You've hit the nail on the head on this one sir....
It's really tempting to soften God's word simply because you scared you're congregation might not like what you preach and you may scare them away... But we are Christians and that word means 'christ-like', 'christ-followers'... So if we truly following him, then we shouldn't be soft when it comes to speaking the bitter truth...
Even Christ had to rebuke Peter when he was wrong, even called the relegious leaders of his time offspring of viper... He never went soft on them just to pamper them or so they won't feel bad.... He was bold and we should imitate him.
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You have spoken so wisely!
Yes, it is a tough call. You very much want to share only the good news and of course it truly is good news, but there is a truth that must be faced so that the good news can be realized.
So brother, are you a pastor in a congregation?
Not yet sir, but am working on my spirituality so I can have the privilege in representing our heavenly father in such a way