Thoughts for the day - 3/14/18

in #christianity7 years ago (edited)

What you heard from me, keep as the pattern of sound teaching, with faith and love in Christ Jesus.
2 Timothy 1:13 (NIV)

As servants of Jesus, it is so important that we keep to His pattern and to His words -- the Bible. It is so tempting, particularly by pastors and ministers who hold positions of authority in a "church" to soften the message so it fits comfortably with the parishioners. This of course weakens or even renders the resulting message as useless. It will never be our job to alter or malign the word to fit the status quo. This does not mean; however, that we should not teach others with grace and love, understanding and empathy. This is the pattern Jesus set! But He did not fit the word into a dialect the Pharisees would have been comfortable with.

If you are called to share His word, then share it as He has. Pray unceasingly and then; and only then, speak boldly and lovingly and only as it is written.

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

There can be no reason to change God!

Many Blessings.



It will never be our job to align the word to the status quo.

Hmm... While I see what you're saying about not altering the Gospel Itself for the sake of the audience, I would say there's need for clarification of your meaning right there. If "align the Word to the status quo" means "change or water down the Scriptures to avoid stepping on toes," then you're right. But if it means "adjusting the manner of presentation and even which point within the Gospels you start from," then I would assert that the latter is in fact exactly what we're called to do, as Paul went on to write:

1 Corinthians 9:19-23 King James Version (KJV)
19 For though I be free from all men, yet have I made myself servant unto all, that I might gain the more.
20 And unto the Jews I became as a Jew, that I might gain the Jews; to them that are under the law, as under the law, that I might gain them that are under the law;
21 To them that are without law, as without law, (being not without law to God, but under the law to Christ,) that I might gain them that are without law.
22 To the weak became I as weak, that I might gain the weak: I am made all things to all men, that I might by all means save some.
23 And this I do for the gospel's sake, that I might be partaker thereof with you.

It would seem to me that God's intent was for His Word to be presented in a manner and context that would make it understood, which is different for every community and indeed every person. When attempting to minister to an academic, I would not use the same logic or rhetoric that I would when presenting the same Gospel to an illiterate banana farmer in Quezon Province.

I'll acknowledge there's a difference between "altering the message" and "altering the means of presentation," but that subtle turn of phrase there seems worthy of note.
Few things are more tragic than for someone not to accept the Truth because the only one in their lives who ever presented it to them soured their opinion of the Body of Christ forever by the manner in which they did so.

Thanks for the great reply.

Yes, I agree with everything you are saying and that is why I stated. "But He did not fit the word into a dialect the Pharisees would have been comfortable with." Also of course, status quo refers to the ways of the world.

Yes, you are so correct, and your statement here is the key.

I'll acknowledge there's a difference between "altering the message" and "altering the means of presentation," but that subtle turn of phrase there seems worthy of note.

I have changed the wording above in my post from align to "alter or malign". Guess I needed more prayer before typing.

Stay blessed and have joyous day!

There can be no reason to change God.


We are called to teach the truth in love.
And to think that, according to the Bible, God is love and Jesus is the Truth!

We realize that it's all about God, and so we drop our views, our preferences, our ideas, or whatever is our own ingredient; we do everything as God has asked.

He is the one in control. Hallelujah!

We realize that it's all about God, and so we drop our views, our preferences, our ideas, or whatever is our own ingredient; we do everything as God has asked.

Wow to you as well -- or should I just say "Thank you Jesus for speaking to to us!

Did you ever play the message relay game? It's a game involving 2 groups of 10 players each. The object of the game is for the first member to relay in secret (usually by whispering) to the 2nd member a message given to him by the game master. The 2nd member then relays the message to the third member who in turn relays it to the 4th and so on until the last player. Invariably, the last player will always have a different version of the original message.

The topic today brought back memories of this game as I realize how difficult it was then to spread God's Word from mouth to mouth without losing the original content or context. This undermines then the true value of the Bible in ensuring that the Word is preserved and shared only as it is written. Regardless of how it is shared, yes, it should be always with "grace and love, understanding and empathy." But mostly with love.

