You Humans are an interesting species.
In your quiet moments, you consider the value of having a "Close Personal Relationship with God." In fact, even your churches advocate this.
And then? When you go to the same church, so often that "close personal relationship with God" becomes like a game of "telephone:" you share your worries with the pastor who shares it with the bishop who shares it with the archbishop who is actually the one who claims to "talk to God." I say this not to cast doubt on anyone's faith... but if you want to talk to God, is it not better to talk to GOD, rather than 17 "intermediaries," generally invented by men?
Thank you for offering content that help people think!
Miss Kitty, thank you for sharing.
A true believer of Jesus finds very little value in having a prayer or worry catapulted up the chain. There is no one above or below anyone in their ability to talk directly with Jesus.
You are so correct that many "religions" advocate a hierarchy, but few remain that actually hold to the belief that there is greater power in the prayer of a bishop over a peasant. And of course such a belief is not biblical and as you say invented by men.
With that said, there is a great deal of healing simply by sharing ones difficulty and of course there is great power in prayer, thus sharing so that others might also pray is of great value.
Blessings to both of you.