was able to prevent DNA mutations from generation to generation, the information contained in the DNA would decay faster than it could randomly produce and “select the fittest.” Under these conditions, an organism would go extinct, even in a stable environment. It would require a computer-like digital precision in copying information, and computers require advanced algorithms like error-correcting codes to mitigate copy mistakes. A species advanced enough to preserve its DNA without mutations would also be a species that ceased to evolve and is unlikely to be the first randomly created life form.

As a computer scientists and software engineer, I am very familiar with genetic algorithms and how they can be used to optimize a large number of parameters and even train artificial intelligence systems. The success of these algorithms depends heavily upon how the “fitness function” scores the quality of individuals along with the “selection” algorithm. In theory, you want to retain the fittest, discard the least fit, and add just the right amount of randomness so that the “search space” is thoroughly explored. If any of these functions and variables are not properly tuned, the genetic algorithm will fail completely.

Biology has a very coarse selection algorithm - does the organism live to reproduce. Most mutations will have statistically insignificant impacts on whether or not an organism reproduces; therefore, most errors will propagate, and few errors will “randomly” self-correct. Nature lacks the robustness and precision tuning required by software genetic algorithms; therefore, these software algorithms provide more evidence against evolution than for it. Most critically, biological life has a limited life span so it isn't possible to preserve and mutate only the most fit over and over until something better comes along.

It is hard enough to maintain information once achieved, but going from non-life to life has been shown to be so statistically unlikely that questions about life evolving after that are moot. For example, we cannot produce even the simplest parts of single-cell organisms by natural processes. In most cases, producing these simple parts with artificial processes is impossible. More to the point, given a cell that was recently alive, we cannot figure out what we must add to restore life.

This gives strong evidence that life is not derived from matter following undirected processes over billions of years. I am not going to make the full case here because others, such as Answers in Genesis, have done a fantastic job for those who are open-minded enough to seek out the information.

Since I cannot in good faith accept the theory of evolution, then my choice of explanations for what I see around me is greatly limited.


Every theory that starts with consciousness coming out of matter is no longer credible given the evidence I have seen to date. So we are left with two options: our consciousness created everything or God created everything. It boils down to subjective, internally defined reality, or objective, externally defined reality. I had previously adopted a subjective reality perspective.

The internally, subjectively defined, reality assumes no standard of right or wrong because, by definition, we get to define right and wrong. The externally defined reality takes power away from us and subjects us to the will and values of a Creator.

The only way for us to know the will of this higher power is for God to communicate with us by some means. After all, His thoughts are not our thoughts, neither are His ways our ways. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are His ways higher than our ways.

So we are now left with a choice of defining right and wrong or attempting to understand God's ways by some means. Many choose to remain ignorant because it requires a substantial amount of work to define a logically consistent morality or to understand God’s law.

Does Life or Death Matter?

From both the evolutionary approach and the subjective, internally defined, reality perspective our "life" and the "life" of others do not objectively matter. From the materialist perspective, from dust we came and to dust we will return. Our life would be a random expression of the "Big Bang". If you allow a multi-verse then anyone you kill in this life lives in another multi-verse and anyone you spare in this life is killed in another multi-verse. All moral codes and all choices are therefore permitted.

From the perspective of "everything is a creation or reflection of our consciousness" we can never really die, we merely "wake up" from this dream we think is "real". There is therefore no logical rationale to live or let live. We "assume by faith" that there are no eternal consequences for our actions in this physical reality because who we are is either "bigger than this body" or nothing but dust blowing in the wind.

Meaningless! Meaningless! Utterly meaningless! Everything is meaningless. It is also meaningless that everything is meaningless. So we either create our own meaning which cannot be right or wrong (subjective view) or we trust God’s meaning (objective view) to the extent we can reliably ascertain God’s view.

We are “meaning making machines” and cannot help but give meaning to things so that we can act. Therefore, we must be very careful what meaning we choose to give things. The wrong meaning can lead to a quick death and the right meaning may extend this life; however, the calculous is more complicated if the death of our body is not as important as the death of our soul.