Yes, I have played that game and was the one that always purposely altered the message, it was just to much fun not to :)

You make a good point, but if I may, I would add that I believe that God has insured that His word was recorded as it was intended and without error. Differences are also inherent in translations, but not the core message, nor key precepts. This is very much evident in the unearthing of the Dead Sea scrolls that were uncovered matching so perfectly with the canonical biblical text. It takes more than human memory to pull of a feat of this nature.

The bible confirms itself.

Blessings and as always thank you for sharing.

Thanks for the great reply. Blessings to you as well.

Just also wanted to tell you I have already sent via secure memo the info you requested.

Yes, thank you I received your 29 authors and scoring.

You Humans are an interesting species.

In your quiet moments, you consider the value of having a "Close Personal Relationship with God." In fact, even your churches advocate this.

And then? When you go to the same church, so often that "close personal relationship with God" becomes like a game of "telephone:" you share your worries with the pastor who shares it with the bishop who shares it with the archbishop who is actually the one who claims to "talk to God." I say this not to cast doubt on anyone's faith... but if you want to talk to God, is it not better to talk to GOD, rather than 17 "intermediaries," generally invented by men?

Thank you for offering content that help people think!


Miss Kitty, thank you for sharing.

A true believer of Jesus finds very little value in having a prayer or worry catapulted up the chain. There is no one above or below anyone in their ability to talk directly with Jesus.

You are so correct that many "religions" advocate a hierarchy, but few remain that actually hold to the belief that there is greater power in the prayer of a bishop over a peasant. And of course such a belief is not biblical and as you say invented by men.

With that said, there is a great deal of healing simply by sharing ones difficulty and of course there is great power in prayer, thus sharing so that others might also pray is of great value.

Blessings to both of you.

Amen! This is indeed a great reminder, especially when we are sharing the Good News to people who have yet to hear. Let the Holy Spirit does the work in that individual's heart :)

kLove Verse of day!! :P

If you are called to share His word, then share it as He has. Pray unceasingly and then; and only then, speak boldly and lovingly and only as it is written.

Thank you Stephen for your constant support and sharing in His word.

Keep blessing that family!

You've hit the nail on the head on this one sir....
It's really tempting to soften God's word simply because you scared you're congregation might not like what you preach and you may scare them away... But we are Christians and that word means 'christ-like', 'christ-followers'... So if we truly following him, then we shouldn't be soft when it comes to speaking the bitter truth...
Even Christ had to rebuke Peter when he was wrong, even called the relegious leaders of his time offspring of viper... He never went soft on them just to pamper them or so they won't feel bad.... He was bold and we should imitate him.

You have spoken so wisely!

Yes, it is a tough call. You very much want to share only the good news and of course it truly is good news, but there is a truth that must be faced so that the good news can be realized.

So brother, are you a pastor in a congregation?

Not yet sir, but am working on my spirituality so I can have the privilege in representing our heavenly father in such a way

God have placed his words and now we have to just understand it and then have to walk on it, and never misunderstand the word of God, instead read the words and try to understand the deeper level of meaning because the word of God have messages which we have to pursue but we need to read it with faith. Thanks for sharing and wishing you an great day. Stay blessed. 🙂

Indeed, the word of God needs no annual revision just daily reading.

Be blessed and have Joyous day!

Thank you so much. 🙂

Jesus and Buddha were one of the most humanitarian, philanthropic and pious persons ever born on this earth. What they taught is the key to the happiness and blessings to the human beings and even to the animals. But it became an irony that good people were worshiped but their teachings were not followed in true spirit. No doubt, we can do this but we need to get rid of our greed, cruelty, selfishness and ego. Best policy is live and let live.

Thank you for sharing.

You are so correct. "get rid of our greed, cruelty, selfishness and ego"
That indeed would change the world.


Thank you sir.

Very nice post.I hobby post.I like post..

You are awesome. God bless you.

Can I get you to look into It is filled with information of the pure and pristine doctrine found in the bible.
It will lead you to the knowledge of the truth.
God bless!