Many people are being plagued with sin and addiction. In this generation sexual immorality and ponorgraphy have become the order of the day.. It is a known fact that over 60% of all internet traffic is used on pornography...
Usually when people find themselves in sin they always feel condemned and separated from the light. This often sends them futhur into the darkness...
In my quest to help the Christian body I have come across several steps and schemes suggested by experts to help overcome this problem of addiction..
Today I am going to show you the most powerful and authentic way to overcome sin and addiction in your life.. You have thought that all hope was lost and that there was nothing you could do but I'm here today to tell you that "it is possible ". Christ has paid the price for you and for me.
The true way
Do not despise this post or religate it in your mind as nonsense..
The greatest way to overcome sin in your life is not by following steps or principles of men but by having a relationship with the Lord Jesus.
It's only by allowing him to increase in your life that you attain the strength to break free..
Usually in our churches and societies people tend to run away from God because they feel unworthy Or due to condemnation from brethren.
This is however a plot from the devil to separate and destroy you.
Genesis 5:24 And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him.
It's only by walking or being with God that we loose of oppression of ourselves and God takes over. John 3: 30 says that "He must increase, but I must decrease."
He must first increase for you to decrease..
People usually separate themselves from the house of God claiming that they "need to work on themselves" before they can follow God.
"You cannot do it by yourself"
We cannot empty ourselves to receive Him, but when God increases and saturates our soul we will "decrease "..
Galatians 2: 20 I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.
Invite Jesus into your heart today!!!!!
God bless you brethren....
Jesus is the only way so we have to draw near to Him. Thanks @nathansackey
You're welcome bro
Keep inspiring us with the Gospel of God.
May Jehovah bless you
Nice post ... Thanks for sharing
Addiction is the method we use to alleviate the tension created from conflict between reality and belief. Reality needs no definition, only acceptance.
Very educative piece. Keep it up.
Did you know that religion was cause for many wars and murder in the world. Did you know is the cause for hate between people from the same land? Who is to determine which religions god is the one true god? This mindset was for the dark ages where people needed to believe in order to explain the extraordinary we call science today.......wake up