Universe as a Simulation

This theory posits that everything we see is part of a simulation. From my perspective, this theory is equivalent to belief in a Creator. Under this simulation we are fundamentally unable to transcend from the "simulated world" to the "real world" any more than a computer game character can transcend the computer.

Does it matter if we live or die under a simulated universe? I suppose that depends upon the nature of the simulation and does the simulation include a simulated Heaven and Hell. These higher-order dimensions of reality are impossible to understand from the lower-order dimensions without the higher-order dimensions communicating information down to us. It would be like a virtual machine attempting to learn information about the host machine that was not intentionally disclosed by the host machine to the virtual machine.

So if there really is a place our soul goes to be tormented for a simulated eternity then there are indeed fates worse than physical death (from our subjective simulated perspective).

Communication from God

If we are not just the result of randomness and there is a Creator, what reason do we have to believe this Creator is communicating with us? I like to take the approach of evaluating the logical consequences of assuming the Creator isn’t communicating with us. This is the assumption that an agnostic would have to make because they claim “you cannot know” and therefore “there is no communication”.

Without communication it follows that it is impossible to be disobedient to God simply because it is impossible to be obedient to someone who has not communicated with you. Any consequences in this life would have to be indistinguishable from randomness or we would have some kind of signal which would constitute communication. However, interpreting consequences as “good” or “bad” would be challenging unless you assume that God’s values are aligned with your values. In which case your “suffering” is bad and your prosperity is “good”. One could conclude that those who rule the world through lies and violence have prospered and therefore must be acting in alignment with evolutionary success and God’s values.

Someone with some libertarian philosophy would conclude that, absent communication to the contrary, moral behavior should be defined by rules equally applied to all people. Rules such as “Don’t do to others what you wouldn’t want others to do to you.” and “Live and let live”. This philosophy breaks down when one considers that individual people are part of the body of mankind like a bee is part of the body of the hive. We need individuals to be self-sacrificing for the whole yet this needed behavior is not logically consistent with every individual putting their own interests ahead of others so long as they don’t use force or violence.

Furthermore, this libertarian rule of “don’t do to others…” is defined by the subjective “ what you don’t want them doing to you”. Some people seem to like pain, suffering, and being victimized. One must assume a set of objective universal values in order to guess at God’s law without communication.

Understanding God’s law is only relevant if there are consequences to not following it. This means that if God has not communicated his law, then He is dolling out consequences for people who have no way of knowing what the rules are. No individual person would be able to appeal to a higher authority when condemning the choices made by others.

A further consequence of God not communicating with his creation would be that there are no miracles and everything that happens is either from randomness or deterministic behaviors. A miracle would be a form of communication unless all miracles (deviation from randomness and determinism) were themselves random, unearned, falling on the good and the bad people equally.

Under the assumption of no communication, then we have no more basis for choosing our behavior than we do under the meaningless, nihilistic and hedonistic life.

God Must Communicate

So far I have concluded that our Creator must communicate with us by some means or there is no logical basis to define "right" or "wrong" nor any basis to deny that the "end" justifies any means. Without communication from a higher demension we have zero information about what happens after death. And without this information it is not logical to assume there is a Heaven, a Hell, nor assume that there is nothing at all. Without a Creator who must have had a reason to create us, there is no intrinsic value to anything. All value is subjective value and might-makes-right.

One could make a case that assuming there is a "Judgment Day" is a far better philosophy than assuming there is no Judgment Day. After all, without a Judgment Day there is no basis for anything but the most hedonistic, self-serving, narcissistic life you can get away with — to hell with future generations. Without a Heaven, this life is "all we get" and our "death" must be avoided at all costs. Our attempts to extend our life at the expense of other people's lives become justified. How then can we fault those who seek power by any means at any cost?

Therefore, I draw the conclusion that God must be communicating with us in some manner or there is no right and wrong. There must be some absolute higher standard by which we are judged; therefore, there must be a Heaven and a Hell.

The most obvious way God communicates with most people is via our conscience which, when not intentionally suppressed or ignored, gives us a strong indication when we are doing something wrong. You could argue that our conscience firmware was installed at creation and that God is no longer involved; never the less, we have all the information we need to know God's moral will from what He has created.

In my book, More Equal Animals, I argued that the means must justify themselves regardless of the "end" because no end is final and "now" is all that can be known to exist and the "means" are the only thing that exists in the "now". From this we can conclude that doing the right thing is always justified even if it means death and even if the desired "end" appears unlikely to be achieved by the "right" means (as far as we can understand).

Math & Logic

Math is the language of God and all of creation appears to follow His mathematical laws. Logic is a branch of math; therefore, one can assume that God is indeed logical and that logic can reveal everything we need to know about God to the extent that higher-level dimensions can be understood from lower-level dimensions.

For example, I have used logic and physics to eliminate the possibility of evolution. In a similar manner I have demonstrated that God must communicate with us in some way or our life is just as meaningless as if it were derived from evolution. I have also used similar logic to prove the existence of Heaven & Hell which means there must be a Judgment Day.

If there is a Judgment Day and all people have failed to fully understand God's Law and even if someone was able to grasp it all, they will have lived a long life ignorantly violating God's Law prior to gaining that understanding. God's Law is the deciding factor between who goes to Heaven and Hell. From this we must conclude that either everyone is going to Hell or God has provided a means for grace and forgiveness.

Alternatively, God's law could be so "lax" that a large number of people can keep it without even knowing what it is. For example, maybe God's only law is against murder and most people never murder anyone.

This means that the only way to escape Hell is if the Creator has grace and that there must be grace or the only possible outcome would be Hell. If Hell is the only outcome for everyone, then our personal death must be delayed at all costs and there is no incentive to "be good".

So the question becomes, on what basis will the Creator grant us mercy and grace to enter Heaven rather than burn in Hell for eternity. Perhaps we are part of a genetic algorithm and we want to survive to the next generation of the simulation, but our survival is based only on the grace of our Creator and our fitness for His purpose because no one has achieved a perfect fitness score.

Written Word of God

I have already demonstrated that our Creator must communicate with us in some manner and that it is up to us to properly discern what He has to say. If God can communicate with us through our conscience, then perhaps He can also communicate with us through dreams and visions. Those who have experienced this kind of communication find it very compelling and undeniable. Their faith is boosted and their lives change dramatically overnight. Wouldn't it be nice if God would directly communicate with us all in such an undeniable manner.

If God can communicate with some people, then those same people can document what was communicated and share it with us all. The only problem with this is that some people will claim to bring a message from God which is really a self-serving lie or drug induced delusion. We can choose to assume that everything is a lie but this is likely throwing the baby out with the bathwater. What if someone really did hear from God, perhaps there is a way we can test what they say to know if it is from God?

Testing Everything

The Bible documents some seriously miraculous historical accounts which should have left some kind of evidence, for example: a global flood, the DNA history of humanity, the Red Sea crossing, giants, Noah's ark, and cities destroyed by brimstone, etc.

Ron Wyatt made some astounding archaeological discoveries that support the historical account of the Red Sea crossing (though, not at the location indicated in most Bible maps). His evidence aligns with the written account of Exodus.

Furthermore, Ron made an incredible discovery in the mountains of Aarat where the fossilized remains of a boat that closely matches the description of Noah's ark have been found.

Answers in Genesis has produced some compelling simulations of tectonic plate movement that better explain how the continents and mountains were formed over the course of 1 year instead of millions of years.

People have found dinosaur (T-Rex) soft tissue and blood which could not have lasted millions of years. A naturalist would impose their world view and say "there must be some process we don't understand that preserves soft tissue for millions of years". A Bible believer will say, dinosaurs must have lived on earth in the past 6000 years. In other words, your starting world view will bias how the same evidence will be interpreted.

If we are to use the scientific method we would start with a hypothesis, make a prediction, and test it. If the test passes then we try to repeat it. What many people like to do is look for an explanation of the evidence that fits their current world view.

  • Hypothesis - the Bible is strong evidence of real history.
  • Prediction - a boat shaped object should be found in the mountains of Ararat
  • Validation - finding a boat-shaped object of the dimensions described

Does this prove the entire Bible? No. Are there other explanations for the finding? Absolutely. People can generate an infinite number of theories after the fact. The question is, what testable predictions can those theories produce?

The question is, which hypothesis produces the most accurate predictions of what we should find with the proper experiments?


I have seen enough compelling evidence for the historical accuracy of the Biblical account that I have chosen to give the Bible the benefit of the doubt. Meanwhile, I have seen enough evidence disproving the modern religion of “official science” that I am skeptical until I can prove it myself. The consequences of believing the official pagan religion of evolution is that "might makes right" and everything is meaningless. The consequence of believing that YHWH is our Elohim (God / Judge) is that love conquers all, and everything has meaning beyond comprehension.

Belief in the Bible’s account of history and its testable prophecies about the future still leaves many questions unanswered. What will Heaven be like? Will eternity be boring? Why would an all-powerful Elohim (Judge/God) care about “narcissistic” praise from us mere mortals? Could you imagine desiring that your “Sims” or “AI” worships you? Those of us who are parents know that we don’t always disclose everything to our children, but we have their best interests at heart. So I choose to believe that our Creator, YHWH, is communicating with mankind and that the Bible is strong evidence of His communication. I choose to believe that He has communicated what we need to know and that His intentions are good. After all, if the all-powerful creator of time and space had bad intentions toward us, why create us? What could we do about it?

I also believe that “seek and ye shall find” is the truth, and the more I seek the truth about our Creator’s will for my life the more I will find. You are not likely to find something you don’t even look for, but now that I know what to look for I am certain it will continue to be revealed to me.


This aligns with many of the thoughts that I have been having recently. It's clear to me that the reality of things is quite UNCLEAR. There is too much confusion and nobody can seem to agree on anything. It's difficult to get a definite answer on the most important things in life. Division has taken us further and further away from our inception. One thing that I am absolutely certain about is that there is good and evil. Who controls how much of either exists remains to be proven to me.What a post @dan 👏

Ron Wyatt made some astounding archaeological discoveries

Yep, he's the real Indiana Jones. I'm glad you found out about him.

This fella worked as an ancient aramaic expert in the british museum.
He says there is something hidden in the texts that reveal an ulterior motive to the scriptures.
I don't know, I've never studied ancient aramaic.

I have studied Ancient Aramaic. The Bible… Torah, Tanakh, Old Testament , New Testament comes to life when you understand Aramaic and the 22 letter Hebrew Aleph-Bet… you realize that the word “Yeshua” (Salvation) and Son of Man (Bar Enosh) is written on every single page.

Fantastic post. You have an incredibly deeper understanding of the Bible than me, so I do comment knowing that I don't really know as much as I'd like about the Bible. I need to read it fully. I've read bits of it, and like, children's versions but that's about it honestly.

I always wondered, what are the sheer odds that I was born and Christianity was such a prominent religion/overall force? It seems like, one of the original foundations of, civilized society? I don't know. That's what it seems to me. Pardon my ignorance and/or arrogance.

Throughout my schooling, I'd say seventy-five percent of the time, it was always implied that people with Christian values/beliefs were sort of dumb, ignorant, or short sighted. Meanwhile I do feel like society has gone a bit wonky as it denies Him. I don't want to judge, but I don't know. Just an observation, an opinion.

But what is more logical really? Trusting the people around you that you know are good people and are also Christian, or to trust the teacher or politician that I've never met? A teacher is in your life for a year or a handful of years, and a politician is just some person on TV. Ideally your family is with you for life and wants the best for you. I can't pinpoint it, but something seems off there. As I get older, I am choosing to trust God, and my family.

I appreciate your post immensely. Inspiring and detailed. I'll likely look back on and read this in the future. Will also watch the video you added. Very refreshing in 2023 also. I'd say I have severe depression at times, and God is really the only thing that helps me feel at least a little bit better. Makes me a better person. I'd love to live in a world where God is loved much more openly and can perhaps happily collaborate with the more rigid atheist scientists. I don't know LOL. Just thinking.

Kinda interesting that you don't mention the countless Bible editings in the past, the cut out books. Regarding your title, probably book of Enoch is the one what is a must mention. Pretty good basic description about how our little world works. Some 'leaders' thought in the past, it is not important, so cut out from Bible (with 100s of more books).

Also interesting, you don't mention the plenty theories what they make us accept as laws from little childhood, meantime none of them are proven, all just theories (spinning ball, gravity, evolution and plenty more). Also, regarding to science, the 5th element (ether, or call it however you want), which was in the research of all the well-known math, physics guys, who tried to describe the world by math (Newton, Einstein) all counted with that (even in gravity theory) as the math didn't add up, at all, so all their work remained an unproven theory, what some atheist power try to represent as laws.

Personally I am not a highly religious person, but obviously I know all these theories what they try to force on us as reality, are all false, so must be (a) creator(s).

Another nice idea to go from the: 'where we live?' question. you can't go north and south (Antarctic Treaty), but you can travel within, in a closed system. try to fly from Johanesburg, SA to Perth, AUS (plenty more routes, dont make any sense) and explain it why they fly first north-east (more than the straight line distance between the 2 towns) then fly down south-east, adding an extra 50% flying distance...

Only makes sense on a stationary earth (or much bigger globe, like 100 times bigger), so one way or another, they lie to us. They either hide the facts of the stationary Earth (ergo must be a creator) or they hide huge lands, more continents, or probably both. Book of Enoch perfectly describes our world, how it made, how things work (sun, moon, luminaries), where are the gates out of here...

average people don't care, nobody takes attention... and in msm, nobody can mention these things... they all serve the devil...

There is reproducible science which is testable and can be trusted. There is no doubt about the round earth.

The books taken out of Bible after 1619 King James as well as the Dead Sea Scrolls all provide useful evidence. Note evidence isn’t proof of anything and everything must be established by 2 or 3 witnesses.

obviously we see it differenty, what is not a problem.

however, i never understood the people who say they are religious, believe in god, creator, call it however you want (anyway i don't question that part), and next to that believe in the spinning ball (what nobody ever seen or experienced), what theory based on the big bang (partly evolution) theory, ergo no god, creator exist...

how can you put these 2 things next to each other??? it's either 1 or the other, but not the 2 things together.

I always, ask this basic thing: why do the flying routes are 20-50%+ more on the globe in million long distance flights, than the straight, shortest globe model distances??? and why nobody ever explained it to you, us from the 'leaders', clever guys??? nobody even allow to ask this question in mainstream??? (i know the answer, because it is so obvious, they can't do anything about it, so better to ban even the question. but still what is your explanation?)

anyway, book of Enoch (cut out by King James from the Bible...) describes it as a stationary, with a dome above, there are plenty more Earth like worlds, what God created with gates within... so didnt really fit in their divide and conquer narrative... I suppose, you haven't read it. Really worthy, eye opening!

The mathematical models accurately predict eclipses and the curve of the earth is visible by all in its shadow on the moon.

There is more than one way to interpret verses. I chose the way consistent with reproducibility and accurate forecasts of the position of sun, moon, planets, and stars.

My question wasn't that.

I don't want to go in it, as it is pointless, you believe what they told you so. If you want to get proof from the people who doctrinated it to you, I recommend you to check out related military (radars for example), transportation (raliways, airways), plenty big construction sites (canals for example). The ones, who teach you the Earth is a globe and have curvature, strangly don't count on that, they always use, plan with the flat, horizontal ways, never use any kind of curvature related math. (what I said before, it is much bigger globe what they say, and they hide incredibly huge lands, continents or it is flat, closed system, so there is creator, god, for sure.)

My question was that: how can you put together the purely fictional big bang (evolution) spinning ball theory and still believe in creator, god??? (what is a pure theory, nothing is proven, how I never seen any proof for spinning ball, all the math, physics don't prove anything, even gravity stays as theory - even if by the years they left away the theory word, it is still just a theory)

Just a little quote from book of Enoch (The Book of Heavenly Luminaries, Chapter 72)

1 The book of the courses of the luminaries of the heaven, the relations of each, according to their classes, their dominion and their seasons, according to their names and places of origin, and according to their months, which Uriel, the holy angel, who was with me, who is their guide, showed me; and he showed me all their laws exactly as they are, and how it is with regard to all the years of the world 2 and unto eternity, till the new creation is accomplished which dureth till eternity. And this is the first law of the luminaries: the luminary the Sun has its rising in the eastern portals of the heaven, 3 and its setting in the western portals of the heaven. And I saw six portals in which the sun rises, and six portals in which the sun sets and the moon rises and sets in these portals, and the leaders of the stars and those whom they lead: six in the east and six in the west, and all following each other 4 in accurately corresponding order: also many windows to the right and left of these portals.

There are plenty more pretty straight-forward description about travelling north and south in the book (what we are not allowed to do). Plenty other gates (portals) described, so it had to wipe out from Bible.

And it includes plenty reference regarding why I am not a highly religious person, just admitting the pure fact, there must be creator(s) (good or bad, who knows, based on he wants full control and everybody must kiss ass for him, probably can't be that much good..), like this one (Chapter 61):

12 All who sleep not above in heaven shall bless Him:

All the holy ones who are in heaven shall bless Him,

And all the elect who dwell in the garden of life:

All who sleep not above in heaven... so the creator is not the big boss at all... and it mentioned in similar ways plenty times in plenty other books (the ones they cut off from Bible)... he is the local little king in this world... and there are higher ranking beings above him...

All kind of translations are pretty straight-forward in all the cut off books. Can't interpret the same verses in different ways, at all. Especially not about the where we live, how it works part. It's something straight to your face, so it doesnt fit in the control, power tool turned nowadays Bible...

My question is still remain, how can you put next to each other the big bang (evolution, spinning ball) theory and existing creator, god and believe in it???

Long post.. informative.. but not convincing. I remain a Athiest.

If you are sincere you will find God.
But have you studied Islam and Quran?

There are some great documentaries about Genesis and the world pre flood and post flood with some very compelling archeological evidence. Carbon dating is the only "stick in the spokes" so to speak. If Genesis can be disproven as history, then the rest of the book will not stand. The popular modern view discredits the bible mostly by "disproving" Genesis (although arguments proving genesis seem to be more complete). There is much to gain by discrediting the Bible (which I need not get into as it is obvious).

Here is the link:

There is no way to prove God exists to someone who does not believe.. There is no way to disprove God's existence to one who does believe. Those that seek the truth, are unsure, and will believe what they find, will find the truth.

Even miracles to a non-believer (take the fact that we exist as an example) do not make them believe. I see life as an unmistakable miracle and an obvious work of God... proof of God.

I appreciated your article.

God is alive and he talks to us his scripture daily. He said: ''I'm the way''.

אני הדרך

אני ישו .... ישועתך

Yes… as soon as you learn Hebrew and Aramaic you understand that Jesus / Yeshua really is God. Then the question becomes …. what is God ? … The answer is Everything … ein od Milvado… אין עוד מלבדו …. God is One, there is nothing else.


Are you aware that the Jewish day doesn’t start at midnight? It starts in the evening, like 6pm.

So I think it was perfectly fine to prepare the meal during the day, as sabbath starts in the evening when everything was ready and they were together.

Also most translations these days are translated directly from the original Greek or Hebrew, not from another language.

The alpha course has some very good material on the trustworthiness of the Bible. If there is one near you, then that is highly recommended. It will answer a lot of questions you might have.